Latest Earthquake Headlines

All the headlines from our Earthquake Topic Page, ordered by recency.

Tsunami Losses Less Than $4B Reports RMS

Jan 31 2005 // Risk Management Solutions (RMS) has announced estimates that insured losses from the 2004 Southeast Asia earthquake and tsunami will be less than $4 billion, based on the information available within the first three weeks...

Can it Happen Here’ Tsunamis a Possible Threat to West Coast

Jan 24 2005 // Southeast Asia’s devastating tsunami has left many wondering if the threat could hit close to home. The reality is that tsunamis, in fact, have already made their mark on the West Coast, and the threat still remains...

The Asian Catastrophe: An Unprecedented Event Evokes a Global Response

Jan 24 2005 // Certain events mark each generation, but as the scope of the disaster that struck 12 countries around the Indian Ocean on Dec. 26 emerges, it has become evident that it will haunt not just the present generation, but many...

Crawford & Co., GAB Robins Adjusters See Tsunami Destruction Up Close

Jan 17 2005 // While the official death toll may never be known, the reaction to last month’s killer earthquake and tsunamis in Southeast Asia continues. Insurance Journal recently spoke with several individuals whose companies...

World Responds to Asia’s Aid Call

Dec 31 2004 // Just as the disaster that struck 12 countries around the Indian Ocean was unprecedented, so too has been the response from around the world to the calls for help. Private citizens, companies and the World Bank have already...

Worldwide Response to Asia’s Agony; Calls for Donations

Dec 30 2004 // As the scope of the disaster that struck 11 countries in the Indian Ocean continues to emerge, the world’s nations are beginning to gear up for what will undoubtedly be the largest collective relief effort ever...

Fitch Sees Tsunami Repercussions Varying Across Insurance Sector

Dec 29 2004 // Fitch Ratings has issued a bulletin indicating that it “expects insured losses stemming from the recent Southeast Asian earthquake and tsunami to affect the Asian primary insurance market and the worldwide...

RMS Expands Underwriting Capabilities, Global Suite for Catastrophe Peril Models

Oct 29 2004 // Risk Management Solutions (RMS) announced the launch of RiskLink and RiskBrowser 4.5, the latest versions of its catastrophe modeling systems. The upgraded systems include new underwriting capabilities, expanded...


Oct 25 2004 // A.M. Best Co. has affirmed the financial strength rating of A- (Excellent) of California Earthquake Authority (CEA). The rating outlook is stable. The rating of CEA reflects its distinctive structure, which has been...

Best Affirms Rating of California Earthquake Authority

Oct 13 2004 // A.M. Best Co. has affirmed the financial strength rating of A- (Excellent) of California Earthquake Authority (CEA) (Sacramento, CA). The rating outlook is stable. The rating of CEA reflects its distinctive structure,...

AIR Releases 2004 U.S. Storm, Terrorism Models

Sep 20 2004 // AIR Worldwide Corp. announced the release of its 2004 U.S. hurricane, earthquake, severe thunderstorm and terrorism models. The updated models reflect the latest scientific and engineering research into these perils, as...

Have Catastrophe Risks’ ‘Bring ‘Em On!’ Says Specialized Writer ICAT

Sep 6 2004 // The map shows a thin blue line skirting the edge of the Gulf and Atlantic coasts from Louisiana around Florida and all the way up to Maine to highlight the hurricane states. The blocks of red across the Western territories...

Have Catastrophe Risks’ ‘Bring ‘Em On!’ Says Specialized Writer ICAT

Sep 6 2004 // The map shows a thin blue line skirting the edge of the Gulf and Atlantic coasts from Louisiana around Florida and all the way up to Maine to highlight the hurricane states. The blocks of red across the Western territories...

Have Catastrophe Risks’ ‘Bring ‘Em On!’ Says Specialized Writer ICAT

Aug 23 2004 // The map shows a thin blue line skirting the edge of the Gulf and Atlantic coasts from Louisiana around Florida and all the way up to Maine to highlight the hurricane states. The blocks of red across the Western territories...

AIR Releases 2004 U.S. Storm, Terrorism Models

Aug 23 2004 // AIR Worldwide Corp. announced the release of its 2004 U.S. hurricane, earthquake, severe thunderstorm and terrorism models. The updated models reflect the latest scientific and engineering research into these perils, as...

AIR Releases 2004 U.S. Storm, Terrorism Models

Aug 9 2004 // AIR Worldwide Corporation (AIR) announced the release of its 2004 U.S. hurricane, earthquake, severe thunderstorm and terrorism models. The updated models reflect the latest scientific and engineering research into these...

China Planning Earthquake Coverage Program

Jul 14 2004 // China wants to build an insurance system in two to three years to protect against natural catastrophes, which officials estimate cause some $17 million in losses every day. China Daily reported that the Insurance...

Have Catastrophe Risks’ ‘Bring ‘Em On!’ Says Specialized Writer ICAT

Jul 5 2004 // The map shows a thin blue line skirting the edge of the Gulf and Atlantic coasts from Louisiana around Florida and all the way up to Maine to highlight the hurricane states. The blocks of red across the Western territories...

Converium Announces $100 Million Cat Bond Placement

Jun 16 2004 // Converium Ltd., the Swiss-based reinsurer, announced the successful private placement of $ 100 million of floating rate notes issued by Helix 04 Limited, a Bermuda special purpose exempted company. The notes have been...

AIR Provides Modeling Support for Helix Catastrophe Bond Launched by Converium

Jun 15 2004 // AIR Worldwide Corporation (AIR) announced it has performed the risk modeling and analysis in support of a private placement by Helix 04 Limited, a Bermuda special purpose exempted company. The five year, $100 million...