Latest Energy Headlines

All the headlines from our Energy Topic Page, ordered by recency.

Gulf Oil Spill Threatens Mississippi, Alabama Islands

Jun 1 2010 // Oil from BP’s out-of-control Gulf of Mexico oil spill could threaten the Mississippi and Alabama coasts this week, U.S. forecasters said Monday, as public anger surged over the country’s worst environmental...

AIR Report Analyzes Potential Hurricane ‘Implications’ of Gulf Oil Spill

Jun 1 2010 // Catastrophe risk modeling firm AIR Worldwide has released a report that examines the implications of the Gulf oil spill on the upcoming hurricane season as well as indications of what this might mean to wildlife,...

Gulf Oil Rug Workers Claim Safety Sacrificed to Save Money

Jun 1 2010 // Two workers injured when an oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico told Congress that the companies in charge of the doomed drilling operation cut corners and neglected maintenance in a race toward higher profits. Oil has...

Transocean Revises Bid to Limit Liability After U.S. Criticism

Jun 1 2010 // The Obama administration told Transocean Ltd. in a letter last week it was “simply unconscionable” for the drilling firm to try to limit its liability in the Gulf of Mexico oil spill accident, prompting the...

Gulf Oil Flow Halted But It’s Unclear If It Can Be Sustained

May 28 2010 // The flow of oil and gas from the broken well in the Gulf of Mexico has been stopped by pumping mud into it, however the challenge will be whether that can be sustained, the U.S. incident commander Admiral Thad Allen said...

Hurricanes May Snap Gulf of Mexico Pipelines, Study Says

May 28 2010 // Hurricanes could rupture underwater oil and natural gas pipelines in the Gulf of Mexico, which is already struggling with the worst oil spill in U.S. history, according to a new study by researchers at the U.S. Naval...

Recent Patterns Heighten Threat of Active Atlantic Hurricane Season

May 27 2010 // The threat of an above-average 2010 Atlantic hurricane season has heightened over the past month and it now promises to be “a hell of a year,” a leading U.S. forecaster said Wednesday. William Gray, the...

Justice Department Defends Retroactive Liability Limit on BP

May 26 2010 // The U.S. Justice Department said Tuesday that Congress could retroactively impose a higher liability cap on BP Plc to pay for the damage from its growing oil spill, and the company would likely lose if it challenged the...

U.S. Slams Transocean’s Attempt to Limit Liability for Oil Spill

May 26 2010 // The Obama administration Tuesday slammed as “inappropriate” an attempt by Transocean Ltd to limit its liability for its role in the BP Plc oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico to under $27 million. Noting that the...

U.S. Hurricane Center Director Says Haiti is ‘Biggest Concern’

May 26 2010 // U.S. National Hurricane Center director Bill Read said Tuesday that earthquake-ravaged Haiti was his biggest concern as another Atlantic hurricane season gets under way. He also acknowledged that a powerful storm could...

S&P Expects Re/Insurance Losses from Gulf Oil Spill to Be Minimal

May 24 2010 // Based on what are so far only preliminary estimates, Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services said it expects insured losses from the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico “to be significantly less and be spread among...

U.S. Vows to Replace BP on Oil Response If Necessary to Control Spill

May 24 2010 // The U.S. government will move aside BP from the operation to try to halt the Gulf of Mexico oil spill if it decides the company is not performing as required in its response to the well leak, U.S. Interior Secretary Ken...

Frustration Mounts as Oil Seeps into Louisiana’s Wetlands

May 24 2010 // Anger grew along the Gulf Coast as an ooze of oil washed into delicate coastal wetlands in Louisiana, with many wondering how to clean up the monthlong mess – especially now that BP’s latest try to plug the...

Pressure Piles on BP As Gulf Oil Spill Widens

May 24 2010 // BP sharply reduced its estimate on Monday of how much oil it is siphoning off from a ruptured well in the Gulf of Mexico as Washington kept the pressure on the energy giant over the environmental debacle. British-based BP...

BP Shareholder Sues, Alleging Mismanagement of Oil Spill

May 21 2010 // A BP Plc shareholder in Alaska Thursday sued the corporation’s chairman and board members, alleging the officials’ mismanagement led to the disastrous Deepwater Horizon rig explosion and spill and have devalued...

Louisiana Coastal Parishes Sue BP Over Oil Spill

May 20 2010 // Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana, District Attorney Joe Waitz has filed suit against oil giant BP, seeking money for wildlife killed or hurt by the massive oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico. The lawsuit, filed May 17, is among...

Senate Republicans Balk at Raising Oil Companies’ Spill Liability

May 19 2010 // President Barack Obama said Tuesday he was disappointed that a measure to lift limits on oil firm liability for spills had stalled in the U.S. Senate, and blasted Republicans he said had stopped it. “I am...

Lawsuits Seek to Curb Deep Wells in Gulf of Mexico

May 19 2010 // Environmentalists seeking to curb oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico have filed federal lawsuits to shut down a major BP platform and close a government loophole for new oil and gas exploration. The lawsuits, filed in...

Obama to Name Gulf Oil Spill Panel; BP Safety Record Faulted

May 18 2010 // President Barack Obama will create a presidential commission to probe the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and energy giant BP said Monday it had “turned the corner” in its efforts to contain it. London-based BP...

Democrats Considering Unlimited Oil Spill Liability

May 18 2010 // Democrats in the U.S. Senate are considering pushing legislation that would place no limits on the liability oil industry companies would face if they are responsible for oil spills, New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez said...