Latest Energy Headlines

All the headlines from our Energy Topic Page, ordered by recency.

More Than 7,700 Gallons of Oil Sopped Up from California Coast

May 22 2015 // More than 7,700 gallons of oil has been raked, skimmed and vacuumed from a spill that stretched across 9 miles of California coast, just a fraction of the sticky, stinking goo that escaped from a broken pipeline, officials...

AXA Plans to Sell Coal Assets, Citing Concerns About Climate Change

May 22 2015 // France’s largest insurer will scrap holdings in coal companies because of concerns about climate change, broadening support for the fossil-fuel divestment movement to a major mainstream investor. AXA SA Chief...

Ascot, Chaucer & Skuld Form Underwriting Consortium for Renewable Energy

May 21 2015 // Ascot Underwriting Ltd. has formed Renewco Consortium (ReCo), a dedicated and independent underwriting platform for the renewable energy industry. The Lloyd’s consortium is jointly led by Ascot and Chaucer and...

BP Settles Gulf Oil Spill Cross Claims with Halliburton, Transocean

May 21 2015 // BP Plc has settled with oilfield services provider Halliburton Co. and contract driller Transocean Ltd. cross claims related to the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the worst offshore disaster in U.S. history. BP still faces...

Cleanup Continues for Oil Pipeline Spill Along Southern California Coast

May 21 2015 // California Governor Jerry Brown declared an emergency in Santa Barbara County after a Plains All American Pipeline LP oil conduit leaked as much as 2,500 barrels of crude along the state’s southern coastline. About...

Texas Governor Signs Bill Preempting Cities’ Drilling Bans

May 19 2015 // Texas’ governor has signed a bill that blocks municipalities and other local governments from regulating most oil and gas production activities within their jurisdictions Gov. Greg Abbott on May 18 signed House Bill...

Environmental Groups Sue, Charge Oil Train Safety Rules Inadequate

May 18 2015 // Seven environmental groups filed a lawsuit on Thursday challenging safety rules issued earlier this month for trains carrying oil, arguing the regulations are too weak to protect the public. The groups, including the...

Texas Bill Preventing Local Drilling Bans Goes to Governor

May 18 2015 // A Texas bill banning its own cities from imposing prohibitions on hydraulic fracturing and other potentially environmentally harmful oil and natural gas drilling activities within their boundaries has been sent to Gov....

Fracking, Earthquakes and Insurance: A Collision Course?

May 18 2015 // There is increasing information suggesting that hydraulic fracturing, commonly known as “fracking,” is not all it’s cracked up to be. While it is clear that the resurgence of oil and gas production in the...

Iran Flexes Military Muscle in Persian Gulf, Amid Rising Tensions

May 15 2015 // With tensions over its roles in Yemen, Iraq and Syria already high, Iran is flexing its military muscle in the Persian Gulf. For the third time in as many weeks, Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps patrol boats have fired at...

Michigan, Enbridge Reach Deal over 2010 Oil Spill

May 14 2015 // A company responsible for one of the largest inland oil spills in U.S. history will restore or create 300 acres of wetlands as part of a sweeping agreement to improve the Kalamazoo River watershed in southwestern Michigan,...

Oil Industry Goes to Court to Block Oil Train Safety Rules

May 14 2015 // A U.S. oil industry group has launched a legal challenge to federal rules aimed at tightening safety standards in oil-by-train transport, the New York Times reported on Tuesday. The American Petroleum Institute on Monday...

El Nino Emerges; Asia-Pacific Region Faces Months of Disruptive Weather

May 13 2015 // In 2009, the El Nino brought the worst drought in four decades to India. It razed wheat fields in Australia and damaged crops across Asia. Food prices surged. A closely watched forecast by Japan on Tuesday confirmed its...

BP Wins Bid to Appeal Some Gulf Oil Spill Damage Claims

May 11 2015 // A U.S. federal appeals court said on Friday BP Plc deserves the right to appellate review of some damage claims awarded to people and businesses in connection with the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill. The decision by the 5th...

Toward Sensible Risk Management of Earthquake Risk in Energy Production

May 11 2015 // Underground disposal of waste water produced from oil and natural gas wells has been blamed for triggering thousands of small earthquakes in Oklahoma and a number of other U.S. states since 2009. Heightened seismic...

Oil Train Derails, Catches Fire in North Dakota

May 7 2015 // A BNSF train carrying crude oil owned by Hess Corp derailed and caught fire in North Dakota on May 6, forcing the evacuation of a nearby small town just days after the United States and Canada announced reforms to improve...

Texas Bill Preventing Cities from Banning Oil Drilling Sent to Governor

May 5 2015 // Texas cities would no longer be able to ban oil and gas companies from drilling inside municipal limits under a bill lawmakers sent to Governor Greg Abbott. Final passage of the legislation in the state Senate is a win for...

Scientists Say Drilling at Oil Field Not a Factor in Southern California Quakes

May 5 2015 // Scientists say the earthquakes to hit central Los Angeles recently have not been related to Inglewood Oil Field drilling. The Los Angeles Times reported Sunday’s light earthquake was the third in three weeks along...

U.S., Canada Agree on Oil Train Safety Mandates

May 5 2015 // Almost two years after an unattended oil train derailed and exploded in Quebec, killing 47 people, the U.S. and Canadian governments jointly set new rules designed to reduce the risks of hauling crude by rail. Newly built...

Canadian Oil Trains Shift to Carry Less-Volatile Crude

May 5 2015 // A growing share of Canadian oil-by-rail traffic is made up of tough-to-ignite undiluted heavy crude and raw bitumen, say industry executives, as companies scramble to cut expenditures with the price of crude down more than...