Latest Europe Headlines

All the headlines from our Europe Topic Page, ordered by recency.

ACE Launches Mobile App for Europe-Based Business Travel Clients

Mar 18 2015 // ACE Group has launched ACE Travel Smart, a new mobile app, as part of its business travel insurance proposition for Europe-based businesses with international exposures. According to ACE research, 86 percent of European...

Norway’s Storebrand Buys Real Estate, Mortgages to Escape Negative Yields

Mar 17 2015 // Storebrand ASA, Norway’s largest listed insurance company based on assets under management, is buying mortgage bonds and real estate to escape negative rates. “Mortgage and corporate loans, where we are...

U.S. Dominates Climate Change Litigation

Mar 12 2015 // It’s almost counterintuitive if you think about it. There is far more litigation related to climate change in the U.S. compared with Europe, which is usually considered more progressive on the issue. For an example...

SCOR Global P&C Appoints Gavazzi, Rousseau in Treaty Underwriting Area

Mar 12 2015 // SCOR announced it has made two underwriting appointments at its SCOR Global P&C unit. First, it appointed Umberto Gavazzi as chief underwriting officer for the Worldwide Treaty P&C operations of SCOR Global...

EU Submits U.N. Climate Pledge; Urges U.S., China to Follow

Mar 9 2015 // The European Union on Friday submitted its formal promise on how much it will cut greenhouse gas emissions to the United Nations ahead of climate change talks starting in November and called on the United States and China...

ACE Launches PI Insurance Solution for European Technology Firms

Mar 9 2015 // ACE Group announced the launch of ACE Tech Pro, a comprehensive insurance solution for technology companies, as part of its strategy to meet the changing professional liability needs of different industries in Continental...

Wilson Named CEO of Travelers Europe

Mar 6 2015 // The Travelers Companies, Inc. announced that Matthew Wilson has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of Travelers Europe, subject to regulatory approval. He has served as Chief Operating Officer of Travelers Europe since...

ACE Appoints Scott-Young as Claims Director for Continental Europe

Mar 6 2015 // ACE Group has appointed Tim Scott-Young as claims director for its Continental Europe region. Relocating to Paris, Scott-Young will be responsible for delivering effective and customer-focused claims management across...

Russia Will Suffer Ukraine Economic, Political Fallout for Years: Euler Hermes

Mar 6 2015 // Russia will suffer the economic and political fallout of the Ukraine crisis for years to come, according to Euler Hermes Group, the world’s biggest trade credit insurer. Euler Hermes expects Russia’s economy to...

2014 Insured Losses Hit Lowest Level in Five Years: Guy Carpenter

Feb 26 2015 // Insured losses in 2014 were at the lowest level seen since 2009, according to Guy Carpenter’s annual Global Catastrophe Review. The report says that significant insured losses in 2014 totaled approximately USD33...

Europe’s Insurers to Boost Dividends for Investors Seeking Higher Yields

Feb 25 2015 // Europe’s insurers are preparing to boost dividends to the highest of any industry except utilities, making use of expanding surplus capital to offer investors an alternative to record low interest earnings from...

ACE Launches Luxury Goods Practice for Continental Europe

Feb 19 2015 // ACE Group announced the launch of a new luxury goods practice across Continental Europe. The launch of the practice follows research by ACE where almost six in ten European luxury goods companies taking part reported that...

A.M. Best: European (Re)Insurers Face Pressure Points; Ratings Are Stable

Feb 18 2015 // The recent unveiling by the European Central Bank (ECB) of its large-scale sovereign bond buying program is just one of the pressure points building in Europe that could affect insurers and reinsurers’ balance...

Canada’s Fairfax to Acquire London-Based Brit for $1.88 Billion

Feb 17 2015 // Fairfax Financial Holdings, the Canadian property and casualty insurer run by contrarian investor Prem Watsa, said it would buy Brit plc for some $1.88 billion to become one of the top five underwriters on the...

ACE Appoints Stankiewicz as Head of Sales & Distribution, Nordics

Feb 17 2015 // ACE Group has appointed Martin Stankiewicz as head of sales and distribution, Nordics, as it continues to strengthen its insurance capabilities and team in the region. Stankiewicz has also joined ACE’s local...

Ardian Agrees to Buy JLT’s Stake in Siaci St Honoré

Feb 13 2015 // Jardine Lloyd Thompson Group plc announced that Ardian has agreed to buy JLT’s 26.2 percent stake in Milestone, the holding company of Siaci St Honoré, JLT’s French associate. This offer extends to all...

Loeb’s Third Point Reinsurance Ltd. Shuns Acquisitions in U.S., Europe

Feb 12 2015 // Third Point Reinsurance Ltd., the Bermuda-based company co-founded by hedge-fund manager Dan Loeb, said buying a competitor in the U.S. or Europe could clash with its business model. “One of our strengths is we can...

Deloitte Insurance Report Keys in on Climate Change

Feb 9 2015 // The potential impact of climate change on the insurance industry was important enough for consulting giant Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Ltd. to include the topic as a significant part of its recent 2015 Property and Casualty...

Pioneer Offers EU-Compliant Insurance for Alternative Investment Managers

Feb 6 2015 // Pioneer Underwriters* announced the launch of a new EU regulatory compliant product for alternative investment fund managers (AIFMs). This specialist product is aimed at AIFMs domiciled outside of the EU, which in addition...

A.M. Best: Europe’s Largest Cedants Alter Reinsurance Purchasing Practices

Feb 6 2015 // Europe’s 20 largest cedants are benefiting from lower reinsurance rates and stronger bargaining power, resulting from a trend that saw increasing centralized reinsurance purchasing at a group level. A new report from...