Latest Europe Headlines

All the headlines from our Europe Topic Page, ordered by recency.

UK Supermarkets Analyze Customers’ Shopping Habits to Price Insurance Products

Dec 13 2017 // Ever wondered what your shopping habits say about your driving? Britain’s big supermarkets have. The two biggest, Tesco and Sainsbury’s, are offering discounts on financial products such as car insurance based...

Factbox: More Insurers Make Decisions About Post-Brexit Headquarters

Dec 13 2017 // Liberty Specialty Markets said it planned to redomicile its UK insurance company to Luxembourg, as a result of Britain’s decision to leave the European Union. Below are insurers’ plans for EU subsidiaries (in...

London Financial Industry Welcomes Brexit Breakthrough but Won’t Alter EU Plans

Dec 8 2017 // London’s financial industry welcomed progress on a divorce deal with the European Union on Friday but said it saw little reason to alter preparations for when Britain leaves the EU. The agreement on Friday paves the...

UK, EU Agree to Brexit Divorce Deal, Paving Way for Next Stage of Talks on Trade

Dec 8 2017 // Britain and the European Union struck a divorce deal on Friday that paves the way for arduous talks on future trade ties, easing immediate pressure on Prime Minister Theresa May and boosting hopes of an orderly Brexit. May...

Technology, Regulation Prove Double-Edged Swords in Product Recall Risk

Dec 6 2017 // Exploding Samsung phones, error-prone Takata airbags, faulty GM vehicle ignition switches, failing Johnson & Johnson hip implants — multi-billion dollar product recalls have become more common over the past...

Update: Messy Brexit Could Lead to ‘Contract Continuity’ Disruption for Insurers, Banks

Dec 1 2017 // As far as Brexit headaches go, Barclays Plc’s John McFarlane says that while his bank is on top of job relocations, he’s more concerned about rewriting “hundreds of thousands” of...

Dangers of Messy Brexit Without Insurance Deal Highlighted by Bank of England

Nov 28 2017 // British banks may have unanimously passed Bank of England stress tests, but that clean bill of health came with concern about a messy Brexit, courtesy of Governor Mark Carney. The central bank told lenders to add another 6...

Millions of Devices in Europe Remain Undefended Against Cyber Attacks: Report

Nov 28 2017 // A year after a wave of denial-of-service attacks knocked out major websites around the world, millions of unsecured printers, network gear and webcams remain undefended against attack across major European cities, a report...

Trending in 2017

Nov 27 2017 // Within a month, we’ll be archiving our 2017 whitepapers and reports, as we seek the most current content available for 2018. For those of you new to Research & Trends, here is a chance to review and easily locate...

UK Financial Services Industry Pays Record Taxes, ‘Underlining Need’ for Brexit Deal

Nov 27 2017 // Britain’s financial services industry paid a record 72.1 billion pounds ($96.2 billion) in tax during the past fiscal year, PwC said in a report that piles pressure on the government to secure favorable trading terms...

Global Regulators’ Rethinking of Risk Assessment Welcomed by Large Insurers

Nov 21 2017 // Global regulators are rethinking how to assess risks in big insurance companies, marking a shift that could make life easier for the industry. The Financial Stability Board said on Tuesday it could take a different...

UK P&I Insurer Chooses Dublin as EU Headquarters After Brexit

Nov 21 2017 // British ship insurer Standard Club is setting up a new European Union subsidiary in Dublin in case Britain loses access to the single market after Brexit, becoming the second of these specialized providers to opt for...

Factbox: Growing List of Insurers Decide on Post-Brexit EU Headquarters

Nov 21 2017 // Sompo International Holdings, a Bermuda-based unit of Japanese insurer Sompo, said it will set up a subsidiary in Luxembourg, in case Britain does not have access to the single market after Brexit. Below are...

Technology Risk Mgmt Association TechAssure Names New Member in Germany

Nov 20 2017 // TechAssure, the international nonprofit association of insurance and risk management experts for technology-related risks, has named German insurance brokerage BüchnerBarella as a new member, effective...

UK P&I Insurer North to Form Dublin Subsidiary as EU Post-Brexit Hub

Nov 20 2017 // British ship insurer North is setting up a new European Union subsidiary in Dublin in case Britain loses access to the single market after Brexit, becoming the first of these specialized providers to announce such a...

EU Wants Insurers to Plug Investment Gap, but Bank Partners Needed: Regulator

Nov 17 2017 // Efforts to get insurers to plug Europe’s investment gap by backing riskier assets could be undermined if banks are unwilling to share crucial credit data with them, a European Union insurance regulator said. EU...

EU Insurers Have Raised Their Exposure to Riskier Investments: EU Regulator

Nov 17 2017 // Insurance companies, in their search for yield, have increased their exposure to bonds with lower credit ratings and to less liquid securities like non-listed equities and loans, according to a survey by Europe’s...

Europe’s Re/Insurers Cut Coal Investments by $20B; U.S. Firms Fail to Act: Report

Nov 16 2017 // Insurers have pulled $20 billion out of coal investments, but most are European and none of the top nine U.S. insurers has taken “meaningful action,” campaign group Unfriend Coal said on Wednesday. Government...

JPMorgan Warns of Market Disruption If Clearing Houses Cut-Off by Brexit

Nov 15 2017 // Financial markets face Brexit day upheaval if clearing houses in Britain are abruptly cut off from continental customers, a senior JPMorgan bank official said on Wednesday. Sally Dewar, international head of regulatory...

Russian Cyber Attacks Target Major U.K. Industries, Says Top Spy

Nov 15 2017 // Britain’s National Cyber Security Centre publicly confirmed for the first time that Russia has carried out internet assaults on major U.K. energy, technology and media companies, as tensions escalate over the...