Latest Facebook Headlines

All the headlines from our Facebook Topic Page, ordered by recency.

Victims of Cyberbullying Fighting Back in Libel Suits

Apr 30 2012 // When a Georgia middle school student reported to police and school officials that she had been bullied on Facebook, they told her there was not much they could do because the harassment occurred off campus. So the...

California Department of Insurance Wants to be ‘Liked’

Apr 26 2012 // Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones and the California Department of Insurance really want you to like them. CDI now has a Facebook page. The page was launched on Thursday, and had about a dozen “Likes” as soon...

Facebook Launches Patent Counterclaim Against Yahoo

Apr 4 2012 // Facebook fired back on Tuesday in its legal battle with Yahoo by accusing the Web pioneer of infringing 10 of Facebook’s patents, according to a court filing. The counterclaim from Facebook, filed in a San Francisco...

The New Facebook Timeline Layout: What You Need to Do

Apr 2 2012 // It’s time for timeline. Whether you wanted the new look or not, Facebook just switched your business page over to the new “timeline” layout. There are several significant changes that affect how your...

50 Awesome Social Media Ideas for Insurance Agencies

Apr 2 2012 // Social media is a good marketing tool when used wisely. Today’s agencies are creating interaction among fans while developing promotions that generate revenue. The following includes 50 marketing ideas that agencies...

Facebook Says Emails Show New Yorker’s Lawsuit a Fraud

Mar 26 2012 // Facebook Inc. released emails by founder Mark Zuckerberg from his days at Harvard University to bolster its arguments that a wood-pellet salesman who sued for a 50 percent stake in the social media company lied and forged...

Facebook, Lawmakers Warn Employers Not to Demand Passwords

Mar 25 2012 // Facebook and lawmakers have warned employers against requesting Facebook passwords while screening job applicants, a controversial practice that underscores the blurring distinction between personal and professional lives...

Legality of Employers Asking Job Applicants For Facebook Passwords Questioned

Mar 22 2012 // In their efforts to vet job applicants, some companies and government agencies are going beyond merely glancing at a person’s social networking profiles and instead are asking to log in as the user to have a look...

Websites Reunite Tornado Victims with Lost Belongings

Mar 20 2012 // There were a yellow football jersey, wrinkled prom photos, canceled checks and a birth certificate. There were wedding photos and pages from a scrapbook that elementary students made for their teacher. When the deadly...

Yahoo Sues Facebook Over 10 Patents

Mar 12 2012 // Yahoo Inc. sued Facebook Inc. over 10 patents that include methods and systems for advertising on the Web, opening the first major legal battle among big technology companies in social media. The lawsuit, filed in a San...

2 Baltimore Attorneys Sue Facebook Over Privacy

Feb 29 2012 // Two Baltimore law firms have filed a lawsuit against Facebook, arguing that the site has violated privacy laws. The Daily Record of Baltimore reported last week the law offices of William Murphy Jr. and Peter Angelos filed...

Social Media Patent War Looms as Yahoo Threatens Facebook

Feb 28 2012 // Yahoo has demanded licensing fees from Facebook for use of its technology, the companies said on Monday, potentially engulfing social media in the patent battles and lawsuits raging across much of the tech sector. Yahoo...

China’s Trademark System Baffles Foreign Firms

Feb 16 2012 // China’s trademark system is a minefield of murky rules and opportunistic “trademark squatters” that even the world’s biggest companies and their highly-paid lawyers find hard to navigate, as Apple...

Analysis of New EU Data Protection Laws Command the Tide but Not the Cost

Jan 24 2012 // New data-protection proposals from the European Union to help people regain control of personal information from sites like Facebook could prove as effective as commanding the tide, while hurting small firms and Web giants...

Europe to Issue Tough Rules Protecting Internet Users’ Data

Jan 23 2012 // The European Union will propose tough new rules in the coming days on how corporations handle Internet users’ personal data, a long-awaited move that could have far-reaching implications for Web giants such as Google...

‘Like’ Facebook in Driver’s Seat? Mercedes Offers App Inside Cars

Jan 9 2012 // At restaurants, at movies and at the office, checking Facebook has become a regular habit for many of the Internet social network’s more than 800 million users. Now that habit has reached a new frontier: the...

Get Ready to ‘Face’ the Next Wave in Marketing: Mavatars

Dec 20 2011 // The motion picture “Minority Report” gave the audience a look into the future of retail marketing as retina scans were used to project customized digital advertisements for consumers in public spaces. An Iowa...

Facebook Settles Deceptive Practices, Privacy Breach Claims with FTC

Nov 30 2011 // Facebook has settled complaints that it disregarded its users’ privacy, agreeing to establish a raft of measures to better protect its 800 million members’ data. The settlement with the U.S. Federal Trade...

How to Compete for Personal Lines with the Direct Writers

Nov 28 2011 // Let’s face facts. It’s unlikely that any individual independent agency will ever “beat” the direct writers. They have massive marketing budgets, a strong online presence, great name recognition, and...

How to Compete for Personal Lines with the Direct Writers

Nov 21 2011 // Let’s face facts. It’s unlikely that any individual independent agency will ever “beat” the direct writers. They have massive marketing budgets, a strong online presence, great name recognition, and...