Latest Greece Headlines

All the headlines from our Greece Topic Page, ordered by recency.

Last Ditch Cyprus Bank Deal Brings Little Relief; Much Uncertainty

Mar 25 2013 // At a Cypriot pawnbroker, one of the few growth industries in Europe’s debt-ridden south, someone had vented the anger of an island: “Thieves” was scrawled across the window, in bright red paint. The...

Euro Zone, IMF Secure Deal on Cutting Greek Debt

Nov 27 2012 // Euro zone finance ministers and the International Monetary Fund clinched agreement on reducing Greece’s debt on Monday in a breakthrough to release urgently needed loans to keep the near-bankrupt economy...

EU, IMF Clash over Greece Revives Debt Crisis Fears

Nov 13 2012 // A public clash between Greece’s international lenders over how Athens can bring its debts down to a sustainable level has reignited fears that the crisis could flare up anew. Euro zone finance ministers suggested...

Somali Pirates Free Greek Ship, Claim Ransom Was $5.7 Million

Oct 12 2012 // Somali pirates have released the Greek-owned bulk carrier Free Goddess and its 21 Filipino crew members after holding the vessel for more than eight months, the secretary general of the Seafarers Union of Kenya said on...

Commentary by Gordon Brown:* Europe Risks Going the Way of Japan

Sep 14 2012 // The good news is that Europe is no longer going the way of Greece. The sad news is that it is threatening to go the way of Japan. After years of hesitation punctuated by panic, Europe has finally accepted the compelling...

Europe Drawn Back to its First Problem – Greece

Aug 27 2012 // The euro zone debt crisis was born in Greece. Nearly three years and two bailouts on Europe must decide whether to give the country yet more help or cut it loose. For all its complexities, Greece’s problems...

Euro Zone May Be Fragmenting Faster than EU Can Act

Jul 10 2012 // Signs are growing that Europe’s economic and monetary union may be fragmenting faster than policymakers can repair it. Euro zone leaders agreed in principle on June 29 to establish a joint banking supervisor for the...

ANALYSIS: Big Greek Risk Morphs into More Economic Uncertainty

Jun 19 2012 // Greece’s election has averted the immediate threat of a euro break-up, but it does nothing to restore the magic ingredient missing in the European and global economies – confidence. Investors and corporate...

Greek Pro-bailout Parties Look to Forge Coalition

Jun 18 2012 // Political parties supporting Greece’s international bailout begin forging a government on Monday after an election victory over radical leftists staved off the prospect of the debt-laden country leaving the euro and...

World Economies Prepare for Panic after Greek Elections

Jun 15 2012 // Authorities in the world’s major economies are preparing for a possible market storm or public panic after cliffhanger Greek elections this weekend, officials said on Thursday, should radical leftists win and cast...

German Chancellor Merkel Rejects ‘Miracle Solutions;’ Spain’s Debt Costs Soar

Jun 14 2012 // Chancellor Angela Merkel rebuffed pressure on Thursday for Germany, Europe’s most powerful economy, to underwrite debt or guarantee bank deposits in the euro zone, as Spain’s soaring borrowing costs raised new...

Analysis: EU’s Spain Bank Rescue May Bring only Brief Respite

Jun 11 2012 // Euro zone finance ministers rushed Spain into an EU-funded rescue for its debt-stricken banks to pre-empt the threat of a bank run if Greece’s debt crisis flares again but any respite for Madrid and the euro may be...

Economic Storm Clouds Continue to Gather over Europe

Jun 6 2012 // In many ways Ireland is a “microcosm for Europe,” said Danny McCoy, the Director General of the Irish Business & Employer’s Confederation (IBEC) at the EIF Forum. He described the present situation as...

Global Downturn Puts Investors, Companies in Retreat

Jun 5 2012 // Gripped by fears that Europe’s debt crisis is driving the world economy into a ditch, companies are delaying plans to raise capital and canceling deals, while investors are taking refuge in cash or any other place...

Top Trade Credit Insurer Pulls Cover for Exports to Greece

May 31 2012 // The world’s biggest trade credit insurer, Euler Hermes, has suspended cover for exporters shipping to Greece because of the mounting risk of them not being paid in the event the debt-laden nation is forced out of the...

EU Trade Credit Insurers Considering Restrictions on Greek Coverage

May 22 2012 // Euler Hermes, the world’s No. 1 trade credit insurer, said it might restrict the cover it provides to exporters doing business with Greece, citing fears the debt-laden nation could be forced out of the...

Maybe Europe Should Abandon the Euro Says Canada’s Finance Minister

May 15 2012 // If European countries are not prepared to bail out fellow euro zone members, maybe they should just abandon the whole concept of a common currency, Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said on Monday in some of his most...

Greece Averts Immediate Default with Bond Swap Deal Success

Mar 9 2012 // Greece averted the immediate risk of an uncontrolled default, winning strong acceptance from its private creditors for a bond swap deal which will ease its massive public debt and clear the way for a new international...

Bondholder Group Sees Over $131.8 Trillion Greek Default Risk

Mar 6 2012 // A disorderly Greek default would probably leave Italy and Spain needing outside help to stop contagion spreading and cause more than €1 trillion ($1.318 trillion) of damage to the euro zone, the group representing...

Greece Has Not Triggered CDS Insurance Payments: ISDA

Mar 1 2012 // Greece has not triggered a payout on credit default swaps by its recent moves to prepare for a debt restructuring, the International Swaps and Derivatives Association said on Thursday. The ruling means holders of these...