Latest Health Insurance Headlines

All the headlines from our Health Insurance Topic Page, ordered by recency.

Doctors, Hospitals Expect Confusion as Obamacare Plans Begin

Jan 2 2014 // Hospitals and medical practices across the United States braced for confusion and administrative hassles as new insurance plans under President Barack Obama’s healthcare law took effect on Wednesday. More than 2...

Stolen Laptop Contained Data on S.C. Health Insurance Pool Members

Dec 31 2013 // A laptop stolen from an auditor’s car contained the personal information of more than 3,400 members of the South Carolina Health Insurance Pool, an attorney hired by the pool told The Associated Press on Monday. The...

Circle These Dates: Health Law’s Key Tests in 2014

Dec 31 2013 // The new year brings the big test of President Barack Obama’s beleaguered health care law: Will it work? The heart of the law springs to life Wednesday, after nearly four years of political turmoil and three months of...

Mass., Vt. Take Action Against Health Insurance Website Developer

Dec 27 2013 // Massachusetts and Vermont are withholding payments and considering legal options against the contractor that set up the states’ problem-plagued health insurance websites. Massachusetts has paid $11 million of its $69...

White House Rebranding Obamacare for ‘Young Invincibles’

Dec 24 2013 // Last summer, White House officials planning a nationwide push to urge young adults to enroll in new health insurance plans had a big problem: Polls showed that many young, healthy people who could be key to the success of...

Amid Criticism, Minnesota Health Insurance Exchange Chief Resigns

Dec 19 2013 // The chief of Minnesota’s health insurance marketplace resigned Dec. 17 after facing criticism over the troubled rollout and a questionably timed international vacation. April Todd-Malmlov submitted her resignation...

Obamacare November Enrollment Tops 250,000; Sebelius Seeks Probe of Botched Launch

Dec 11 2013 // More than 250,000 Americans selected private health insurance plans through Obamacare enrollment systems last month, better than twice as many as in October when the exchanges opened amid technology errors and...

Iowa Insurer Pokes Fun at Federal Website in Ads

Dec 9 2013 // The television ads produced by a Midwest insurance company show a series of medical mishaps: a man kicking the wrong leg in a reflex check, a urine sample bottle that won’t open for a frustrated patient and a blood...

Maryland the 3rd State to See Health Insurance Exchange Director Go

Dec 9 2013 // Fourteen states and the District of Columbia told the federal government they could run their own health insurance exchanges, but three people leading their states’ exchanges have now left following problem-plagued...

Group Health Plans Pay for ‘Zero-Cost’ Workers’ Compensation Claims: Study

Dec 9 2013 // Workers’ compensation claims that result in no payment lead to millions of dollars in increased costs for employee group insurance plans, new research shows. Nationwide, so-called “zero-cost”...

Obamacare and Agency Value

Dec 2 2013 // Where is the Affordable Care Act headed? Are we prepared? Who will be covered and who won’t? Are we robbing from Peter to pay Paul? The list of questions is endless. The answers are few and far between. In a speech...

Connecticut to Forgo Obama’s Plan for Canceled Health Insurance Policies

Nov 25 2013 // The state of Connecticut will not abide by President Barack Obama’s request that states allow insurance companies to continue offering health plans that don’t meet minimum coverage levels to people who have...

States, Insurers Working on Ways to Bypass Obamacare Federal Exchange

Nov 21 2013 // States and insurers are already working to bail out President Barack Obama’s healthcare overhaul, anticipating the system’s online insurance exchanges may not be ready by a critical December deadline. All of...

Many State Insurance Regulators Uncertain About Obama’s Fix to Health Insurance Promise

Nov 17 2013 // Many U.S. states are hesitant to embrace President Barack Obama’s fix to keep Americans from losing health insurance plans that do not comply with his healthcare reform, saying they need to figure out how to...

Vermont Warns People of Health Insurance Phone Scams

Nov 15 2013 // The state of Vermont is warning people to beware of phone scams from callers claiming to be selling health insurance in order to obtain personal information. Department of Financial Regulation Commissioner Susan L. Donegan...

White House Willing to Consider Fix to Stop Health Policy Cancellations

Nov 13 2013 // The Obama administration today indicated it was willing to consider Democratic legislation to halt some of the hundreds of thousands of health insurance policy cancellations that have raised alarm among voters and...

Low Obamacare Enrollment Figures Add to Pressure on White House

Nov 13 2013 // About 106,000 people signed up for insurance coverage nationally under President Barack Obama’s healthcare law during October, the government said on Wednesday, a tiny fraction of the millions of people that had been...

Pittsburgh Bishop: Won’t Let Health Insurer Give Disputed Coverage

Nov 13 2013 // The Roman Catholic bishop of Pittsburgh says that he will refuse to sign a document allowing a third-party insurer to provide preventative reproductive services for employees of a diocese-related charity even if it means...

Massachusetts Health Insurer Lays Off 62 Workers

Nov 11 2013 // A Worcester, Mass.-based health insurance provider has announced that it is laying off 62 workers, or about 6 percent of its total workforce. Fallon Community Health Plan President and Chief Executive Patrick Hughes said...

U.S. Sen. Toomey Cites Pennsylvania Residents Losing Health Insurance

Nov 8 2013 // U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey said thousands of Pennsylvanians are contacting his office with complaints about losing their health insurance because of the federal overhaul, while state insurance regulators put the number of people...