Latest Law Enforcement Headlines

All the headlines from our Law Enforcement Topic Page, ordered by recency.

21 More Persons Arrested in NY Auto Fraud Scam

Jun 20 2002 // The New York State Insurance Department announced the arrest of an additional 21 persons (112 were indicted last December), charged with participating in an auto fraud insurance ring in Queens. The NYSID said that the...

Is the Texas Personal Auto Market Another Homeowners in the Making’

Apr 29 2002 // The personal automobile insurance market in Texas may not be approaching the crisis level at which the homeowners market currently finds itself, but signs indicate that it may be in for a rough ride. According to the Texas...

Calls Being Made for Safe Driving Practices

Apr 29 2002 // The fundamental question is, does irresponsible use of cell phones while driving cause more accidents? Nicole Mahrt, American Insurance Association director of public affairs (western region), says that her association...

Police Smash Massive NYC Auto Insurance

Dec 6 2001 // Law enforcement officials announced the break up of a multi-million dollar automobile insurance fraud ring in the New York metropolitan area, resulting in charges being filed against 112 individuals and four corporations...

U.S. Financial Firms, Law Enforcement Seek Ways to Track Terrorists

Nov 28 2001 // The leading U.S. financial firms and law enforcement agencies are mulling over an agreement that would give authorities sweeping power to track terrorists using the financial system, the Wall Street Journal reported. The...

Police Question AXA’s de Castries, Bébéar in

Jun 13 2001 // French police detained and questioned AXA’s Management Board Chairman Henri de Castries, and his predecessor the company’s founder Claude Bébéar, who now presides over its Supervisory Board, about...

U.K. Police To Check Insurance On-line

Nov 16 2000 // British police will soon be able to use a new program to run roadside checks on drivers to see if they carry insurance coverage. A new computer database, sponsored by U.K. insurers and established by the government, will...

Special Investigative Units Battle Insurance Fraud, ‘Crime of the ’90s’

Nov 13 2000 // People outside the industry are always surprised to learn how much fraud insurance companies are actually forced to deal with. It wasn’t until fairly recently, in the late 1980s, that insurance companies and local,...

Police Say Teen Started Detroit Fire in Insurance Scam

Nov 2 2000 // A 16-year-old boy was arrested for arson Tuesday night in Detroit after police saw him throw a Molotov cocktail into a home where a woman with five children used to live. The Detroit Free Press reported that police said...

Massachusetts Men Charged with Insurance Fraud

Oct 2 2000 // Albert F. Melchione, 71, of Rockland, Mass., and his grandson, Richard J. Melchione, Jr., 30, of Hull, Mass., have been indicted by a federal grand jury on conspiracy and mail fraud charges in connection with a scheme to...