Latest Maine Headlines

All the headlines from our Maine Topic Page, ordered by recency.

Maine Governor Reappoints Iuppa as Insurance Superintendent

Mar 1 2004 // Maine Governor John E. Baldacci has reappointed Alessandro A. Iuppa as superintendent of the Maine Bureau of Insurance. The bureau is responsible for overseeing the 950 insurance companies and 35,000 agents licensed in...

Maine Governor’s Proposal Draws PCI, AIA Fire

Feb 24 2004 // The Property Casualty Insurers Association of America and the American Insurance Association both expressed concerns over a bill proposed by Maine’s Governor John Baldacci, which the PCI says will “further...

AIA Supports Maine Building Code

Feb 16 2004 // The American Insurance Association announced that it supports the efforts of the Maine Legislature’s Business Research and Economic Development Committee to implement a statewide building code. “Uniform...

PCI Disappointed with Maine’s Failure to Reform Fire Policy on Terrorism

Feb 6 2004 // The Property Casualty Insurers Association of America issued a bulletin stressing its disappointment with a decision by the Joint Standing Committee on Insurance and Financial Services in Maine not to support passage of...

William S. Cohen Elected to AIG Board

Feb 3 2004 // American International Group, Inc.’s Board of Directors announced the election of former United States Secretary of Defense and former United States Senator William S. Cohen as a Director. Cohen, 63, is currently...

PCI Concerned with Restrictive Measures Under Consideration in Maine

Jan 27 2004 // Efforts to enact legislation reportedly restricting the ability of insurers to operate in a competitive fashion in the Maine homeowners insurance market are being met with concern by the Property Casualty Insurers...

Maine Insurance Department Publishes Survey

Jan 8 2004 // Maine’s Superintendent of Insurance, Alessandro Iuppa, announced the publication of the Bureau of Insurance report to the Maine State Legislature. The detailed report indicates that the state’s residents are...

S&P Affirms ‘BBBpi’ Rating for Maine Employers Mutual Insurance Co.

Nov 26 2003 // Standard & Poor’s has affirmed its ‘BBBpi’ counterparty credit and financial strength ratings on Maine Employers Mutual Insurance Co. The ratings reflect its extremely strong capitalization, strong...

Maine Gov. Hails Proposed Reduction in WC Rates

Nov 11 2003 // Maine Governor John Baldacci recently announced that the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) has filed a request to decrease workers’ compensation loss costs for policy year 2004 by an average of 3.3...

Allenbrook Named MESDA Company of the Year

Oct 16 2003 // Brunswick, Maine-based Allenbrook, Inc. has been named Company of the Year at the Maine Software Developers Association’s (MESDA) Maine Technology Awards Gala. The awards recognize the top technology companies in...

Maine Adjourns; Legislature Addresses Scoring, Privacy and Workers’ Comp

Jun 24 2003 // The Maine legislature tackled several important issues this session such as credit-based insurance scores and workers’ compensation, however it deferred action on establishing building codes and creating a joint...

NAII Expresses Concern Over Potential Negative Impact of Maine Anti-Spam Bill

May 28 2003 // The National Association of Independent Insurers has expressed its concern to Maine Governor John Balducci that a bill aimed to thwart unwanted and unsolicited e-mail may interfere with legitimate electronic communications...

Maine Sends NCOIL-based Credit Bill to Governor

May 16 2003 // Maine has become the first New England state to send legislation to the governor that follows the National Conference of Insurance Legislators (NCOIL) credit-based insurance model. The NCOIL model or a form of the model...

AIA Tells Maine Legislators to Protect Workers’ Comp Reforms

Mar 6 2003 // The American Insurance Association (AIA) testified before Maine legislators Wednesday, urging them to reject a number of bills that would increase the cost of workers’ compensation for Maine employers. “Now is...

NAII Supports Maine Workers’ Comp Threshold Increase

Oct 21 2002 // The National Association of Independent Insurers (NAII) announced support for an actuarial report urging an increase of the threshold of access to permanent workers’ compensation benefits by Maine employees. During...

Maine Supreme Court Rules Against Diminished Value Concept

Aug 8 2002 // According to the National Association of Independent Insurers (NAII), The Maine Supreme Judicial Court handed another victory to the insurance industry in a recent ruling where it rejected the diminished value...

PIANH Conference Hears Candid Discussion on Insurance Market

May 30 2002 // The annual Conference of the Professional Insurance Agents of New Hampshire (PIANH) featured a panel discussion on the hardened insurance market, entitled “Market Conditions and Strategies for 2002,” Moderated...

Copart Opens New Location in Maine

Apr 2 2002 // Copart, Inc. the California-based auto salvage and disposal service, announced that it has opened a new auction facility to serve the State of Maine, bringing the total number of its operating sites to 89 locations in 40...

Maine Governor Vetoes Workers’ Comp Bill

Jun 20 2001 // On Tuesday Maine’s Governor Angus King vetoed a workers’ compensation bill (LD 1175) that contained provisions which would have automatically entitled injured workers to full compensation during full-time...

Maine Enacts Financial Privacy Bill

May 31 2001 // Maine Governor Angus King signed into law a financial services privacy bill (LD 1640), which is, according to the American Insurance Association (AIA), consistent with the federal privacy regulations in Title V of the...