Latest Medical Professional Liability Headlines

All the headlines from our Medical Professional Liability Topic Page, ordered by recency.

Reports Differ Over Pa. Med-Mal Claims

Apr 26 2004 // Insurance companies and other underwriters in Pennsylvania reported paying less for malpractice claims against medical professionals last year, according to a federal agency, even though doctors complain that rising...


Apr 19 2004 // The American Medical Association (AMA) issued a statement recently regarding the medical liability climate in Florida. The following comments are attributed to Donald Palmisano, president, of AMA. “The American...


Apr 19 2004 // The North Carolina Chapter of Doctors for Medical Liability Reform announced that Congressman Richard Burr, currently running for U.S. Senate, has signed their pledge supporting federal legislation that would limit...

Tampa Medical Clinic Records Seized, Owners Arrested

Apr 19 2004 // Investigators with Florida’s Department of Financial Services, Division of Insurance Fraud, seized hundreds of records from a medical clinic and arrested the three owners on charges of organized scheme to defraud,...

Montemayor Addresses Texas Physicians in Open Letter

Apr 16 2004 // The Texas Department of Insurance recently posted a letter to Texas physicians from Insurance Commissioner José Montemayor, responding to the decision by General Electric Medical Protective to move its medical malpractice...

Ohio Governor Signs Med-Mal Stabilization Bill

Apr 13 2004 // Calling the ongoing escalation in medical malpractice insurance rates “a threat to doctors and their patients,” Ohio Governor Bob Taft on Monday signed House Bill 282 authorizing establishment of a new Medical...

Insurer That Triggered Nevada Malpractice Crisis Pays $1 Million

Apr 12 2004 // The St. Paul insurance companies, whose pullout from the medical malpractice insurance market caused a crisis for Nevada doctors, will pay a group of Las Vegas physicians $900,000 under terms of a settlement announced...

Buckeye State Bucks National Trend on Medical Malpractice

Apr 5 2004 // The U.S. Census Bureau’s 2000 census estimated Iowa’s population at nearly 3 million. About 86 percent of the adult residents had graduated from high school and about 21 percent had earned a bachelor’s...

R.I. Gov. Carcieri Seeks Med-Mal Caps

Apr 5 2004 // Pointing to doctors who say the cost of practicing medicine in Rhode Island is becoming prohibitive, Gov. Don Carcieri has proposed capping the amount of money medical malpractice victims can receive for pain and...

Actuaries Told: No ‘Duct Tape Solution’ to the Current Med-Mal Crisis

Apr 2 2004 // The current medical malpractice crisis did not happen overnight and is not going to resolve itself without bringing predictability and stability into the system. This was the message delivered by a panel of experts at the...

ATRA Survey Reports Frivolous Lawsuits Undermine Healthcare System, Prove Negative to Patients

Apr 1 2004 // Doctors believe that patients are paying the price for frivolous lawsuits that are driving up the cost of healthcare and negatively affecting the practice of medicine, according to a survey released today by the American...

W. Va. Medical Liability System Shows Continuing Problems; 5 Counties Considered Real Challenges

Apr 1 2004 // Doctors believe that frivolous lawsuits are increasing the cost of healthcare and West Virginia patients are paying the price, according to a survey released (See National News) by the American Tort Reform Association...

New ISO Symbols Rate Cars By Make and Model for Liability, No-Fault/Medical Payments Insurance

Apr 1 2004 // Insurance Services Office Inc. (ISO) has introduced a personal auto rating program carriers can use to tailor the cost of insurance for bodily injury and property damage liability and no-fault/medical payments coverage...

Sierra Health Services Closes Transaction to Sell Workers’ Comp Subsidiary

Apr 1 2004 // Sierra Health Services Inc. announced that effective March 31, 2004, and after receipt of applicable regulatory approval, it has closed the transaction to sell its workers’ compensation subsidiary, California...

N.J. Senate Passes Med-Mal Fund

Mar 30 2004 // With strong backing from Democrats and one Republican, the New Jersey Senate passed (22-15) legislation to provide doctors with an estimated $26 million each year for the next three years to help them pay for malpractice...

Maryland Scraps Major Med-Mal Reform; Limited Proposal Gets Preliminary Approval in House

Mar 29 2004 // A limited medical malpractice bill that may be the Maryland legislature’s only response to a perceived crisis in health care was given preliminary approval by the House on March 27. It would set up a task force to...

N.C. Senate Candidate Signs Pledge Backing Medical Liability Reform

Mar 29 2004 // The North Carolina Chapter of Doctors for Medical Liability Reform announced that Congressman Richard Burr, currently running for U.S. Senate, has signed their pledge supporting federal legislation that would limit...

Pa. Hospitals React to Medical Liability Proposals

Mar 26 2004 // The Hospital & Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania (HAP) has responded positively to Governor Ed Rendell’s recently announced medical liability reform proposals (See IJ Web site Mar.25). “We are...

Nevada Rate Increase Sought by Malpractice Insurance Company

Mar 26 2004 // Medical Protective Co., which provides malpractice insurance for 200 doctors located mainly in southern Nevada, has filed for a 24 percent rate increase. The state Insurance Division says MedPro wants the increase to take...

Pa. Gov. Rendell Offers Med-Mal Package

Mar 25 2004 // Pennsylvania Governor Edward G. Rendell yesterday offered new proposals to address Pennsylvania’s medical malpractice situation. The proposals supplement those he offered in June 2003. “Court statistics...