Latest Moodys Headlines

All the headlines from our Moodys Topic Page, ordered by recency.

U.S. Judge Dismisses Claims Against Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s

Jan 27 2010 // In a victory for ratings agencies, a U.S. judge Tuesday dismissed claims against Moody’s Corp. and McGraw-Hill’s Standard & Poor’s in litigation over nearly $100 billion of Lehman Brothers Holdings...

Moody’s: AIG Likely Able to Repay Government Bailout Funds

Nov 10 2009 // American International Group Inc. has made tangible progress on its restructuring plan and will likely be able to repay the government’s loan and much of its preferred equity stake, Moody’s Investors Service...

Fitch May Cut Berkshire Rating on Burlington Buy

Nov 6 2009 // Fitch Ratings said Thursday it may cut its ratings on Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc on concerns about the effect its planned acquisition of Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corp. will have on its asset profile...

Former Moody’s Executives Criticize Firm’s Credit Rating Process

Sep 30 2009 // The former head of compliance overseeing Moody’s Corp.’s credit ratings business was routinely ignored when he warned that the firm was not properly monitoring municipal bond ratings, according to a letter...

Congress, Insurance Regulators Seek Answers from Ratings Firms

Sep 24 2009 // A U.S. House panel abruptly postponed a hearing into accusations that Moody’s Corp. knowingly issued incorrect ratings after Republicans demanded more time to review a whistleblower’s complaint. Democratic...

Global Reinsurers Enjoy Monte Carlo Sun Amid Worries Over Gathering Clouds

Sep 4 2009 // Global reinsurers are set to enjoy a moment in the sun as they gather in Monte Carlo this weekend, having come through the financial crisis singed rather than burned like their banking counterparts. But as top executives...

Judge Says Rating Agencies Not Shielded by Free Speech Defense

Sep 3 2009 // Credit rating agencies may find it harder to argue that their opinions deserve free speech protection after a judge rejected efforts by Moody’s Investors Service and Standard & Poor’s to dismiss a fraud...

Berkskhire Hathaway Cuts Stake in Moody’s

Jul 23 2009 // Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc. this week lowered its stake in credit ratings provider Moody’s Corp. to 16.98 percent from 20.4 percent, the first reported reduction since 2000. The sale of about 8...

Giant Pension Calpers Sues Moody’s, S&P, Fitch Over Securities Ratings

Jul 16 2009 // Calpers, the biggest U.S. public pension fund, has sued the three largest credit rating agencies for giving perfect grades to securities that later suffered huge subprime mortgage losses. The California Public...

Moody’s Lowers Berkshire Hathaway’s Ratings from Top Tier

Apr 9 2009 // Moody’s Investors Service cut its credit ratings on Berkshire Hathaway Inc from Aaa, the top rating, saying the recession and investment losses at insurance operations of investor Warren Buffett’s holding...

A.M. Best, Moody’s Affirm CNA Ratings Following Loews Cash Boost

Oct 28 2008 // Responding to news that Loews Corp., the parent company of commercial insurer CNA Financial Corp., will pour up to $1.25 billion into CNA to boost its surplus, rating agencies A.M. Best Co. and Moody’s said...

Lawmakers Blast Rating Agencies for Role in Financial Crisis

Oct 23 2008 // The top executive of Moody’s warned his board in 2007 that the quality of credit ratings was in danger due to trends that could “place the entire financial system at risk.” The confidential briefing was...

Credit Rating Agencies’ Cuts on AIG Signal Downgrades Ahead

Sep 21 2008 // Credit rating agencies, criticized for moving too slowly in cutting ratings on Wall Street firms and the complex instruments they devised, are now accused of acting too quickly. As the credit crisis enters a new phase, the...

Credit Rating Agencies Fending Off Lawsuits from Subprime Meltdown

Jul 14 2008 // Battered by critics who blame them for helping to foment the U.S. subprime mortgage meltdown, credit raters are now trying to fend off lawsuits — including fraud claims brought by their own shareholders. Many...

MBIA Says Moody’s Downgrade May Force $7.5 Billion in Payments

Jun 23 2008 // Bond insurer MBIA said Friday it may need to put up nearly $7.5 billion to meet collateral posting requirements and potentially pay off obligations after losing its top “AAA” rating from Moody’s Investors...

Congress Examines Municipal Bond Ratings, Bond Insurance Industry

Mar 13 2008 // The fast-spreading U.S. mortgage crisis prompted lawmakers Wednesday to explore problems with municipal bonds, painting a bleak outlook for bond insurers that one official said imposes a “secret Wall Street...

Buffett Rapidly Grows His New Municipal Insurance Arm

Feb 25 2008 // One of Warren Buffett’s newest businesses — insuring municipal bonds — is expanding rapidly into a troubled field as the company backed 112 issues in just the past two days, according to Moody’s...

Moody’s: US Sub-prime Crisis has ‘Limited Direct Impact’ on European Insurers

Aug 27 2007 // The London office of Moody’s Investors Service has issued a new “Special Comment” analyzing the current crisis in the US sub-prime mortgage market and “the related uncertainty surrounding structured...

Moody’s Affirms Marsh & McLennan’s Ratings, Keeps Negative Watch

Sep 28 2006 // Moody’s Investors Service said it was affirming the Baa2 senior unsecured debt rating and the Prime-2 short-term debt rating for Marsh & McLennan Companies Inc., the nation’s largest insurance...

RLI Corp. Gets Moody’s Upgrade

Aug 2 2005 // Peoria, Ill.-based surplus lines insurer RLI Corp. today received an upgrade of its senior debt rating to Baa2 from Baa3, and an insurance financial strength ratings of its insurance subsidiaries to A2 from A3 from...