Latest Naic Headlines

All the headlines from our Naic Topic Page, ordered by recency.

NAIC Agrees to Changes in Public Adjuster Licensing Model Act

Aug 6 2004 // Discussions between insurance industry representatives and the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) have led to the elimination of a reportedly burdensome provision that was part of the NAIC’s...

NAMIC Says NCOIL Market Conduct Model Amendments “No Better, No Worse”

Jul 21 2004 // An official of the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMIC) said in a statement that the “conforming amendments” that the National Conference of Insurance Legislators (NCOIL) adopted on July...

PCI Says Lack of “Due Process” Still an Issue with Market Conduct Model Act

Jul 21 2004 // According to the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America (PCI), the failure of regulators to include “due process” provisions in the proposed changes to the National Conference of Insurance...

Consumer Group Claims NAMIC Study on Credit Scoring ‘Flip-Flops’ Earlier Positions

Jul 9 2004 // The consumer group, Center for Economic Justice (CEJ), released a statement in response to a National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMIC) study on credit scoring. CEJ’s Executive Director Birny Birnbaum...

PCI Urges NAIC to Drop Insurance Scoring “Best Practices;” Focus on Consumer Education

Jul 9 2004 // A bulletin from the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America urges the National Association of Insurance Commissioners to stop work on insurance scoring “best practices” and develop consumer education...

Is Market Conduct Reform Finally on the Horizon’

Jul 5 2004 // As baseball immortal Yogi Berra is often fond of saying, “It ain’t over until it’s over.” This particular “Yogi-ism” somehow seems apropos when one considers recent discussions among the...

NAIC Resolution Asks for TRIA Extension

Jun 25 2004 // The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) announced that it has adopted a formal resolution urging Congress to adopt a two-year extension of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA). The resolution, adopted...

PCI Supports Regulators’ Decision to Further Address Sarbanes-Oxley Concerns

Jun 24 2004 // At its summer meeting, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) agreed to reconsider proposed amendments to its Model Audit Rule. At a public hearing on June 14, the NAIC/AICPA Working Group decided to...

California Court Ruling Undermines Insurance Commissioner’s Authority

Jun 21 2004 // A ruling by the California Court of Appeals undermines state regulation and the authority of the insurance commissioner by essentially declaring rate filings approved by the Department of Insurance as invalid according to...

NAMIC Urges Regulators to Reform Personal Lines

Jun 17 2004 // The top state government affairs official for the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies encouraged insurance regulators to exert leadership in their states to achieve personal lines rate modernization as the...

SERFF Use in 2004 Outpacing 2003 by Nearly 200%

Jun 15 2004 // The quantity of filings submitted through the System for Electronic Rate and Form Filing (SERFF) continues to multiply as an increasing number of state regulators and insurers recognize the system as a much-needed solution...

AIA Urges NAIC to Make No Substantive Changes to NCOIL Model Market Conduct Law

Jun 14 2004 // The American Insurance Association has urged the National Association of Insurance Commissioners not to make any substantive changes to the Market Conduct Surveillance Model Law developed by the National Conference of...

California Court Ruling Undermines Insurance Commissioner’s Authority

Jun 14 2004 // A ruling by the California Court of Appeals undermines state regulation and the authority of the insurance commissioner by essentially declaring rate filings approved by the Department of Insurance as invalid according to...

Industry Coalition Praises Regulators’ Resolution to Support Terrorism Act Extension

Jun 14 2004 // A broad-based coalition of property/casualty insurance company, insurance producer and reinsurance trade associations commended the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) for adopting a resolution...

NAMIC Says Existing Solvency Laws Provide More Protection Than SOX-based Proposal

Jun 10 2004 // As regulators prepare to convene in San Francisco this week for their summer meeting, the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMIC) has announced its testimony at a June 14 National Association of...

NAIC Comments on A.M. Best Insurer Solvency Study

May 28 2004 // A recently published study by the A.M. Best Company, titled Best’s Insolvency Study: Property/Casualty U.S. Insurers, 1969-2002, provides further evidence that the national system of state-based insurance regulation...

NAMIC Urges NAIC to Table ‘Sarbanes-Oxley’ Proposals

May 27 2004 // The National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies has urged the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ to table its current proposals to adopt parts of the federal Sarbanes-Oxley Act as part of state...

Insurers Prepare for a Post-TRIA World; ‘Baby Steps’ Toward Federal Regulation

May 17 2004 // Property/casualty insurers are coming to grips with the fact that a government-sponsored terrorism insurance backstop could expire at the end of next year, which would send pricing shockwaves through the market. Carriers...

Noted Calif Regulator to Retire After 31 Years

May 11 2004 // Senior California regulator Norris Clark, deputy commissioner for financial surveillance, will resign effective August 1. “In all sectors of the insurance industry he is known as a very influential regulator and a...

PCI Urges NAIC to Leave Insurance Scoring to States

May 3 2004 // National News • March 16 “I have been a State Farm agent 34 years and have a little over 2,000 cars insured. Because of credit scoring last year, I was only able to qualify nine new auto sales for the entire year....