Latest New Jersey Headlines

All the headlines from our New Jersey Topic Page, ordered by recency.

N.J. Gov. Christie: Congress ‘a Little Late’ With Sandy Aid

Jan 18 2013 // New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said the Hurricane Sandy aid package Congress approved Tuesday will help expedite rebuilding after the superstorm, but he poked federal lawmakers for being “a little late to the...

N.J. Lawmaker Aims to Classify Reverse Rate Evasion as Insurance Fraud

Jan 17 2013 // The New Jersey Assembly’s financial institutions and insurance committee advanced a bill that would include “reverse rate evasion” as a form of insurance fraud. The bill, A2204 — introduced by the...

N.J. Bill Would Require Homeowners Insurers to Provide Policy Summary

Jan 17 2013 // The New Jersey Assembly’s financial institutions and insurance committee gave approval Monday, Jan. 14, to a recently introduced bill that seeks to make it easier for homeowners to understand what their policy covers...

N.J. Gov. Criticizes Some Oceanfront Property Owners Who Reject Sand Dunes

Jan 16 2013 // The New Jersey shore town of Bradley Beach came through Superstorm Sandy in better shape than many of its neighbors that sustained serious to catastrophic damage from the waves and storm surge. N.J. Gov. Chris Christie...

House Sends $50.5 Billion Sandy Disaster Aid Bill to Senate

Jan 15 2013 // The House of Representatives on Tuesday approved $50.5 billion in long-delayed federal disaster aid to victims of Superstorm Sandy, but not before Republicans flexed their budget-cutting muscle to strike some spending...

What FEMA’s Advisory Flood Maps Mean for New Jersey

Jan 14 2013 // Last month, the Federal Emergency Management Agency released advisory flood maps covering 194 municipalities in coastal areas in New Jersey. Here’s a look at what they mean, in question and answer form. Q. What do...

2013 Insurance Industry Meetings & Conventions Directory

Jan 14 2013 // JANUARY P/C Insurance Joint Industry Forum Jan 15 Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York, NY Insurance Information Institute 2013 Big ‘I’ Winter Meeting Jan 16-20 The Westin Mission Hills Resort & Spa,...

Readying for Sandy, New Jersey Transit Erred in Modeling Storm

Jan 13 2013 // New Jersey Transit incorrectly used federal government software that otherwise could have warned officials against a disastrous decision to leave hundreds of millions of dollars worth of equipment in a low-lying rail yard...

Northeastern Fishing Industry Hoping for Help With Sandy Storm Losses

Jan 8 2013 // While Superstorm Sandy did highly visible damage to homes, boardwalks and roads, it also walloped the Northeastern fishing industry, whose workers are hoping for a small piece of any future disaster assistance that...

Sandy Victims in N.J., N.Y., Blast Delays in Flood Insurance Aid

Jan 6 2013 // Even as Congress passed the first part of an aid package for victims of Superstorm Sandy, many victims seethed, wondering why it took so long. The $9.7 billion measure approved on Friday, Jan. 4, allows the National Flood...

In New Jersey, New PIP Rules Go Into Effect After Court Denies Stay Request

Jan 4 2013 // New Jersey’s Superior Court has denied a medical group’s request for a stay of the new motor vehicle personal injury protection (PIP) regulations last evening. The court’s decision means the state’s...

Kobylowski Confirmed as N.J. Commissioner of Banking and Insurance

Jan 3 2013 // Kenneth Kobylowski, who has been serving as acting commissioner of New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance for the past one year, was recently confirmed by the State Senate to be the new commissioner. Kenneth...

House to Vote on Flood Insurance Funds on Friday; Sandy Aid Later

Jan 2 2013 // Under fire from fellow Republicans from Sandy-stricken New York and New Jersey, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, today agreed to hold two separate votes on storm relief including one vote on Friday to make about $9...

In N.J. Pet Sitter Lawsuit, Debate Over ‘Independent Contractor’ Status

Jan 2 2013 // A recent court ruling in New Jersey focused on the question of whether a plaintiff who was bitten by a dog while working as a part-time pet sitter can be described as an “independent contractor.” The plaintiff,...

2012 Was Hottest Year for New Jersey Since Record Keeping Began in 1895

Jan 2 2013 // It may not feel like it with the cold temperatures and biting wind of the last few days, but 2012 was the warmest year on record for New Jersey. State climatologists say the average temperature was around 55.9 degrees, the...

Busy, Stressful Year of Storm Recovery Ahead in New Jersey

Jan 2 2013 // Tricia McAvoy is busily preparing for a Christmas party — now set for next summer. She’s making a list of who to invite to a party she’s having. She’s planning the food and drink menu, mentally...

House Republicans Look to Split $60B Sandy Aid Bill in Half

Jan 1 2013 // The U.S. House of Representatives is expected to split a $60.4 billion Superstorm Sandy disaster aid bill into two parts, staging votes on $27 billion to fund immediate recovery needs and $33 billion for long-term and...

Sandy-Flooded Inland Towns in N.J. See No Solutions

Dec 27 2012 // Images of New Jersey’s devastated shoreline captivated the nation in the days after Superstorm Sandy. The Disaster Recovery Center in Hackensack, N.J. Multiple agencies have been working together to assist survivors...

New Jersey Court: Pet Sitter Can Sue Dog’s Owners Over Bite

Dec 27 2012 // A New Jersey appellate court says a woman injured by a dog she was being paid to watch can sue the animal’s owners. The Star-Ledger reports the Bergen County woman agreed to care for her neighbor’s golden...

N.J. Commissioner Reminds Public Adjusters to Keep Fees Reasonable

Dec 26 2012 // The N.J. Banking and Insurance Department’s Acting Commissioner Ken Kobylowski issued a bulletin last week to all public adjusters reminding them that the fees they charge consumers must be reasonably related to...