Latest Oklahoma Headlines

All the headlines from our Oklahoma Topic Page, ordered by recency.


Jun 21 2004 // Oklahoma Attorney General Drew Edmondson said the state has settled its lawsuit connected with the Webbers Falls Arkansas River bridge collapse. The settlement calls for the defendants to pay the state $4.5 million. Nearly...

Regional Focus

Jun 21 2004 // Former Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill was attributed with the comment that “all politics are local.” The same could be said for the insurance industry—insurance coverage is definitely local. In...

Oklahoma Governor Signs Identity Theft Bill

Jun 9 2004 // Oklahoma Gov. Brad Henry has signed Senate Bill 1164, a measure designed to help protect victims of identity theft. According to the Senate Communications Office, State Sen. Mike Johnson, R-Kingfisher, is principal author...

Many See Caps in Oklahoma Tort Reform Bill as Fair

Jun 8 2004 // Trial lawyers and doctors, who stood on opposite sides of the tort reform debate in the Oklahoma Legislature, seem to agree that the caps on non-economic damages in Oklahoma’s new law were a fair compromise, the...

Get Out of the Office!

Jun 7 2004 // It’s here—convention season, that is. From now until the end of November, there will be plenty of opportunities for agents in the South Central states to get out of the office and go mingle with friends and...


Jun 7 2004 // Darwin Professional Underwriters Inc. (Darwin) announced that an affiliate, Platte River Insurance Company, has gained the approval of the Oklahoma Department of Insurance to write hospital professional liability coverage...


Jun 7 2004 // In late May Oklahoma Gov. Brad Henry authorized a special session of the Oklahoma Legislature in order that the committee looking into alleged infractions by Insurance Commissioner Carroll Fisher can complete its...


Jun 7 2004 // Physicians Liability Insurance Corporation (PLICO), a nonprofit insurer that provides liability coverage to Oklahoma doctors plans to increase its rates this summer, but said it won’t raise premiums again until 2007....

AIA Praises Passage of Oklahoma Rating Bill

Jun 1 2004 // The American Insurance Association lauded the Oklahoma Legislature’s approval of what the AIA called “a landmark rating bill,” which institutes a file and use system for all lines of insurance except...

Okla. Gov. Applauds Tort Reform Approval

May 28 2004 // Oklahoma’s House of Representatives approved HB 2661, the tort reform bill, on a 68-32 vote Thursday afternoon. The State Senate was to take up the legislation for final passage Friday morning. In response to the...

Settlement Finalized in I-40 Bridge Suit

May 24 2004 // Oklahoma Attorney General Drew Edmondson said the state has settled its lawsuit in the Webbers Falls Arkansas River bridge collapse. The settlement calls for the defendants to pay the state $4.5 million. The attorney...

Darwin Makes Available Hospital Professional Liability Insurance for Oklahoma

May 21 2004 // Darwin Professional Underwriters Inc. (Darwin) announced approval by the Oklahoma Department of Insurance of Platte River Insurance Company to write hospital professional liability coverage on an admitted basis in...

Okla. Tort Reform Committee Adopts ‘I’m Sorry’ Provision

May 21 2004 // The Oklahoma Senate reported that a special joint House-Senate Committee on Tort Reform has already adopted a provision lauded by medical professionals in a front page story in a Wall Street Journal as the most effective...

Oklahoma Governor Calls Special Session for Fisher Impeachment Investigation

May 19 2004 // Oklahoma Gov. Brad Henry announced that the state Legislature would meet in a special session so that the committee looking into alleged infractions by Insurance Commissioner Carroll Fisher can complete its investigation....

PLICO Plans to Raise Rates in Oklahoma

May 18 2004 // Physicians Liability Insurance Corporation (PLICO), a nonprofit insurance company that provides coverage to more than 70 percent of Oklahoma doctors plans to increase its rates this summer, but promised not to raise its...

Oklahoma Governor Assembles Work Comp Group

May 11 2004 // The Oklahoma House of Representatives Media Division reported that Governor Brad Henry has established a work group to examine pending workers’ compensation legislation in an effort to reach consensus on a reform...

Oklahoma Restaurant Assoc. Endorses Great Central

May 10 2004 // Great Central Insurance Company, a member of San Antonio-based Argonaut Group Inc.‘s Specialty Commercial segment, announced it was named the endorsed insurance company for the Oklahoma Restaurant Association (ORA)...

Okla. Firefighter Named in Second Indictment

May 5 2004 // A Multicounty Grand Jury indictment naming a former Tulsa, Oklahoma firefighter was unsealed recently in Rogers County District Court, Attorney General Drew Edmondson said. William Bradford Adams, 49, was indicted April 14...


May 3 2004 // Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner Carroll Fisher announced that medical malpractice insurers, Physicians Liability Insurance Co. (PLICO) and Hospital Casualty Co., have been placed under formal supervision by the Oklahoma...

Oklahoma Hailstorms Rack Up $75 Million in Damages

Apr 29 2004 // Hailstorms that hit central Oklahoma a week ago caused more than $75 million in damage, according to preliminary estimates released by the Oklahoma Insurance Department. The Associated Press reported that an estimate of...