Latest Pennsylvania Headlines

All the headlines from our Pennsylvania Topic Page, ordered by recency.

Pa. Officials Selling Reliance Properties to Raise Cash

Jun 2 2004 // Three years after taking over Reliance Insurance Co., the Pennsylvania Insurance Department is attempting to raise cash by selling far-flung properties of the failed company. Reliance Insurance faces a $3 billion shortfall...

Pa. House Backs Bill Addressing Insurance Insolvencies

May 26 2004 // A bill that would reportedly assure that policyholders of insolvent insurance companies would have their claims paid according to the agreed-upon deductible amounts under their policies passed the Pennsylvania House...

33,000 Doctors Seek Pa. Med-Mal Subsidy

May 19 2004 // About 33,000 physicians who want help paying for medical malpractice insurance have applied for a piece of a $220 million state subsidy in Pennsylvania that will be largely funded by cigarette taxes increased in...

Pa. Court Upholds Sentence of Former Rep. Druce

May 3 2004 // The Pennsylvania Supreme Court last week upheld the prison sentence of former state Rep. Thomas Druce, who pleaded guilty to charges stemming from a 1999 hit-and-run accident that killed a Harrisburg man. Druce pleaded...

Pa. Agent Meets 5 to 12 Year Prison Term

Apr 29 2004 // Pennsylvania Attorney General Jerry Pappert announced that a former Lancaster County insurance agent was sentenced to 5 to 12 years in state prison for reportedly bilking 71 elderly victims out of nearly $3 million in...

Reports Differ Over Pa. Med-Mal Claims

Apr 26 2004 // Insurance companies and other underwriters in Pennsylvania reported paying less for malpractice claims against medical professionals last year, according to a federal agency, even though doctors complain that rising...

Penn National Announces Surplus Note Offering

Apr 22 2004 // Penn National Insurance of Harrisburg, Pa. is issuing $50 million in surplus notes of Pennsylvania National Mutual Casualty Insurance Company. Bear, Stearns & Co. Inc. will serve as the sole bookrunning manager for...

Pa. Suit Targets Gun Dealer Liability

Apr 21 2004 // A civil lawsuit filed against a South Williamsport gun shop could be the first to go to court that would hold gun dealers accountable when criminals get their hands on guns, lawyers say. In April 1999, 7-year-old Nafis...

Even as Med Mal Cases Drop., Penn. Governor Steps Up Reform Effort

Apr 5 2004 // Citing data released from the state Supreme Court as “proof that our reforms are making a difference,” Pennsylvania Governor Edward G. Rendell has proposed a series of new bills to address the state’s...

Actuaries Told: No ‘Duct Tape Solution’ to the Current Med-Mal Crisis

Apr 2 2004 // The current medical malpractice crisis did not happen overnight and is not going to resolve itself without bringing predictability and stability into the system. This was the message delivered by a panel of experts at the...

Pa. Firm Joins ISU

Mar 30 2004 // ISU International President, T.J. Ryan III, announced the addition of the newest member to ISU’s national network of agencies – The Holdren Group of Plymouth Meeting, Pa. With more than 90 branch offices, ISU...

Pa. Hospitals React to Medical Liability Proposals

Mar 26 2004 // The Hospital & Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania (HAP) has responded positively to Governor Ed Rendell’s recently announced medical liability reform proposals (See IJ Web site Mar.25). “We are...

Pa. Gov. Rendell Offers Med-Mal Package

Mar 25 2004 // Pennsylvania Governor Edward G. Rendell yesterday offered new proposals to address Pennsylvania’s medical malpractice situation. The proposals supplement those he offered in June 2003. “Court statistics...

Pa. State Senators Reintroduce Lawsuit Reform Measure: ‘Joint and Several Liability’ Legal Doctrine

Mar 24 2004 // Pennsylvania State Senators Hal Mowery (R-31) and Jeff Piccola (R-15) reacted on Wednesday to recent challenges in the courts by introducing for the second time a major lawsuit reform measure that replaces “joint and...

Workers in Mass., Pa. Fare Better After Injuries Than In Other States

Mar 22 2004 // Injured workers located in Massachusetts and Pennsylvania report more satisfactory outcomes than their counter parts in Texas, according to a study by the Workers’ Compensation Research Institute (WCRI). The study,...

Pennsylvania: Home to Gene Kelly, Liberty Bell and Hershey Chocolate

Mar 22 2004 // The states boasts a good homeowners loss ratio and a diversified economy The United States Census Bureau’s Census 2000 estimated the population of the Pennsylvania at 12,281,054. Approximately 82 percent of the adult...

Report Backs Government Role in Malpractice Insurance

Mar 19 2004 // A convincing case can be made for government involvement in providing medical malpractice insurance for high-cost claims and shortcomings in some such arrangements, such as Pennsylvania’s Mcare fund, are due to...

Pa. Brokers Arrested in New Jersey, Charged with Stealing More than $100,000 in Client Premium Monies

Mar 19 2004 // New Jersey Attorney General Peter Harvey announced the arrest of two Pennsylvania insurance brokers on charges they stole more than $100,000 in client insurance premium monies which were supposed to be used to purchase...

Conn., Pa. Receive NAIC Accreditation Awards

Mar 15 2004 // The insurance regulatory organizations from Connecticut, Montana and Pennsylvania have received Accreditation awards under the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ Financial Regulation Standards and...

Pa. Gov. Informs Med Students on Reform Plan

Mar 11 2004 // Pennsylvania Governor Edward G. Rendell, recently met with student representatives from the state’s eight medical schools and assured them that he shares their concerns about rising medical malpractice insurance...