Latest Personal Auto Headlines

All the headlines from our Personal Auto Topic Page, ordered by recency.

Judge Dismisses Suit over New Jersey Teen Driver Decals

Mar 10 2010 // New Jersey judge has upheld a new law that requires drivers younger than 21 to display identifying decals on their vehicle license plates. State Superior Court Judge Robert Brennan dismissed a lawsuit brought by Gregg...

UK’s Jubilee Agency to Underwrite Amateur Auto Race Drivers

Mar 9 2010 // Specialist Lloyd’s insurer, Jubilee Managing Agency Limited, has been appointed to provide dedicated amateur motor sport personal accident coverage for amateur race and rally drivers who hold UK Motor Sport...

New Jersey Assembly Panel Advances Distracted Driver Bill

Mar 8 2010 // Police in New Jersey may soon have to note whether a driver was distracted before having an accident. A bill approved by an Assembly committee last week requires officers to check a box describing the type of...

Tennessee Eyes Insurance Break for Senior Drivers

Mar 7 2010 // Legislation that would give senior drivers in Tennessee a discount on their insurance for taking an online driving course is on Gov. Phil Bredesen’s desk awaiting his signature. The measure, sponsored by Republican...

Minnesota Lawmakers Hold Distracted Driving Hearing

Mar 4 2010 // Minnesota lawmakers are taking another look at the dangers of distracted driving. House and Senate transportation committees held a joint hearing Wednesday on the risks of things like cell phone dialing, fiddling with GPS...

Arizona Bill Banning Texting While Driving Dies in Senate

Mar 3 2010 // The Arizona Senate in an 11-11 vote failed to pass a bill that would have banned texting on a cell phone while driving. If it had passed, SB 1334 would have imposed fines of $50 for from operating a motor vehicle on a...

Rules Change for Young Drivers in Texas

Mar 2 2010 // Applicants for a drivers license in Texas between the ages of 18 and 24 now must complete an approved driver education course and a driving skills test to get a license, the Texas Department of Public Safety says. DPS says...

Legislation to Ban Texting While Driving Advances in Oklahoma

Mar 1 2010 // A measure in Oklahoma that places limits on texting while driving has passed out of the House Public Safety Committee. The measure would also prohibit young drivers from using a cell phone to talk or text while the vehicle...

Iowa House Approves Ban on Texting While Driving

Feb 25 2010 // The Iowa House has approved a measure which would ban drivers from writing and sending text messages while driving. The House approved the measure Feb. 23 on an 64-31 vote, sending it to the Senate for more...

Maryland Governor Backs Ignition Lock for Drunk Drivers

Feb 22 2010 // Gov. Martin O’Malley said Thursday he would support requiring first-time drunk drivers to install ignition locking systems in their vehicles, so they couldn’t drive them if they’ve had too much to...

Wyoming Aimsto Ban Texting While Driving

Feb 21 2010 // The Wyoming Legislature has given its first approval to a bill that would prohibit the use of electronic wireless communication devices for sending text or electronic mail messages while driving. Senate File 20 is...

South Carolina Advances Bills Banning Texting, Phoning While Driving

Feb 18 2010 // South Carolina legislators this week advanced bills limiting how drivers use their cell phones behind the wheel. The bill heading to the House floor would ban both text messaging and talking on a hand-held phone, while a...

Wyoming Aims To Ban Texting While Driving

Feb 12 2010 // The Wyoming Legislature has given its first approval to a bill that would prohibit the use of electronic wireless communication devices for sending text or electronic mail messages while driving. Senate File 20 is...

Florida Court Overturns $12 Million Drunk Driving Verdict Against School

Feb 12 2010 // A Florida appeals court has reversed a $12 million verdict against a Miami archdiocesan high school previously found liable for the injuries of a student who survived a drunken driving crash. Archbishop Coleman F. Carroll...

South Carolina Considers Ban on Cell Phone Use by Teen Drivers

Feb 11 2010 // South Carolina senators are considering banning teens under 18 from driving while holding a cell phone to their ear. A Senate Judiciary subcommittee was set to debate the bill this week. It is among six bills in the...

Iowa House Panel Backs Ban on Texting While Driving

Feb 11 2010 // An Iowa House of Representatives committee has approved a limited ban on motorists using their cell phones to send text messages while motoring down the highway. Republican Rep. Dave Tjepkes, a retired Iowa State Patrol...

Manhattan, Kansas, Lawmakers Vote to Ban Driving With Cell Phones

Feb 8 2010 // The days of drivers with a cell phone to their ear could be coming to an end in Manhattan, Kan., this summer. City commissioners have unanimously approved a ban on handheld phones night, the ban to take effect July...

State Bans on Phoning While Driving Fail to Reduce Crashes

Feb 7 2010 // As state legislators across the United States enact laws that ban phoning and/or texting while driving, a new study finds no reductions in crashes after hand-held phone bans take effect. Comparing insurance claims for...

Connecticut Governor Proposes Stricter Cell Phone Laws for Drivers

Feb 3 2010 // Connecticut Gov. M. Jodi Rell has announced she will propose stronger enforcement of the state’s 2005 law barring hand-held cell phones while driving. In a statement Saturday, Rell said she will submit legislation...

Study: Distracted Driving Laws Don’t Stop Crashes

Feb 2 2010 // A new insurance industry study has found that state laws banning the use of handheld devices to make calls or send text messages while driving have not resulted in fewer vehicle crashes. The study, released Friday by the...