Latest Personal Auto Headlines

All the headlines from our Personal Auto Topic Page, ordered by recency.

Texas Lawmaker Proposes Bill Aimed at Reducing Drunk Driving

Jan 19 2011 // Texas state Rep. Bill Callegari (District 132, Katy) has introduced House Bill 506 to require that all persons convicted of driving while intoxicated have an ignition interlock device installed in their vehicle. The bill...

Report: Many Ohio License Suspensions Unrelated to Driving

Jan 19 2011 // Twenty-five percent of the driver license suspensions in Ohio are the result of offenses that are not related to operating a motor vehicle, according to a newspaper analysis. The Dayton Daily News reported that 39 percent...

SSK Insurance Offers Teen Driving Simulator Program

Jan 18 2011 // Lynden, Wash.-based Snapper Shuler Kenner Insurance (SSK Insurance), an independent insurance agency with offices in Lynden and Bellingham, Wash., has launched SSK Drive-Safe, a free simulator driver training program for...

Oklahoma Lawmaker Tackling Use of Cell Phone While Driving

Jan 14 2011 // Oklahoma state Rep. Danny Morgan, D-Prague, plans to file legislation to restrict the use of cell phones while driving. The lawmaker reported that Sapulpa drivers on public roads fell again victim to the legal practice of...

Delaware Bans Hand-Held Cell Phone Use While Driving

Jan 5 2011 // A ban on hand-held cell phone use while driving is taking effect in Delaware. Beginning Sunday, drivers will have to carry on their cell phone conversations using hands-free devices. The law also bans texting while...

Some Michigan Drivers Can Erase Points By Taking Class

Jan 4 2011 // A new Michigan law will allow certain drivers to erase points from their record if they’re willing to take a class. Someone ticketed for speeding or other offenses would still pay fines. But completing a...

North Dakota Pushes for Graduated Driver’s License Law

Dec 22 2010 // Several North Dakota agencies have joined forces to support a bill aimed at reducing teen traffic accidents and deaths. The North Dakota Department of Insurance, North Dakota Coalition for Graduated Drivers Licensing,...

Ohio Teen Driver Law Linked to Drop in Crashes

Dec 22 2010 // Nearly four-year-old restrictions on Ohio teen drivers get some of the credit for a drop in accidents on Ohio roads. The state Department of Transportation says Ohio saw a 16.7 decline in overall vehicle crashes between...

Rhode Island Drivers Who Pay Tickets by Mail Escape Scrutiny

Dec 14 2010 // An analysis finds some Rhode Island drivers are moving unnoticed through the system and staying behind the wheel despite multiple violations. The Providence Journal reports Sunday that some drivers’ lengthy records...

Dec. 15 Most Dangerous Day for California Drivers

Dec 14 2010 // More Californians crash their cars on December 15 than any other day of the year, according to an Allstate Insurance Co. review of its California auto insurance claims over the past four years. The number of accident...

Connecticut Says Tougher Teen Driving Rules Save Lives

Dec 10 2010 // State officials say Connecticut’s tough new restrictions on teenage drivers are saving lives. There were six fatal crashes involving 16- and 17-year-old drivers in 2009, the lowest in 12 years. Gov. M. Jodi Rell...

Survey: Texting While Driving in Texas Getting Worse

Dec 2 2010 // Texans believe texting and talking on phones while driving is getting worse and that roads are less safe than they were five years ago, despite declines in accident deaths. A survey by the Texas Transportation Institute...

Nearly 20% of Drivers in Fatal Crashes Test Positive for Drugs: Report

Dec 1 2010 // About 1 in 5 drivers who were killed last year in car crashes tested positive for drugs, raising concerns about the impact of drugs on auto safety, according to a new government report. Researchers with the National...

Drunk Driving Arrests Up, Fatalities Down in Mississippi

Nov 30 2010 // DUI arrests have skyrocketed in Mississippi in the past several years, helping lead to the lowest number of drunken driving deaths in decades. It’s welcome news for a state that has ranked among the nation’s...

Texas Driver Records Now Available Instantly Online

Nov 30 2010 // The Texas Department of Public Safety announced that Texas drivers can now order their driving records online and print them out immediately instead of waiting to have the record mailed to them. “We are pleased to...

Drivers Beware When Deer Search for Mates

Nov 24 2010 // Paula Reid was cruising at the speed limit on U.S. 460 in Virginia, near Montvale, her big BMW sedan slicing through the dark highway’s miles. Then, thwack. “Out of nowhere she hit me,” Reid, 49, of...

Massachusetts Falls Short Fighting Drunken Driving

Nov 17 2010 // The National Transportation Safety Board is faulting Massachusetts for not doing enough to combat what they call “hardcore” drunken drivers. The NTSB said Massachusetts is among 10 states in the country that...

Driver in Fatal Connecticut Crash Sues Victim’s Parents

Nov 16 2010 // A Connecticut driver who’s serving a manslaughter sentence for striking and killing a 14-year-old boy is suing the victim’s parents, blaming them for their son’s death because they allowed him to ride his...

Louisiana DWI Simulator Adds Texting while Driving

Nov 16 2010 // She took off the virtual reality headset, got out of the car and looked at her printed-out ticket for running a red light and killing a pedestrian while sending a cell phone text message. “I got a ticket for...

Virginia Firm Eyes High Tech Fix for Distracted Driving

Nov 14 2010 // Despite a public outcry over drivers who text, talk and e-mail that has prompted dozens of states to ban the practice, enforcing those laws is proving difficult. But Matthew Howard, co-founder and CEO of ZoomSafer, says...