Latest Personal Auto Headlines

All the headlines from our Personal Auto Topic Page, ordered by recency.


Jul 23 2007 // A motorist accused of “huffing” stimulants from an aerosol can before getting into a deadly wreck cannot be charged with driving while intoxicated, New York’s highest court ruled recently. The Legislature...

Editor’s Note: Driver’s seat

Jul 23 2007 // The last time — January 1977 — Massachusetts tried to introduce competitive rating into private passenger auto insurance, a Democrat, Michael Dukakis, was governor. The experiment lasted about seven months...

Inhalants not included under drunk driving law, N.Y. high court rules

Jul 23 2007 // A motorist accused of “huffing” stimulants from an aerosol can before getting into a deadly wreck cannot be charged with driving while intoxicated, New York’s highest court ruled recently. The Legislature...

Virginians question bad driving penalties

Jul 23 2007 // The Virginia General Assembly may have to address the issue of punitive and recurring bad-driving fees, Gov. Timothy M. Kaine acknowledged after callers on a radio show recently pressed him about why out-of-state drivers...

Teen drivers talk, text too much while on the road

Jul 23 2007 // An alarming number of teen drivers are engaging in risky behavior, including sending and reading text messages, and talking on their cell phones while driving, according to research by AAA and Seventeen magazine. The...

Operation Firecracker Campaign Targeted Drunk Drivers in N.C.

Jul 13 2007 // North Carolina state and local law enforcement officers cited 2,129 motorists for driving while impaired during the “Booze It & Lose It: Operation Firecracker” campaign that ran June 28-July 8, according...

Driver Cries Foul as New Maine Law Yanks His Driver’s License

Jul 10 2007 // A 23-year-old Maine motorist who lost his license for three years under a little-publicized provision of Tina’s Law is crying foul. Joe P. Dehetre of Turner has a long and checkered driving record that includes 10...

Poll: Washington Driver Speed Connected to Household Income

Jul 2 2007 // Washington drivers who earn a household income of more than $75,000 are more likely than their counterparts to speed and talk on a cell phone, according to data from a poll conducted by PEMCO Insurance...

Virginians Upset Over Steep Penalties for State’s Repeat Bad Drivers

Jul 2 2007 // The Virginia General Assembly may have to address the issue of punitive and recurring bad-driving fees imposed solely on Virginians, Gov. Timothy M. Kaine told a statewide radio audience last week. For the second time in...

Allstate awards cities free gas for safe driving records

Jul 2 2007 // For the second straight year, an insurance study has found that Sioux Falls, S.D. has the safest drivers in the nation. Researchers with Allstate Insurance Co. analyzed two years of internal crash data to calculate the...

Allstate awards cities free gas for safe driving records

Jul 2 2007 // For the second straight year, an insurance study has found that Sioux Falls, S.D. has the safest drivers in the nation. Researchers with Allstate Insurance Co. analyzed two years of internal crash data to calculate the...

N.Y. Court Rules Drunk Driving Does Not Include Using Inhalants with Alcohol

Jun 29 2007 // A motorist accused of “huffing” stimulants from an aerosol can before getting into a deadly wreck cannot be charged with driving while intoxicated, New York’s highest court ruled Wednesday. The...

New Jersey Drivers Think They’re Better Than New York Drivers

Jun 29 2007 // New Jersey drivers buckle themselves in, but do so while speeding and scorning New Yorkers, according to a new university poll. The poll also found Garden State men are more likely than women to drive after drinking or...

R.I. Gov. Vetoes Giving Drivers Extra Day to Provide Insurance Proof

Jun 26 2007 // Siding with State Police who said it would create an “unnecessary and burdensome increase in paperwork,” Rhode Island Gov. Don Carcieri for the second year has vetoed a bill to give motorists who are ticketed...

Road Sins: Vatican Publishes 10 Commandments for Drivers

Jun 20 2007 // The Vatican on Tuesday issued a set of “Ten Commandments” for drivers, telling motorists not to kill, not to drink and drive, and to help fellow motorists in the case of accidents. A document from the...

Texas Delays System to Crackdown on Uninsured Drivers

Jun 20 2007 // Texas officials have again delayed the launch of a database meant to crack down on uninsured drivers, saying people could be ticketed or arrested because of inaccurate information. Lawmakers in 2005 ordered the Texas...

Survey: Inlanders Oppose Subsidies for Risky Drivers, Coastal Homes

Jun 20 2007 // A new survey is reporting that 80 percent of drivers and 64 percent of homeowners in non-coastal areas in two states disagree with state insurance pricing regulations that benefit risky drivers and homeowners in high-risk...

Study Concludes Child Passengers Safer When Teen Driver Is Sibling

Jun 19 2007 // A study released June 14 from The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and State Farm found that while children driven by teens are twice as likely to suffer crash injury as those driven by adults, their risk is 40...

S.C. Joins States Opposing National Federal Driver’s Licensing

Jun 15 2007 // South Carolina joined Maine, New Hampshire and other states this week as it formally rejected a federal mandate that sets new national driver’s license standards. Gov. Mark Sanford signed a bill into law that says...

N.J. Could Join States Penalizing Drivers Using Cell Phones

Jun 15 2007 // New Jersey could become the fourth state to allow police to ticket drivers whenever they’re seen using a hand-held cell phone while driving. An Assembly committee on Thursday was slated to consider a Senate-approved...