Latest Political Risk Headlines

All the headlines from our Political Risk Topic Page, ordered by recency.

Lexington Ups Capacity on Bio-Chemical Terrorism Coverage

Nov 27 2007 // Lexington Insurance Company, a member company of American International Group, Inc. (AIG), has increased capacity of its BioChem Shield product from $10 million to $25 million. BioChem Shield is Lexington’s coverage...

Senate Approves Terrorism Backstop Extension

Nov 16 2007 // The Senate today passed the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (TRIPRA) of 2007, legislation that will extend the federal terrorism insurance backstop. The current federal terrorism reinsurance program...

AIR Releases Updated Version of U.S. Terrorism Model

Nov 14 2007 // AIR Worldwide Corporation has released an updated version of its U.S. Terrorism Model, which is available in Version 9.5 of its catastrophe risk management systems. AIR said the new model is the result of “two years...

Lloyd’s Holds Conference on Terrorist Threats in New York

Nov 5 2007 // Threats from terrorists have become a subject nobody can ignore – least of all the insurance industry. To meet those threats requires knowing who the terrorists are and how they operate. Lloyd’s recent seminar...

Political risk: Converting mystery into opportunity

Nov 4 2007 // By Kathleen S. Ellis The stars are aligning for a growing demand for political risk insurance. Changes in the landscape have created fresh opportunities for producers to increase retention and grow their customer base by...

Political risk: Converting mystery into opportunity

Nov 4 2007 // By Kathleen S. Ellis The stars are aligning for a growing demand for political risk insurance. Changes in the landscape have created fresh opportunities for producers to increase retention and grow their customer base by...

House Leader: 120-Day Extension for Federal Terrorism Insurance Possible

Oct 29 2007 // A key House leader says he will push for a 120-day extension of the federal terrorism reinsurance program that expires at year’s end rather than simply accept the Senate bill that is narrower in scope than the House...

Senate Panel Releases Compromise Terrorism Insurance Bill

Oct 17 2007 // Senate leaders have agreed on a bill to renew the federal terrorism reinsurance program, although without some of the added provisions and for not as long as the House of Representatives wants. The Senate Banking...

Hiscox Launches Combined War, Terrorism, Political Violence Cover

Oct 12 2007 // The world is a dangerous place, and sometimes a very confusing one. Specialist insurer Hiscox has met the challenge of trying to separate outbreaks of “war, terrorism and political violence” as they...

RAND Study Finds Taxpayers, Policyholders Benefit from Terrorism Insurance Backstop

Oct 10 2007 // Taxpayers save money and businesses are better protected with the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) in place than if the act is allowed to expire, according to a recent study by RAND Corp. The analysis found that TRIA,...

IISS Sees Increasing Terrorist Threats

Sep 24 2007 // While global warming may ultimately prove to be the biggest crisis the world’s people have ever faced, it’s not as immediate a threat as that posed by global terrorism. After Sept. 11 and the Madrid and London...

House Approves Terrorism Insurance Backstop Extension

Sep 20 2007 // The House of Representative approved by a vote 312-110 H.R. 2761, the Terrorism Risk Insurance Revision and Extension Act of 2007 (TRIREA), legislation that extends and revises the federal terrorism insurance backstop for...

Bush Signals Veto of Terrorism Reinsurance Program

Sep 18 2007 // The Bush Administration believes that the federal backup for terrorism reinsurance should be phased out in favor of a private market for terrorism insurance and “strongly opposes efforts to expand the federal...

House Committee Advances Bill to Extend Terrorism Reinsurance Backstop for 15 Years

Aug 2 2007 // The House Financial Services Committee voted yesterday to extend and expand the federal terrorism reinsurance law, going against the wishes of the Bush Administration. The panel voted by 49 to 20 in favor of H.R. 2761, the...

Steam Explosion Causes Scare in NYC; Not Believed to Be Terrorism

Jul 20 2007 // New York City fire and emergency crews responded to the scene of a suspected steam explosion near Grand Central Station in Manhattan on Wednesday during the evening rush hour, officials said. The New York Police Department...

House bill renews federal terrorism reinsurance for 10 years

Jul 2 2007 // Congress officially has a new bill to reauthorize the federal terrorism reinsurance program. Two Democrats from Massachusetts — U.S. Rep. Mike Capuano and the Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee Barney...

House bill renews federal terrorism reinsurance for 10 years

Jul 2 2007 // Congress officially has a new bill to reauthorize the federal terrorism reinsurance program. Two Democrats from Massachusetts — U.S. Rep. Mike Capuano and the Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee Barney...

Gallagher (UK), MAP Launch Israeli War & Terrorism Coverage

Jun 21 2007 // Arthur J. Gallagher (UK) Limited in conjunction with MAP, a specialist insurer at Lloyd’s, has launched an insurance facility for terrorism liability. The new product aims to provide coverage for tourist and study...

House Bill Renews Federal Terrorism Reinsurance for 10 Years, Expands Definition

Jun 19 2007 // Congress officially has a new bill to reauthorize the federal terrorism reinsurance program. Two Democrats from Massachusetts — U.S. Rep. Mike Capuano and the Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee Barney...

Terrorism Risk Insurance Act Déjà Vu

Jun 18 2007 // It’s becoming a familiar song: the Federal Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) is once again due to expire on Dec. 31, 2007, and as of this writing, no long- or short-term successor program has been decided upon or...