Latest Political Risk Headlines

All the headlines from our Political Risk Topic Page, ordered by recency.

Political Risk Tops List of Worries for Insurers Across Globe: GS Survey

Apr 27 2017 // Political risk is the biggest concern this year for insurers globally, following several shock outcomes in 2016, a survey of insurers managing $10 trillion in assets showed on Thursday. Political events have overtaken...

Demand Rises for Political Risk Cover as Buyers Think the Unthinkable

Apr 25 2017 // Rocked by a shakeup in the Western political order, companies are buying more insurance to protect themselves against the threat of rising protectionism and upheaval to their operations in emerging markets. Insurers say...

XL Catlin Boosts Terrorism Insurance Limits to $250M

Apr 20 2017 // XL Catlin has raised its available terrorism insurance coverage limits to $250 million from $200 million, a 25 percent increase. XL Catlin’s standalone terrorism insurance policy helps U.S. businesses address...

Political Risk a Growing Concern, Say Brokers, Insurers

Apr 13 2017 // Evan Freely has been insuring global risks for years — through the 2008 market meltdown, the 2002 crisis in Argentina, and the 1993 downturn in Venezuela. Yet turmoil now seems to be coming at a more rapid pace than...

Oklahoma, British Professors Studying Terrorism Prevention for Buildings

Apr 11 2017 // David McIlhatton knows terrorism cannot be prevented. But measures to keep people safe often deter people from visiting sites or cities. “We don’t want a strong physical (security) presence because that...

U.S. Fund Payouts to Terrorism Victims to Reach $1 Billion

Apr 11 2017 // The Justice Department said it has made payments totaling more than $800 million from the U.S. Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Fund to compensate thousands of U.S. victims of international acts of terrorism by state...

Miller Taps Gallagher’s Maule as Senior Trade Credit & Political Risks Broker

Apr 7 2017 // Miller has hired David Maule in a business production and senior broking role, which the London-based broker said will add “considerable strength” to its trade credit and political risks capabilities. Maule...

U.S. Supreme Court to Hear if Arab Bank Is Financially Liable for Terrorist Attacks

Apr 4 2017 // The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday agreed to consider reviving litigation seeking to hold Arab Bank Plc financially liable for militant attacks in Israel and the Palestinian territories that accused the Jordan-based bank of...

Insurers, Victims Sue Saudi Arabia Over Sept. 11 Terrorist Attacks

Mar 27 2017 // Saudi Arabia is facing a renewed $6 billion lawsuit by dozens of insurers seeking to hold it responsible for business and property damage caused by the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. The lawsuit filed late Thursday in the U.S....

UK’s Terrorism Reinsurer, Pool Re, Plans to Extend Cover to Include Cyber

Mar 13 2017 // Britain’s 6 billion pounds ($7.3 billion) terrorism reinsurance fund hopes to extend its cover to include cyber attacks on property, chief executive Julian Enoizi said. Pool Re, set up in 1993, acts as a backstop to...

Researchers Claim High Accuracy in Understanding Terrorists’ Next Moves

Mar 6 2017 // Government agencies are not always successful using social media and telecommunication to uncover the intentions of terrorists because terrorists are now more careful in utilizing these technologies for planning and...

Ironshore International Hikes Capacity to $400M for Terrorism & Sabotage Cover

Feb 22 2017 // Ironshore International has increased capacity for Terrorism & Sabotage programs to US$400 million, an increase from the current U$375 million limit, effective immediately. Ironshore’s Terrorism & Sabotage...

Lloyd’s Sees Political Risk Insurance Opportunity in Trump, Brexit

Feb 15 2017 // Lloyd’s of London Chief Executive Officer Inga Beale said Donald Trump’s presidency and the U.K.’s planned exit from the European Union are creating opportunities to sell insurance guarding commercial...

Russia Focuses on Pilot or Technical Fault, Not Terrorism, as Plane Crash Cause

Dec 27 2016 // A pilot error or a technical fault — not terrorism — is likely to be the cause of the plane crash into the Black Sea, Russian officials said Monday as the nation held a day of mourning for the victims. All 84...

Israel’s ‘Facebook Law’ Targets Content ‘Liable to Incite’ Terrorism

Dec 27 2016 // Israeli courts could demand that companies such as Facebook Inc. remove content deemed as incitement, under a bill that that will head for parliamentary approval amid concerns about free speech. The law would give Israel...

German Police Resume Hunt for Killer in Christmas Market Terrorist Attack

Dec 21 2016 // German investigators intensified their search for the perpetrator of a deadly truck assault on a Christmas market in Berlin after an initial suspect was released, deepening the fear and uncertainty over what Chancellor...

XL Catlin Launches Active Assailant, Terrorism Threat Coverage

Dec 21 2016 // XL Catlin’s has launched Active Assailant, Loss of Attraction and Threat (ALT) insurance coverage to respond to the impact of terrorism or an active assailant attack or the threat of an attack on the operations of...

Terrorism May Be Motive in Berlin Christmas Market Killings; RMS Comments

Dec 20 2016 // Investigators suspect the driver of a truck that plowed into a crowd at a Berlin Christmas market, killing 12 people and injuring 48, did so intentionally in a terrorist attack, police said on Tuesday. The truck crashed...

TMK Names Ex-AIG Exec Burke as Trade Credit & Political Risk U/W

Nov 21 2016 // Tokio Marine Kiln has appointed Gary Burke to the special risks division in its London office. Burke will focus on trade credit and political risks. Previously he worked for American International Group (AIG) where he held...

XL Catlin Adds Terrorism & Political Violence Coverage to Property Program

Nov 21 2016 // XL Catlin has enhanced its Platinum Property insurance program with a new terrorism and political violence insurance option. XL Catlin’s Platinum Property program allows businesses to address 100 percent of their...