Latest Politics Headlines

All the headlines from our Politics Topic Page, ordered by recency.

Minnesota Governor Lashes Out at GOP Critics of Health Insurance Exchange

Apr 10 2014 // Gov. Mark Dayton lashed out at critics of Minnesota’s health insurance exchange, accusing them of waging a propaganda campaign to destroy it. The Democratic governor spoke to reporters a day after GOP members of the...

Florida Senate Passes Parasailing Insurance Bill

Apr 7 2014 // Parasailing in Florida moved closer to becoming a regulated industry lat week, with the Senate approving a bill that would place safety guidelines on companies. The legislation details insurance, equipment and license...

Maryland Senate Approves Compromise Bill on Liability for Dog Bites

Apr 4 2014 // The Maryland Senate has approved a compromise bill on liability for dog bites. The House has already passed the bill, so it will go to the governor’s office for a signature. The bill would hold dog owners liable for...

Oklahoma School Storm Shelter Proposal Passes Senate Committee

Apr 4 2014 // An Oklahoma Senate committee has passed a measure calling for a public vote to allow school districts a one-time increase on bonding capacity to pay for school safety upgrades like storm shelters and safe rooms. The Senate...

Ag Tourism Liability Bill Passes Wisconsin Senate

Apr 3 2014 // Farmers wouldn’t be financially liable for the death of someone participating in an agricultural tourism activity under a bill that has cleared the Wisconsin Senate. Agricultural tourism is growing in popularity as...

Bill to Make Cancer Drugs More Affordable Passes Wisconsin Senate

Apr 2 2014 // Chemotherapy pills that cancer patients can take at home would be more affordable under a bill that the Wisconsin Senate passed on April 1 – the last planned meeting day of its two-year session. The oral chemotherapy...

Republican Bill Targets ‘Bailout’ of Health Insurers

Apr 2 2014 // U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, a prominent Republican critic of President Barack Obama’s healthcare law, unveiled legislation on Tuesday to make sure Obamacare would not add to the deficit by compensating insurance...

Republicans Vying for Georgia’s Senate Debate Flood Insurance, Port Development

Mar 31 2014 // Republican candidates for Georgia’s open U.S. Senate seat debated Saturday whether Congress has pushed hard enough for deepening the Savannah harbor and whether the federal government should keep giving homeowners a...

Kentucky Senate Debates Mine Safety Budget

Mar 28 2014 // Coal mines in Kentucky would be subject to fewer state inspections under the Senate’s budget proposal — a change that safety advocates say would raise the risk for miners, but one the plan’s proponents argue...

Florida Senate Passes Measure to Encourage Private Flood Insurance

Mar 28 2014 // The Florida Senate is backing a bill to entice private insurance companies to sell flood policies in the state that’s the most vulnerable to storm surge. The Senate this week unanimously passed the bill (SB 542)...

Florida Senate OKs Ban on Insurance Underwriting Based on Gun Ownership

Mar 20 2014 // The Senate passed a bill that would make it illegal for insurance companies to deny policies or charge higher rates solely based on gun ownership. The bill passed on a 36-3 vote. Supporters have said some insurance...

Wisconsin Senate Passes Bill to Delay Asbestos Lawsuits

Mar 14 2014 // A bill that Democratic opponents say would slow asbestos-exposure lawsuits has cleared the Wisconsin state Senate. The measure passed would require plaintiffs to reveal how many businesses their attorneys plan to go after....

Senate Approves Bill to Curb Flood Insurance Hikes

Mar 13 2014 // The Senate today went along with the House of Representatives by passing a bill to reverse flood insurance reforms and curb flood insurance premium increases. The Senate approved H.R. 3370, the “Homeowner Flood...

Idaho Senate Panel Passes Sobriety Testing Bill

Mar 12 2014 // A bill that would allow Idaho judges to require alcohol breath testing twice a day for some probationers is headed to the full Senate. The bill sponsored Rep. Luke Malek, R-Coeur d’Alene, gives counties the option to...

N.J. Senate Pres. Calls for More Sandy Aid Funds for Homeowners, Renters

Mar 7 2014 // New Jersey Senate President Stephen Sweeney has crafted his own plan for how the second round of Superstorm Sandy recovery funds is distributed. The Democrat’s plan calls for more funds to flow to homeowners and...

Kansas Senate Passes Bill Raising Limits on Lawsuit Damages

Feb 28 2014 // Kansas Senate has approved a bill that increases the state’s limits on some damages in lawsuits but makes other changes in evidence rules. The Senate’s 32-8 vote sends the measure to the House. The bill is...

Dog Bite Liability Measure Advances in Maryland Senate

Feb 28 2014 // Maryland’s Senate advanced a measure on Wednesday that would hold dog owners liable for bites, but protect those who can prove they didn’t know their dog was dangerous. The bill, which could get a vote in the...

Proposal To Raise Speed Limits In Idaho Clears Senate

Feb 27 2014 // A bid to increase speed limits on Idaho roads raced to a victory on the Senate floor, as lawmakers voted 30-4 to send it on to the House. Legal speeds would jump from 75 to 80 mph on the interstate and from 65 to 70 mph on...

Kentucky Senate Targets Patent Trolls

Feb 27 2014 // A bill that would make it harder for companies that hold large numbers of patents to sue for patent infringement when they don’t produce the patented goods has been passed by the Kentucky Senate. Bill sponsor Sen....

Largest Insurers Would Face Asset Tax Under GOP Plan

Feb 26 2014 // The biggest U.S. banks and insurance companies would have to pay a quarterly 3.5 basis-point tax on assets exceeding $500 billion under a plan to be unveiled this week by Congress’s top Republican tax writer. The...