Latest Politics Headlines

All the headlines from our Politics Topic Page, ordered by recency.

Georgia Senate Panel Advances Food Safety Measure

Feb 13 2009 // A sweeping new food safety measure proposed in the wake of the salmonella outbreak easily passed its first key legislative hurdle this week as Georgia lawmakers sought to reassure antsy residents. The Senate Agriculture...

Georgia Senate Panel Considers Changes to Food Safety Rules

Feb 11 2009 // State lawmakers are considering new food safety rules in Georgia, where a peanut plant has been linked to a salmonella outbreak that has sickened hundreds of people nationwide. The Senate Agriculture Committee is to...

Michigan Governor Expected to Veto Senate Bill Halting Ergonomics Rule

Feb 9 2009 // A divided Michigan Senate has voted to stop Gov. Jennifer Granholm’s administration from instituting mandatory workplace ergonomics rules in the state. But the 20-16 vote is unlikely to change much. The Democratic...

North Dakota Senate Kills Bill to Ban Credit Scoring in Insurance

Feb 9 2009 // The North Dakota Senate last week killed legislation (SB 2330) that would have banned insurers from using credit information in underwriting and rating. On Feb. 2, the Senate Industry, Business and Labor Committee voted do...

U.S. Senate Rejects Cutting Company Repatriation Tax Rate

Feb 4 2009 // The U.S. Senate Tuesday defeated a provision to slash the tax rate on profits that companies bring into the United States from overseas, voting not to include it in the economic stimulus package. The measure would have...

Michigan Senate Republicans Could Block Workplace Ergonomics Rule

Jan 29 2009 // Michigan Republicans are again trying to stop Gov. Jennifer Granholm’s administration from instituting mandatory workplace ergonomics rules in the state. The Democratic governor has previously vetoed similar...

Montana Senate Advances Fire Bills

Jan 27 2009 // The Montana Senate advanced a plan to identify and map the so-called wildland-urban interface — where homes or other development meet woodlands — despite worries the proposal eventually could harm...

North Dakota Republican Seeks Fines to Curb Driving While Texting

Jan 14 2009 // North Dakota Rep. Lawrence Klemin recalls the driver who pulled alongside him at a stoplight recently, eyes down, thumbs frantically working a tiny keyboard that was propped on the steering wheel. “When the stoplight...

Workers’ Comp Reform on Agenda for Oklahoma Senate GOP

Jan 8 2009 // Reform of the state’s workers’ compensation system is among the policy issues on the agenda for Republicans in the Oklahoma State Senate during the 2009 legislative session. In concurrent news conferences in...

Ohio Senate Votes to Keep Workers’ Compensation Rating System

Dec 19 2008 // The Ohio Senate has signed off on preserving a workers’ compensation rate system that many businesses say is unfair and detrimental to the economy. The Senate voted 31-1 on Dec. 15 to preserve the current group...

Insurers Critical of New Jersey Senate Bill

Dec 18 2008 // The Property Casualty Insurers Association of America (PCI) said it strongly opposes a bill recently passed by New Jersey Senate that allows physicians to make self-referrals to their ambulatory surgical centers. PCI said...

Mich. Senate Votes to Require Ignition Devises in Drunk Driving Cases

Dec 12 2008 // Michigan is looking to get tougher on drunken drivers. Legislation approved late Dec. 10 by the state Senate would require drivers with a high blood-alcohol content of 0.15 or more to install an ignition interlock device...

Rhode Island Senate Proposes Crack Down on Drunken Driving

Dec 4 2008 // A Rhode Island state senator says he will introduce three bills in response to a federal report that said the Ocean State is not doing enough to crack down on drunken driving. The National Transportation Safety Board...

Insurance Industry’s Political Contributions to Democrats Spike in 2008

Nov 16 2008 // Political contributions to Democratic candidates in the 2008 election spiked more than 10 percent overall, according to data from the Center for Responsive Politics, a nonpartisan, independent research group that tracks...

Democrat Stewart Wins Delaware Insurance Commissioner Race

Nov 5 2008 // Democrat Karen Weldin Stewart rolled to victory in the race to be Delaware’s next insurance commissioner. She defeated Republican John F. Brady, 56.9 percent to 41 percent in the final tally. The former state...

Top Republican Lawmaker Asks AIG to Explain Use of Federal Funds

Nov 3 2008 // U.S. Sen. Charles Grassley, the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, has asked troubled insurer American International Group Inc to provide full details of its use of a $123 billion government bailout. AIG,...

Connecticut Insurance Broker to Fill GOP Slot as Honorary Candidate

Oct 30 2008 // A Bristol, Connecticut insurance broker says he’s filling in as the Republican candidate in the 76th Assembly District race to honor the original candidate who apparently took his own life last week. David L. Norton...

GOP Candidate Challenges Sen. Kerry on AIG Bailout

Oct 10 2008 // Democratic Sen. John Kerry’s Republican challenger in Massachusetts called on him to sell any stock he has in insurance giant American International Group and donate all campaign contributions from officials at the...

Wall Street Looks to House After Senate Approves Rescue Measure

Oct 2 2008 // Shockwaves from the global credit crisis spread on Thursday, threatening industry and jobs worldwide and putting pressure on the U.S. Congress to finish up a $700 billion bailout of the U.S. financial sector. The fate of...

Senate to Vote Tonight on Revised Wall Street Bailout with Tax Cuts

Oct 1 2008 // Leaders in the U.S. Congress have deployed their best weapon for winning passage of a $700 billion financial industry bailout just weeks before the elections, attaching tax cuts to an otherwise bitter pill. The Senate aims...