Latest Politics Headlines

All the headlines from our Politics Topic Page, ordered by recency.

Agent, Senate Pres. Codey Next in Line for New Jersey’s Governorship Following McGreevey Resignation

Aug 12 2004 // The resignation of New Jersey Gov. James McGreevey over his admission of an extramarital affair with another man means that the next in line to the governorship is State Senate President Richard J. Codey, a Democrat from...

Okla. Republicans Vow to Keep Pushing Comp Reform

Aug 4 2004 // The minority leaders of the Oklahoma Senate and House of Representatives issued an announcement stating that legislative action during the state’s last legislative session could have staved off the higher...

Senate Passes Confidential Medical Error Reporting System

Jul 27 2004 // Legislation approved by the U.S. Senate would set up a confidential, voluntary reporting system under which doctors and hospitals could disclose information on medical errors without fear of legal repercussions. Sponsors...

PCI: Senate Bill Reflects Importance of TRIA Extension to American Economy

Jul 25 2004 // The introduction of a bipartisan Senate bill to extend the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) for two years is encouraging news and demonstrates the widespread understanding among members of Congress that the economic...

AIA: Senate Bill Boosts Momentum to Extend Terrorism Insurance Law

Jul 22 2004 // The introduction of legislation in the Senate on Thursday to extend the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 (TRIA) by two years “adds to the momentum for congressional action in 2004, and demonstrates bipartisan...

NAMIC Responds to Senate Class Action Vote

Jul 12 2004 // After the Senate failed to reach an agreement on so-called non-germane amendments that would have permitted the class action reform legislation, S. 2062, the Class Action Fairness Act, to be considered in the Senate last...

AIA Responds to Senate Class Action Vote

Jul 9 2004 // The American Insurance Association (AIA) issued the following statement on Friday following the Senate’s vote on class action reform: “It is tremendously disappointing that partisan wrangling and election-year...

Oklahoma’s Fisher to Defend Himself in Senate Race

Jul 6 2004 // Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner Carroll Fisher, undaunted by an impeachment inquiry and pending criminal charges, is looking for vindication in his race for the U.S. Senate, the Associated Press reported. “And...

AIA Urges Senate to Complete Work on Long Overdue Major Legal Reform

Jul 6 2004 // The Senate can help end years of well-documented abuses of the U.S. judicial system this week by passing the Class Action Fairness Act, the American Insurance Association said today. “This is long overdue,...

Insurer Groups Laud Congressional Effort to Extend TRIA

Jun 23 2004 // At a press conference on Tuesday, four members of the House of Representatives introduced a bill extending the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA). Both the American Insurance Association and the National Association of...

R.I. Senate Backs Regional Health Plan

Jun 17 2004 // The Rhode Island Senate has approved legislation introduced by Sen. James C. Sheehan (D-Dist. 36) of Narragansett and North Kingstown to integrate Rhode Island’s insurance rules and regulations with those of...

La. Motorcycle Helmet Bill Moves to Senate Floor

Jun 17 2004 // A push to require all motorcyclists to wear helmets in Louisiana – bogged down in the House for weeks before getting approved this week – easily speeded through a Senate committee Wednesday, receiving unanimous...

Senate Votes to Renew National Flood Insurance Program

Jun 16 2004 // The U.S. Senate passed legislation by unanimous consent on June 15 that reauthorizes the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) for five years. The reauthorization was part of S. 2238, which reforms the program. The...

Michigan Senate Takes Up Bill to Keep Insurers From Steering Claims

Jun 1 2004 // Auto insurers could not restrict policyholders from using the repair shop of their choice under legislation to be considered by the Michigan state Senate. Critics say some insurers currently send or direct claim holders to...

Democratic Med-Mal Plan Fails in Illinois House

May 28 2004 // The Illinois House of Representatives has voted down a Democratic medical malpractice reform plan that would have given the state’s insurance department the power to rein in rates it deemed excessive and created a...

Mass. Senate Approves Anti-Runner Bill, 39-0

May 21 2004 // The Massachusetts Senate has passed a bill to criminalize the practices of runners in insurance fraud schemes. The measure passed 39-0 and was sent to the House. The measure makes it a crime to engage in the practice of...

California Senate OKs Bills Expanding Firebreaks and Insurance Rights

May 20 2004 // Bills to expand firebreaks around some rural homes and give homeowners greater insurance rights were approved recently by the state Senate. The four measures were introduced in response to the fires that ravaged large...

Insurers Urge Senate Panel to Extend TRIA

May 18 2004 // Congress should act this year to extend the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) for two years beyond its Dec. 31, 2005, expiration date because the private market alone cannot deal with further catastrophic terrorist...

Asbestos Negotiations Die in U.S. Senate

May 10 2004 // The Senate was unsuccessful in keeping negotiations alive at creating a federally run asbestos trust fund (S. 2290) to compensate victims of asbestos diseases. Talks ended when parties mutually agreed to disagree over how...

Missouri GOP Looks to Override Gov. Holden’s Veto of Med-Mal Award Caps; Insurers Won’t Promise Rate Cuts

May 10 2004 // Missouri Republicans are trying to override a veto by Democratic Gov. Bob Holden of a bill that placed caps on pain-and-suffering awards in medical malpractice cases, according to the Associated Press. Holden vetoed a...