Latest Politics Headlines

All the headlines from our Politics Topic Page, ordered by recency.

Senate Passes Bill to Reauthorize Flood Program

Oct 30 2003 // The Senate this week passed by unanimous consent agreement S. 1768, the “National Flood Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2004.” The bill, introduced by Senator Jim Bunning (R-Ky.) and Senator Richard...

Senate Failure to End Class Action Reform Debate Disappoints NAMIC

Oct 24 2003 // By a count of 59-39 – one short of the 60 votes necessary – members of the Senate this week blocked efforts to end a filibuster on S. 1751, “The Class Action Fairness Act of 2003.” As written, the...

IIABA Tells Senate Panel That State Regulation Should Be Reformed, Not Abolished

Oct 23 2003 // There is a vital role for Congress to play in reforming the state insurance regulatory system, but such an effort need not replace or duplicate at the federal level what is already in place at the state level, the...

Congressional Review of Punitive Damages Welcomed by Alliance

Sep 24 2003 // The Alliance of American Insurers welcomed the Sept. 23 hearing by the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution related to excessive punitive damage awards in civil suits. In April, the United...

AIA: NC. Senate Med-Mal Bill Lacking

Sep 18 2003 // The American Insurance Association (AIA) announced that the North Carolina Senate approved a medical malpractice bill that the association believes falls short of the goal of comprehensive medical liability reform. S. 802...

Senate Addresses Consumer Interests in the Fair Credit Reporting Act

Aug 4 2003 // The U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs held a hearing July 31 to address measures to enhance the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). The Hon. John W. Snow, Secretary of the Treasury, testified that...

Medical Liability Reform Stalls in Senate

Jul 10 2003 // The Senate Republican leadership tried to revive medical liability reform legislation in the Senate on Wednesday, but Democrats reportedly blocked consideration of The Patients First Act of 2003 (S. 11) by a vote of 49-48....

PIANJ Commends Senate on Passing Measure Protecting Agents’ Books

Jul 7 2003 // The Professional Insurance Agents of New Jersey Inc. commended the state Senate for its unanimous passage of legislation to help ensure agents’ ownership and commission rights are continued when an insurance company...

PIANJ Commends Senate on Passage of Legislation to Protect Agents’ Books

Jun 25 2003 // The Professional Insurance Agents of New Jersey Inc. commended the State Senate for its unanimous passage of legislation to help to ensure that agents’ ownership and commission rights are continued when an insurance...

PIANY Notes Passage of N.Y. Insurance Bills as Senate Session Ends

Jun 23 2003 // The Professional Insurance Agents of New York has issued a bulletin commenting on the effects of legislation passed by the state’s Senate as it ended its spring session last week. The Assembly remains in session to...

Pa. Senate Confirms Koken as Dept. Commissioner

Jun 19 2003 // Pennsylvania Governor Edward Rendell on Wednesday commended the Pennsylvania Senate for confirming M. Diane Koken as Commissioner of the Insurance Department. The confirmation marks the third consecutive confirmation of...

Ohio Senate Passes Tort, Asbestos Reforms

Jun 13 2003 // The Ohio Senate passed a litigation reform measure that will reportedly stem the tide of economic damage caused by out-of-control jury verdicts and other abuses of the tort system, according to a statement released by the...

Penn. Senate Leader Applauds Passage of Med Mal Reform Bill; Attacks Governor’s Plan

Jun 12 2003 // Pennsylvania Senate Majority Whip Jeffrey Piccola (R-15) issued a statement applauding the State’s House of Representatives “for their recent and much-needed passage of legislation to amend Pennsylvania’s...

NAII Lauds N.H. Senate’s Passage of Regulatory Modernization Bill

May 29 2003 // The National Association of Independent Insurers praised the New Hampshire Senate on passing H.B. 684, an insurance regulatory modernization bill that the NAII said “will make it easier for insurers and consumers to...

Fla. Senate Moves Forward on PIP, Ins. Scoring and Workers’ Comp

May 23 2003 // Personal Injury Protection (PIP) legislation may not be dead after all in Florida, as the Florida Senate approved a PIP package supported by an unlikely alliance including Florida Insurance Council, personal injury lawyers...

NAII Lauds NJ Senate’s Move to Modify Surplus Lines Regs

May 20 2003 // The National Association of Independent Insurers has roundly approved the recent action by the New Jersey Senate in passing a bill that will bring the state in line with the rest of the country by eliminating a requirement...

Texas Senate Passes Tort Reform Bill

May 20 2003 // The Texas Senate announced it approved Senate Committee Substitute to House Bill (CSHB) 4, which is aimed at ending what some Senators call lawsuit abuse. Mount Pleasant Senator Bill Ratliff said the bill strikes a fair...

Senate Commerce Committee Approves PIANJ’s Agent Ownership Bill

May 16 2003 // A bill that would protect agent’s ownership of their expirations, initiated by the Professional Insurance Agents of New Jersey, has been released in a unanimous vote by the State’ Senate’s Commerce...

Illinois Docs Rally, Urge U.S. Senate to Act

May 14 2003 // Thousands of patients, physicians and other supporters of medical liability reform gathered in Chicago’s Daley Plaza to urge federal lawmakers to fix an out-of-control legal system that is seriously threatening...

Surplus Lines Bill Passes La. House, Senate Battle Next

May 14 2003 // The Louisiana Surplus Lines Association is urging its members to keep the pressure on state lawmakers to pass House Bill 1476, which would exempt certain surplus lines insurers from a decades old, largely un-enforced law...