Latest Politics Headlines

All the headlines from our Politics Topic Page, ordered by recency.

Democrats Push OSHA to Regulate Worksites with Popcorn Flavoring

Sep 28 2007 // That buttery taste and smell of microwave popcorn may have caused a deadly lung disease in workers who package it. While there’s no evidence of any danger to the millions of people who eat it, Congress is taking...

Fla. House, Senate Close in on Pact to Extend No-Fault Car Insurance

Sep 24 2007 // Florida legislators reached a general agreement to extend the state’s no-fault car insurance law rather than letting it expire as scheduled on Oct. 1, key members of both chambers said. The requirement that Florida...

Senate Passes Mental Health Parity Legislation

Sep 19 2007 // Capping a long battle, the Senate passed legislation this week that would require equal health insurance coverage for mental and physical illnesses when policies include both. The bill, which passed by unanimous consent,...

Toy Company CEOs to Testify in Senate on Product Safety

Sep 12 2007 // Mattel Inc. CEO Robert Eckert and U.S. product safety inspectors will face questions from senators next week as Congress begins probes of toy safety and a recent rash of recalls. A Senate Appropriations subcommittee led by...

Mich. Senate Approves Changes Targeting School Health Costs

Sep 6 2007 // The Michigan GOP-led Senate narrowly approved bills Tuesday aimed at lowering the health insurance costs of K-12 schools and other public employers, a key change Republicans want in exchange for backing a tax...

S.C. Senate leader seeks insurance department audit

Sep 3 2007 // A South Carolina Senate leader has asked the Legislative Audit Council to review practices at the state insurance department that may have let insurance companies raise rates without adequate oversight. Senate President...

Tenn. Insurance Attorney Considering Run for Senate

Aug 22 2007 // Nashville, Tenn., insurance lawyer Kevin Doherty is the latest Democrat to confirm he is thinking about a run for the U.S. Senate next year. Doherty, 47, said he’s seriously considering challenging for the seat now...

Former Minn. Executive to Lead GOP Convention Fundraising Effort

Aug 22 2007 // A retired insurance company executive will take the lead role in promoting and raising money for the 2008 Republican National Convention. The local host committee planning for the GOP gathering announced that Doug...

Bush Administration Opposes ‘Scheme Liability’ in Key Investor Lawsuit

Aug 17 2007 // The Bush Administration took the side of defendant companies in a Supreme Court case that could determine the fate of other investor lawsuits, including one linked to the Enron scandal. At issue in the case before the...

Ala. Gov. Disapproves of Subsidized Health Insurance for State Senate

Aug 16 2007 // Governor Bob Riley is renewing his call for the State Employees Insurance Board to reject state senators’ attempts to give themselves taxpayer-subsidized health insurance. “First they gave themselves a huge pay...

Senate Banking Panel to Hear Natural Disaster Commission Bill Today

Aug 1 2007 // A Senate Banking committee is scheduled to mark-up a bill today to establish a natural catastrophe commission to examine how best to mitigate disaster risks and deal with the after-effects of these events. The Senate...

U.S. Senate panel weighs funding for weather satellites

Jul 23 2007 // Cuts to planned weather and environmental satellites will significantly affect scientists’ ability to study the Earth’s climate, experts told a U.S. Senate committee. The Commerce, Science and Transportation...

U.S. Senate Panel Weighs Funding for Weather Satellites

Jul 16 2007 // Cuts to planned weather and environmental satellites will significantly affect scientists’ ability to study the Earth’s climate, experts told a U.S. Senate committee last week. The Commerce, Science and...

Senate Confirms Marsh Counsel Sullivan to be U.S. Judge

Jul 6 2007 // The U.S. Senate has confrmed Richard J. Sullivan to serve as a district judge on the U.S. District Court of the Southern District of New York. Sullivan currently serves as general counsel for Marsh Inc., Marsh &...

Okla. Commissioner Testifies before Congressional Panel on Medicare

Jun 28 2007 // Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner Kim Holland told members of a Congressional panel on Tuesday, June 26th that insurance companies are preying on elderly Oklahomans by selling unnecessary Medicare plans. Holland traveled to...

La. Senate Adds Homeowner Tax Breaks to $100M Insurance Plan

Jun 27 2007 // If Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco is offering $100 million to insurance companies, then homeowners deserve a $93 million tax break on the premiums they’ve paid since the 2005 hurricanes, the Senate voted June...

State Senate Approves Minor Changes to Louisiana’s Building Code

Jun 22 2007 // The Louisiana Senate has approved minor changes to the statewide building codes that were enacted soon after hurricanes Katrina and Rita, an attempt to ease complaints about how the codes are enforced. Under current law,...

Democrats in Congress Propose Major Mine Safety Legislation

Jun 21 2007 // A ban on using so-called belt air ventilation is among numerous provisions in sweeping coal mine safety legislation introduced in the U.S. House this week. Other provisions would speed the installation of better...

DeLuca Steps Down as Conn. Senate Republican Leader

Jun 15 2007 // Connecticut Senate Minority Leader Louis DeLuca resigned as leader of the Senate Republicans this week after coming under fire for asking a trash hauler to threaten a man the senator believed had abused his...

Bush Administration, SEC at Odds over Scheme Liability in Enron Case

Jun 13 2007 // The Bush administration rejected a Securities and Exchange Commission recommendation in a key Supreme Court case and did not support shareholders suing Wall Street banks for damages over Enron’s collapse. The Justice...