Latest Politics Headlines

All the headlines from our Politics Topic Page, ordered by recency.

R.I. Senate Backs Minimum Liability for Inspection Stations

May 23 2005 // Cars passing muster at any of Rhode Island’s recognized vehicle inspection stations should not come out of the testing facility in worse condition than when they went in, according to Sen. Daniel Da Ponte (D-Dist....

R.I. Senate Backs Minimum Liability for Inspection Stations

May 23 2005 // Cars passing muster at any of Rhode Island’s recognized vehicle inspection stations should not come out of the testing facility in worse condition than when they went in, according to Sen. Daniel Da Ponte (D-Dist....

AIA Tips Hat to Senate for Approving Bill to Improve Highway Safety

May 18 2005 // While the U.S. Senate approved its version of the “Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy For Users” (TEA LU) by a wide margin, the American Insurance Association (AIA) will reportedly continue fighting for a...

N.Y. Senate Confirms Mills as Insurance Superintendent

May 18 2005 // The New York State Senate confirmed today Governor George E. Pataki’s nomination of Howard Mills as Superintendent of the New York State Insurance Department. Mills has been serving as acting superintendent since...

R.I. Senate Approves Minimum Liability Limit for Inspection Stations

May 16 2005 // Cars passing muster at any of Rhode Island’s recognized vehicle inspection stations should not come out of the testing facility in worse condition than when they went in, according to Sen. Daniel Da Ponte (D-Dist....

R.I. Senate to Vote on Workers’ Comp Court Nominees

May 11 2005 // The Rhode Island Senate is scheduled to vote today on the confirmation of Robert E. Hardman of Narragansett to the Rhode Island Workers’ Compensation Court as an associate justice. Hardman is an attorney in the...

Okla. Senate Continues to Spar Over Workers’ Comp Reform

May 3 2005 // The Oklahoma Senate Communications Office reported that Senate President Pro Tempore Mike Morgan cited his constitutional authority and presided over the Oklahoma State Senate on May 2 while standing beside his desk on the...

Okla. State Sen. Laster Lashes Out at Republican Workers’ Comp Bill

May 2 2005 // Oklahomans should know more about House Bill 2046, the workers’ compensation reform measure being pushed by Lt. Governor Mary Fallin, than Republicans are telling them, according to Oklahoma Senate Judiciary Chairman...

Calif. Senate Committee Passes SB 150, SB 603

May 2 2005 // Last week the California Senate Banking, Finance and Insurance Committee approved two measurers that are detrimental to the underwriting process and will increase costs for consumers, says the American Insurance...

Insurer Groups Praise Texas Senate Passage of Asbestos Reform Legislation

Apr 29 2005 // Both the American Insurance Association and the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America recently issued statements lauding the Texas Senate for passing comprehensive asbestos and silica litigation reform...

Texas Senate Passes Asbestos Bill

Apr 28 2005 // The Texas State Senate reported that after 10 years of searching for a balanced, bipartisan solution to the increasing number of asbestos lawsuits clogging the state’s courts, it has unanimously passed a measure that...

Auto Insurance Verification Bill Passed by Texas Senate

Apr 28 2005 // Senate Bill 1670, which addresses the problem of uninsured drivers in Texas, was passed by the state Senate. The bill by Sen. Todd Staples, R-Palestine, calls for a $1 fee on motor vehicle license renewals to pay for an...

Texas Uninsured Motorist Bill Passes Senate Committee

Apr 19 2005 // The Automobile Insurance Agents of Texas reported that just one day after several AIAT members testified on behalf of Senate Bill 1670, the Senate Committee on Transportation and Homeland Security unanimously voted for the...

AORC Applauds Congressional Effort to Increase Use of Seat Belts for Vehicles

Apr 19 2005 // The Automotive Occupant Restraints Council (AORC) commended the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee on Tuesday for including a provision in reauthorization legislation for the National Highway Traffic...

Territory Map Plan Struck From Fla. House Bill; Senate Passed It

Apr 18 2005 // A proposal that would create a single Florida-wide territory map and eliminate individual rate territories based on predicted hurricane risks and expected loss models was removed from House legislation, but was approved on...

Insurers Tell Senate Panel of Possible Long-Term Terrorism Insurance Solution; Urge Swift Action

Apr 14 2005 // In testimony today before the Senate Banking Committee, Ernie Csiszar, president and chief executive officer of the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America, outlined possible components of a long-term terrorism...

After Two-Hour Floor Debate, W.Va. House Passes Senate Bill 414

Apr 11 2005 // The West Virginia House of Delegates passed Senate Bill 414 on Friday prohibiting third-party bad-faith lawsuits against insurance companies. SB 414 is part of Gov. Joe Manchin’s insurance and tort reform proposals,...

Single Territory Map Plan Struck From Fla. House Bill, Remains in Senate Version

Apr 4 2005 // A proposal which would create a single Florida-wide territory map and eliminate individual rate territories based on predicted hurricane risks and expected loss models was removed from House hurricane legislation last...


Apr 4 2005 // Legislation approved by the Georgia Senate and on its way to the House would enable health insurers to offer policies that don’t cover some medical procedures and drugs currently mandated by state law–women...


Apr 4 2005 // Legislation that would prohibit insurers’ use of credit information narrowly advanced out of the Colorado Senate State Affairs Committee on a 4-3 vote and will be opposed by the insurance industry on the Senate...