Latest Politics Headlines

All the headlines from our Politics Topic Page, ordered by recency.

AAI Encouraged by Appt. of Senate Conferees for Terror Reinsurance Bill

Jul 30 2002 // The Alliance of American Insurers called last week’s appointment of U.S. Senate conferees for the terrorism insurance bill a great stride toward ultimate passage of the legislation. “We’re very encouraged...

Disparities Between House, Senate Bills Hold Up Terrorism Backstop

Jul 22 2002 // The U.S. insurance industry must have breathed a collective sigh of relief June 18, when the Senate approved terrorism insurance backstop legislation after months of debate and delay. But now legislators must reconcile the...

TX GOP in League with Insurers’

Jul 22 2002 // Texas Democrats, claiming Republicans are more sympathetic to insurance companies than to consumers, plan to pursue regulatory reforms to curb the rise of insurance premiums. According to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram,...

RIMS Backs Senate Terrorism Bill

Jul 19 2002 // The Risk & Insurance Management Society Inc. has informed legislators reconciling a pair of bills that it supports the Senate-backed approach to providing government-supported terrorism insurance relief over the...

Calif. Senate Bills 1763, 1427, 1678 See Action

Jul 8 2002 // Property and casualty insurers and agents and brokers alike can breathe a little easier after a recent California assembly committee hearing on June 26… if only for the time being. The hearing saw some interesting...


Jun 24 2002 // The Alliance of American Insurers (AAI) says it is encouraged that the Senate is now beginning to focus on the terrorism insurance issue with the introduction of a bill (S 2600) by Senators Chris Dodd (D-CT), Harry Reid...


Jun 24 2002 // The Alliance of American Insurers (AAI) says it is encouraged that the Senate is now beginning to focus on the terrorism insurance issue with the introduction of a bill (S 2600) by Senators Chris Dodd (D-CT), Harry Reid...

IIABA Applauds Senate’s Approval of Terrorism Ins. Backstop

Jun 19 2002 // The Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America (IIABA) reacted to the Senate’s recent approval of the terrorism insurance backstop legislation in a statement released June 18. The final vote invoking...

Terrorism Debate Heats Up as Democrats Block Republican Effort

Jun 17 2002 // The battle over terrorism insurance heated up one notch June 13 as Senate Democrats blocked a Republican effort to limit lawsuit claims as part of a terrorism-insurance bill, putting forth a battle with the White House and...

Texas GOP Lawmakers Give Word on Rate Regulation Bill

Jun 17 2002 // A key Senate lawmaker says Texas homeowner insurance rates should be regulated by the state, promising to put forth a bill in the next session to get a handle on rising premiums. Sen. Troy Fraser, a Republican, said that...

PA Senate Passes Bill Abolishing Joint Several Liability

Jun 14 2002 // The Pennsylvania Senate has passed an inclusive measure (SB 1089) abolishing the hoary legal principle of joint and several liability, and replacing it with a recovery system based on establishing a proportional figure of...

Terrorism Bill Goes to Senate Floor; AAI Calls for Rapid Passage

Jun 14 2002 // The Alliance of American Insurers (AAI) called June 13 for passage of the terrorism insurance bill (S 2600) now under debate on the Senate floor. “Senate Democratic leaders obtained unanimous consent yesterday to...

Dodd Introduces Terrorism Bill in Senate; AAI Calls for Rapid Senate Action on Issue

Jun 11 2002 // The Alliance of American Insurers (AAI) says it is encouraged that the Senate is now beginning to focus on the terrorism insurance issue with the introduction of a bill (S 2600) by Senators Chris Dodd (D-CT), Harry Reid...

IIABA Member Earns S.D. Republican Gubernatorial Nomination

Jun 10 2002 // Mike Rounds, a Pierre, South Dakota-based independent insurance agent, advanced to that state’s 2002 gubernatorial general election when he ousted two heavily financed Republican opponents in the primary runoff...

NAII Says Calif. Senate Passage of Auto Bills

Jun 4 2002 // Three automobile insurance bills that the National Association of Independent Insurers (NAII) says would drive up the cost of insurance, increase the number of underinsured motorists, and threaten a company’s...

Calif. Senate Approves Bill Requiring Cross-Subsidy for Inner-City Auto Drivers

May 31 2002 // The California Senate approved a bill that would expand eligibility for the current low-cost automobile insurance program to middle-income drivers, a measure that will force insurers to increase premiums for non-urban...

AIA Tells NY Senate Sound Science Needed on Mold

May 30 2002 // Eric Goldberg, American Insurance Association (AIA) assistant general counsel, appearing at a hearing held by the New York State Senate’s Health and Environmental Conservation Committees, stated that consumers,...

NAII Urges Senate to Reject Auto Body Shop Bill

May 29 2002 // The California State Senate convened on Tuesday to consider a bill that would, without constitutional authority or sound reason, ban an insurance company from owning or investing in auto body repair shops. “It is not...

AAI Urging Senate Leadership to Take Action on Terrorism Bill

May 24 2002 // The Alliance of American Insurers has written to U.S. Senate Majority Leader Thomas Daschle (D-SD) and Minority Leader Trent Lott (R-MS) urging prompt consideration of the terrorism insurance bill, given the recent...

AAI Opposes Senate Version of Online Privacy Bill

May 15 2002 // The Alliance of American Insurers expressed its opposition to the online privacy bill scheduled for markup on May 16 in the U.S. Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee. Sponsored by Senate Commerce Committee...