Latest Pollution Headlines

All the headlines from our Pollution Topic Page, ordered by recency.

AIG Launches Product Recall Estimate Service, Raises Contaminated Product Limits

Oct 16 2013 // In response to the growing financial impact and frequency of product recalls for food and beverage manufacturers, distributors and importers in the U.S. and Europe, American International Group (AIG) today launched NOVI, a...

Icebergs, Insurance Hamper Top of the World Shipping Route

Oct 16 2013 // The new shipping route opened up through the Arctic by climate change will not be crowded any time soon. Cargoes of coal, diesel and gas have made the trip but high insurance costs, slow going and strict environmental...

Feds Seek Stay in Lawsuit over Exxon Arkansas Oil Spill

Oct 11 2013 // Federal prosecutors in Arkansas asked a judge to stay proceedings in their lawsuit against ExxonMobil Pipeline Co. because of the federal government shutdown. The U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Arkansas, Chris...

Environmental Group Slams Federal Crop Insurance ‘Windfall’ Option

Oct 11 2013 // An insurance provision in the U.S. farm bills proposed by the House and Senate could have corn, soybean, and wheat farmers making more money in a bad year, such as during a drought, than in a good year, an environmental...

Shutdown Sidelines Safety Inspectors of Workplaces, Mines, Nursing Homes and More

Oct 9 2013 // The partial shutdown of the U.S. government has sidelined thousands of inspectors who monitor everything from air and water pollution to safety hazards at factories and the condition of nursing homes. Federal law requires...

LIU, PGI Commercial Partner to Offer Environmental Coverage

Oct 9 2013 // Liberty International Underwriters (LIU) has partnered with program administrator PGI Commercial to offer LIU Environmental coverages under a new program administrator agreement. PGI Commercial’s clients now have...

ACE Names Givelet to Lead European Environmental Risk Engineering Group

Oct 7 2013 // ACE Group has appointed Nicolas Givelet as risk engineer in its Continental Europe environmental insurance team. In this newly-created role, Givelet will lead a new environmental risk engineering task force for ACE in the...

Insurers: Product Recalls a ‘Death Sentence’ to Food Manufacturers, Coverage Demand Still Lags

Oct 7 2013 // Food recalls are on the rise, but that isn’t necessarily because food manufacturers are not meeting safety requirements and more food is contaminated or unsafe. In fact, insurers in the product recall space who...

Montana Residents Suing Over Petroleum Pollution

Oct 7 2013 // Nearly 50 Cut Bank residents have filed a lawsuit alleging their properties have been polluted by petroleum from a crude oil transportation and storage facility on the eastern edge of the city. The Great Falls Tribune...

Energy Industry Liability May Cover Contamination Claims from Colorado Flooding

Oct 7 2013 // Colorado residents and businesses face devastating water inundation that many are dubbing a one-in-500-years weather event. Nearly 2,400 square miles were saturated with water causing massive dislocation and loss of life....

Is There Coverage for Losses Stemming From Government Shutdown or Default?

Oct 4 2013 // At the time of this writing, the federal government is in a partial shutdown. Essential functions are operating, but certain areas such as national parks are completely closed. While this partial shutdown does not threaten...

Industry Pioneer Catlin on Insurance and Environmental Concerns

Sep 27 2013 // Stephen J.O. Catlin has led the company/group that bears his name since 1984. He’s seen it grow into the biggest syndicate at Lloyd’s with gross premiums written of $5.5 billion. He was the first to move the...

Billions at Stake as BP Oil Spill Trial Enters Next Phase

Sep 27 2013 // BP will battle to hold down fines that could hit $18 billion in a new phase of the Gulf of Mexico trial that will rule on how much oil it spilled in 2010 and judge its efforts to plug its well. Starting on Monday in New...

Global Warming Slows as Fossil Fuel Emissions Rise to Record

Sep 27 2013 // Global warming has slowed since 1998 even though humans are spewing ever more greenhouse gases and are almost certainly to blame for damaging the atmosphere. That’s according to a 36-page summary of a report from a...

Lawsuit: Pollution from Louisiana Fire Making Residents Sick

Sep 26 2013 // About a dozen Slaughter, La., residents allege respiratory problems and diminished property values in a lawsuit filed in the wake of the Nov. 19 blaze that destroyed the Monolyte Laboratories Inc. chemical facility. The...

Lagarde Says IMF Work Can Contribute to Environmental Change

Sep 26 2013 // The International Monetary Fund can play a role in protecting the planet from environmental damage, IMF head Christine Lagarde said on Tuesday, as she highlighted how an analysis of the harmful effects of energy subsidies...

Opinion: Energy Industry Liability May Cover Contamination Claims From Colorado Flooding

Sep 24 2013 // Colorado residents and businesses face devastating water inundation that many are dubbing a one-in-500-years weather event. Early reports confirm nearly 2,400 square miles saturated with water causing massive dislocation...

Catlin Establishes ‘Global Reef Record’ Database for Coral Ecosystems

Sep 24 2013 // International specialty property/casualty insurer and reinsurer Bermuda-based Catlin Group Limited announced the establishment of the Catlin Global Reef Record Catlin has sponsored the group’s Seaview Survey for the...

Montana Residents Suing Over Petroleum Pollution

Sep 23 2013 // Nearly 50 Cut Bank residents have filed a lawsuit alleging their properties have been polluted by petroleum from a crude oil transportation and storage facility on the eastern edge of the city. The Great Falls Tribune...

In Flood-Struck Colorado, Concerns About Fracking Spills

Sep 19 2013 // Contaminated water spilling from flooded oil and gas drilling sites in Colorado is refocusing attention on the environmental risks surrounding America’s fracking boom. Floods that have devastated north-central...