Latest Pricing Trends Headlines

All the headlines from our Pricing Trends Topic Page, ordered by recency.

Vermont Governor Announces Decreases in Workers’ Comp Rates

Feb 14 2020 // Vermont Governor Phil Scott announced that rates for workers’ compensation premiums will drop by about 11% when new rates take effect in April. Scott’s administration said the reductions are part of a trend in...

Commissioner Navarro Responds to Report of Premium Increases for Military Members

Feb 14 2020 // Delaware Insurance Commissioner Trinidad Navarro responded strongly to a Consumer Federation of America report that Delaware service members may return home from deployment to increased auto insurance premiums, calling the...

Global Commercial Insurance Prices Increase 11% in 4th Quarter 2019: Marsh

Feb 12 2020 // Global average commercial insurance prices increased 11% in the fourth quarter of 2019, according to the Global Insurance Market Index released by insurance broker Marsh. The fourth quarter rise in prices was the largest...

Delaware Companies Save More Than $4M from Reduced Workers’ Comp Rates

Feb 10 2020 // The Delaware Department of Insurance has analyzed new filings from the state’s top writers of workers’ compensation insurance after announcing the third consecutive year of decreased rates in November. The top...

Take a ‘Deep Dive’ Into the Nonprofit Sector: Nonprofits Treading Water as Market Hardens

Feb 10 2020 // The task of insuring nonprofit organizations is a complex one and agents, brokers, underwriters and carrier representatives say that in order to fully serve those entities that serve our communities in myriad ways,...

California Leads Nation in Surplus Lines Premiums on 5th Year of Record Growth

Feb 4 2020 // Premium data from all surplus lines stamping offices for 2019 shows that California once again led the nation in total surplus line premiums, possibly boosted by construction spending and wildfires. The Surplus Line...

Berkley CEO Warns Against Overreaction to Workers’ Comp Rate Declines

Feb 4 2020 // While the market is hardening and rates are increasing for nearly every commercial insurance line, workers’ compensation remains stubbornly soft. That reality is something that W.R. Berkley’s CEO flagged...

With Premiums Up Due to Accidents, Chemical, Refinery Plants Cut Back on Insurance

Jan 30 2020 // U.S. refineries and petrochemical plants are cutting back on insurance because several years of severe accidents have driven up the cost of coverage, industry and insurance sources said. With less insurance coverage for...

Commercial Air Travel Passenger Death Rate Continues to Decline: MIT Study

Jan 27 2020 // It has never been safer to fly on commercial airlines, according to a new study by an MIT professor that tracks the continued decrease in passenger fatalities around the globe. The study finds that between 2008 and 2017,...

Texas E&S Premium Up 14.3% in 2019, Stamping Office Says

Jan 27 2020 // Excess and surplus lines insurance premium (E&S) in Texas reached $6.95 billion in 2019, a 14.36% increase over 2018’s premium total of $6.08 billion, according to the Surplus Lines Stamping Office of Texas...

SLTX: Surplus Lines Flood Insurance Premium Up in Texas over 5 Years

Jan 24 2020 // Surplus lines flood insurance premium filed with the Surplus Lines Stamping Office of Texas (SLTX) has increased annually over the past five years, according to SLTX. Additionally, while NFIP premium dipped in 2017, it...

Zurich Sees Hardening Rates, Improving Terms – in Market Not Seen Since 2002

Jan 13 2020 // Zurich Insurance Group AG expects to have more power to increase commercial insurance rates than it has seen in almost two decades as a shortage of supply and high natural catastrophe payouts help reverse declining...

SLTX: Texas E&S Premium Up 14.3% in 2019

Jan 9 2020 // The Surplus Lines Stamping Office of Texas (SLTX) reports that excess and surplus lines premium (E&S) in Texas reached $6.95 billion in 2019, a 14.36% increase over 2018’s premium total of $6.08 billion. The past...

North Carolina Insurers Settle for 4% Rate Increase on Dwelling Policies

Jan 7 2020 // The North Carolina Department of Insurance and the North Carolina Rate Bureau (NCRB) have reached a settlement for an average 4% increase on a proposal to increase dwelling insurance rates. A hearing on the proposal...

Tennessee Approves 7% Decrease for Workers’ Comp Rates

Dec 23 2019 // Workers’ compensation rates in Tennessee will go down again next year, marking the seventh consecutive year of decreases, according to the Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance. Commissioner Hodgen Mainda...

Report: California Worker’s Comp Written Premium Decreases Escalated in 2019

Dec 18 2019 // Premium decreases in California workers’ compensation may have escalated in 2019, a new report shows. The Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau of California on Wednesday released its quarterly...

P/C Direct Premium Written Up 4.9%

Dec 16 2019 // Direct premium written (DPW) for property/casualty insurance companies continues to increase, albeit gradually. At year-end 2018, total DPW for all P/C insurers aggregately increased approximately 4% over 2017, an increase...

U.S. Commercial Insurance Prices Were Up 4% in Q3: WTW

Dec 16 2019 // U.S. commercial insurance prices accelerated during the third quarter of 2019, as the aggregate price change reported by carriers exceeded 4%, according to insurance broker Willis Towers Watson. WTS’s Commercial...

U.S. Commercial Insurance Prices Were Up 4% in Q3: WTW

Dec 9 2019 // U.S. commercial insurance prices accelerated during the third quarter of 2019, as the aggregate price change reported by carriers exceeded 4%, according to insurance broker Willis Towers Watson. WTS’s Commercial...

1.6% Workers’ Comp Rate Decrease Recommended for Missouri in 2020

Dec 5 2019 // The Missouri Department of Commerce and Insurance is recommending a 1.6 percent decrease in workers’ compensation insurance loss costs for 2020. This marks the sixth year in a row that average workers’...