Latest Product Liability Headlines

All the headlines from our Product Liability Topic Page, ordered by recency.

Products Liability = Risk Identification = Insurance 101

May 8 2006 // Basic insurance coverage salespersons don’t fully understand their products or completed operational exposure, and insurance agents don’t understand it, and the public’s understanding is even more...


May 8 2006 // Protecting the consumer is the number one priority in a product recall. The challenge is, can you do so without crippling your business? For large and small consumer goods manufacturers and distributors, recalls can cost...

World of nanotechnology stirs product liability concerns

May 8 2006 // Federal regulators want to get a better handle on the burgeoning use of nanotechnology in everyday products, as their German counterparts struggle to understand why nearly 100 people suffered respiratory problems after...

Danger: Paper can cause skin lacerations

May 8 2006 // We have all seen them, those annoying stickers on everything we buy warning us that this bag is not a toy, this or that small object is a chocking hazard, as if left to our own devices, we would all be giving our children...

Ready, Set … Recall!!!

May 8 2006 // Protecting the consumer is the number one priority in a product recall. The challenge is, can you do so without crippling your business? For consumer goods manufacturers and distributors, recalls can cost millions of...

Danger: Paper can cause skin lacerations

May 8 2006 // We have all seen them, those annoying stickers on everything we buy warning us that this bag is not a toy, this or that small object is a chocking hazard, as if left to our own devices, we would all be giving our children...

Danger: Paper can cause skin lacerations

May 8 2006 // We have all seen them, those annoying stickers on everything we buy warning us: This bag is not a toy; and this or that small object is a chocking hazard. As if left to our own devices, we would all be giving our children...

Products liability = risk identification = Insurance 101

May 8 2006 // Basic insurance coverage salespersons don’t fully understand their products or completed operation exposure, and if agents don’t understand it, public understanding is even more limited. Insurance companies are...

Ready, set … recall

May 8 2006 // Product recalls pose financial, logistical and communication challenges Part 1 of a two-part series on Product Recall. Protecting consumers is the number one priority in a product recall. The challenge is whether it can be...

Danger: Paper can cause skin lacerations

May 8 2006 // We have all seen them, those annoying stickers on everything we buy warning us that this bag is not a toy, this or that small object is a chocking hazard, as if left to our own devices we would all be giving our children...

International product exposures can hit business here, there and everywhere

May 8 2006 // It takes only a brief glance through a newspaper in the United States to see that multimillion dollar jury awards have become a fact of life in products liability cases. But U.S. companies doing business overseas need to...

Danger: Paper bags are not a toy

May 8 2006 // We have all seen them, those annoying stickers on everything we buy warning us that this bag is not a toy, this or that small object is a chocking hazard, as if left to our own devices, we would all be giving our children...


May 8 2006 // Protecting the consumer is the number one priority in a product recall. The challenge is, can you do so without crippling your business? For large and small consumer goods manufacturers and distributors, recalls can cost...

Products Liability = Risk Identification = Insurance 101

May 8 2006 // Basic insurance coverage salespersons don’t fully understand their products or completed operational exposure, and insurance agents don’t understand it, and the public’s understanding is even more...

World of nanotechnology stirs product liability concerns

May 8 2006 // Federal regulators want to get a better handle on the burgeoning use of nanotechnology in everyday products, as their German counterparts struggle to understand why nearly 100 people suffered respiratory problems after...

Danger: Paper can cause skin lacerations

May 8 2006 // We have all seen them, those annoying stickers on everything we buy warning us that this bag is not a toy, this or that small object is a chocking hazard, as if left to our own devices, we would all be giving our children...

Products liability = risk identification = Insurance 101

May 8 2006 // Basic insurance coverage salespersons don’t fully understand their products or completed operation exposure, and if agents don’t understand it, public understanding is even more limited. Insurance companies are...

Danger: Paper can cause skin lacerations

May 8 2006 // We have all seen them, those annoying stickers on everything we buy warning us: This bag is not a toy; and this or that small object is a chocking hazard. As if left to our own devices, we would all be giving our children...

Danger: Paper can cause skin lacerations

May 8 2006 // We have all seen them, those annoying stickers on everything we buy warning us that this bag is not a toy, this or that small object is a chocking hazard, as if left to our own devices, we would all be giving our children...


May 8 2006 // Protecting the consumer is the number one priority in a product recall. The challenge is, can you do so without crippling your business? For consumer goods manufacturers and distributors, recalls can cost millions of...