Latest Remote Work Headlines

All the headlines from our Remote Work Topic Page, ordered by recency.

Amid Unemployment Surge, Millions of Remote and Essential Workers Plug Away

Apr 29 2020 // Garbage haulers still collect trash. Cops are on the beat. Couriers deliver food and packages. Insurance agents work from home. The coronavirus crisis would appear to have put the entire U.S. economy on ice. Twenty-six...

How Agencies Can Manage Employees Working from Home During Coronavirus Crisis

Apr 8 2020 // Millions of Americans are currently subject to shelter-in-place or stay-at-home orders as efforts to slow the spread of the current strain of coronavirus expand, thus requiring employees across all industries to shift to...

Aon Enhances Reinsurer E-Trading Portal to Support Remote Working During Pandemic

Apr 2 2020 // Aon plc, the global re/insurance broker, has enhanced its reinsurer trading portal, ABConnect Placements, to electronically bind treaty placements with Lloyd’s of London and International Underwriting Association...

Going Home. How One Oklahoma Agency Leader Prepared His Firm for Remote Work.

Apr 1 2020 // In early March, well before stay at home orders were enacted in states and communities across the country, Tony Caldwell recognized that COVID-19, the disease created by the new coronavirus, was going to have a huge impact...

Reinsurers ‘Smoothly’ Navigated April Renewals, Despite Working from Home: Willis Re

Apr 1 2020 // Reinsurers were able to complete the April renewals smoothly, despite being forced to move to the new working-from-home model after the COVID-19 outbreak, according to Willis Re. “The global reinsurance market has...

Top 10 Work From Home Tips, or How Not to Lose Your Job from Home

Mar 23 2020 // Many workers are being asked to do something that some have wanted for years while others have never wanted. It’s time to work from home. Not to worry, we have plumbed the depths of our WAH (work at home) experience...

Employers Beware: Working from Home Creates New Cyber Risks

Mar 19 2020 // As companies and government agencies send their employees home to avoid contact with the coronavirus, many cyber-security teams are facing the unenviable challenge of securing sprawling, vulnerable networks. Every time an...

Watch Out for Virus-Tied Cyber Attacks on Remote Workers, Warns Tech Professor

Mar 17 2020 // The heightened fear and anxiety that COVID-19 is causing people worldwide brings vulnerable targets for cyber hackers. “We are living in a heightened time of cyber risk. Cyber criminals will take advantage of public...

Coronavirus Tests China’s Work-From-Home Capabilities

Feb 4 2020 // Thanks to the coronavirus outbreak, working from home is no longer a privilege, it’s a necessity. While factories, shops, hotels and restaurants are warning about plunging foot traffic that is transforming city...

Remote Workers Can Be Big Cyber Risk for Small Businesses

Aug 9 2019 // Remote employees place businesses at risk, yet many small business owners are not properly mitigating potential cyberthreats, nor are they adequately protecting their employee platforms, a new report says. As work-life and...

Relationships Especially Important When Managing Remote Workers

Mar 7 2016 // The number of employees that regularly work away from traditional company offices is on the rise, and while the trend may offer conveniences for both employees and employers it also presents challenges. Among the...

Insurance Weighs in on Working from Home

Mar 13 2013 // Working from home has become a hot topic following Yahoo Inc. CEO Marissa Mayer’s announced plans in late February to bring telecommuters back into the office, and the issue is being taken up by some insurance firms,...