Latest Russia Headlines

All the headlines from our Russia Topic Page, ordered by recency.

Yahoo Fails to Cooperate with Hack Probe, Says German Cyber Agency

May 11 2017 // Germany’s federal cyber agency said on Thursday that Yahoo Inc. had not cooperated with its investigation into a series of hacks that compromised more than one billion of the U.S. company’s email users between...

Political Risk a Growing Concern, Say Brokers, Insurers

Apr 13 2017 // Evan Freely has been insuring global risks for years — through the 2008 market meltdown, the 2002 crisis in Argentina, and the 1993 downturn in Venezuela. Yet turmoil now seems to be coming at a more rapid pace than...

Update: Death Toll Rises, Dozens Injured in Russia Subway Terror Attack

Apr 3 2017 // A subway bombing in St. Petersburg killed 11 people and injured dozens more during a hometown visit by President Vladimir Putin, officials said, renewing fears of terrorism in Russia’s biggest cities less than a year...

Ukraine Blames Russian Hackers for Attacks on Power Grid, Financial System

Feb 16 2017 // Ukraine on Wednesday accused Russian hackers of targeting its power grid, financial system and other infrastructure with a new type of virus that attacks industrial processes, the latest in a series of cyber offensives...

Malicious Adware Found on Computers in Arizona Legislature

Jan 23 2017 // Arizona officials say they found malware on a laptop computer at the state Legislature that triggered concerns of system-wide hack. A Department of Administration spokeswoman said that a forensic analysis found an adware...

Malicious Adware Found on Computers in Arizona Legislature

Jan 13 2017 // Arizona officials say they found malware on a laptop computer at the state Legislature that triggered concerns of system-wide hack. A Department of Administration spokeswoman said that a forensic analysis found an adware...

Russia Focuses on Pilot or Technical Fault, Not Terrorism, as Plane Crash Cause

Dec 27 2016 // A pilot error or a technical fault — not terrorism — is likely to be the cause of the plane crash into the Black Sea, Russian officials said Monday as the nation held a day of mourning for the victims. All 84...

Update: Hackers Steal $31M from Russian Central & Commercial Banks

Dec 5 2016 // Hackers stole more than 2 billion roubles ($31 million) from correspondent accounts at the Russian central bank and from accounts in commercial banks, the bank said on Friday [Dec. 2], the latest example of an escalation...

Hackers Remotely Steal ATM Cash in Latest Twist on Cyber Bank Heists

Nov 22 2016 // Cyber criminals have remotely attacked cash machines in more than a dozen countries across Europe this year, using malicious software that forces machines to spit out cash, according to Russian cyber security firm Group...

New Spyware Targeting Companies Across the Globe

Aug 9 2016 // A previously unknown hacking group variously dubbed “Strider” or “ProjectSauron” has carried out cyber-espionage attacks against select targets in Russia, China, Iran, Sweden, Belgium and Rwanda,...

Terrorist Attack at Istanbul Airport Kills at Least 40; Islamic State Blamed

Jun 29 2016 // Coordinated suicide attacks at Istanbul’s international airport killed at least 40 people, tearing through the terminal at one of the busiest travel times of the year as Turkey struggles to contain the spillover from...

Russian Cyberthief Pleads Guilty in $1.6M Heist of Broadway, Yankee Tickets

Jun 22 2016 // A Russian ringleader of a group that fraudulently bought some of the hottest tickets in music, sports and theater by sneaking into StubHub users’ accounts pleaded guilty this week in a scheme involving over $1...

FlyDubai CEO Defends Decision to Land Plane in Bad Weather Before Fatal Crash

Mar 21 2016 // FlyDubai’s top executive said conditions for landing were appropriate when one of its flights crashed at a windy airport in southern Russia, even though three other carriers rerouted flights to other...

Russian Hackers Moved Ruble-Dollar Rate at Regional Bank: Cyber-Security Firm

Feb 9 2016 // Hackers used malware to penetrate the defenses of a Russian regional bank and move the ruble-dollar rate more than 15 percent in minutes, according to a Moscow-based cyber-security firm hired to investigate the...

Russia Cracks Down on Financial Hacking Ring, Raiding Moscow Office: Sources

Feb 8 2016 // Russian authorities in November raided offices associated with a Moscow film distribution and production company as part of a crackdown on one of the world’s most notorious financial hacking operations, according to...

Russian Air Crash Bomb Theories Highlight Insider Threat to Aviation Security

Nov 6 2015 // The possibility that Islamic terrorists smuggled a bomb onto a Russian jet flying home from Egypt highlights a new area of worry for aviation security: the insider threat. Instead of focusing on a small cadre of al-Qaeda...

Update: Investigators Expected to Quickly Unravel Mystery of Russian Plane Crash

Nov 2 2015 // Investigators probing the crash of an Airbus Group SE jetliner in Egypt will focus on how a plane built to withstand extreme turbulence and equipped with devices meant to prevent flight maneuvers that might break it apart...

U.S. Eyes China, Russia Sanctions Over Cyber Attacks

Sep 1 2015 // The United States is considering sanctions against both Russian and Chinese individuals and companies for cyber attacks against U.S. commercial targets, several U.S. officials said on Monday. The officials, who spoke on...

Indonesia Military Plane Crash Puts Focus on Aging Aircraft

Jul 1 2015 // The loss of at least 150 lives in the crash of an Indonesian cargo plane raises fresh questions about the military’s reliance on old aircraft and on spending that has prioritized the army over the air force. The...

World Cup Insurers Face Many Claims, Disputes Over Russia, Qatar

Jun 19 2015 // World Cup insurers are likely to refuse to pay out on many cancellation contracts if Russia and Qatar lose the rights to hold the tournaments because of fraud, industry experts said. Russia and Qatar could be stripped of...