Latest Sales Headlines

All the headlines from our Sales Topic Page, ordered by recency.

How to Get a Jump on the New Year

Jan 10 2011 // 5 Ways Independent Agents Can Begin the Year Poised for Growth Did the distractions of the holiday season take focus off of identifying ways to grow your business in the new year? If so, here are five strategies to help...

Change the Holiday Slump to the New Year Jump

Dec 23 2010 // Is the holiday season the slowest time for your agency? Do the distractions of the season take the focus off of identifying ways to grow the business for next year? If you have answered yes to either of these questions,...

Music and Producer Development

Dec 20 2010 // How to Set the Tune for Sales Success in an Agency Great music combines so many elements. When terrific lyrics are combined with an awesome arrangement, the result is powerful. And sometimes if you separate the two, the...

Change the Holiday Slump to the New Year Jump

Dec 5 2010 // Five Ways Independent Agents Can End the Year Poised for Growth Is the holiday season the slowest time for your agency? Do the distractions of the season take the focus off of identifying ways to grow the business for next...

How to Change the Holiday Slump to the New Year Jump

Dec 5 2010 // Is the holiday season the slowest time for your agency? Do the distractions of the season take focus off of identifying ways to grow the business for next year? If you have answered yes to either of these questions, maybe...

Why Cash Flow Outweighs Profits in a Tough Economy

Nov 14 2010 // Simple Steps to Improve Agency Cash Flow Cash flow today is probably more critical to small businesses than anytime in 20 or maybe even 40 years. This is especially true for agencies. I have seen many articles written...

Use Digital Marketing to Attract Smart Young Producers

Nov 14 2010 // Young Hires Serve as Both Teachers and Student In one way, today’s high unemployment rate is helpful in the agency business. It assists when it comes to recruiting new, youthful producers. There are tons of young,...

Why Now Is a Good Time for Agency Network Growth

Nov 5 2010 // They go by many names — networks, alliances, franchises, clusters and aggregators — but all have similar goals. Aggregator groups have been around the insurance industry for more than three decades but in the past few...

Anatomy of a large account sale

Oct 27 2010 // This October marks my 31st anniversary in the insurance industry. Many things have changed since my first insurance sale. Initially, my experience and confidence level precluded me from effectively pursuing larger or...

In Developing Producers, a Little Help From One’s Friends Goes a Long Way

Oct 18 2010 // As John Lennon and Paul McCartney could tell you, sometimes you just need a little help from your friends. And in the insurance agency business – where building relationships are key to success – that friend...


Oct 18 2010 // Texas-based Roach Howard Smith & Barton (RHSB) announced that Jan Holcombe joined the company as vice president of personal client services. Holcombe brings more than 20 years of experience as an insurance counseling...

The Power of More

Oct 18 2010 // Why the Time is Right for Agency Networks They go by many names — networks, alliances, franchises, clusters and aggregators — but all have similar goals. Aggregator groups have been around the insurance industry for...

Why traditional sales training doesn’t work

Oct 11 2010 // Theories are good…in theory. Hundreds of theories have been put forth on selling. I have read the books, attended the seminars, and used the techniques as a producer. Few delivered results, fewer still were effective...


Oct 4 2010 // Watkins Insurance Group, one of the largest full-service, locally owned independent insurance agencies in central Texas, added agent Andy Webb to its sales team. Webb began his career in the insurance industry in March...


Oct 4 2010 // Salt Lake City-based The Buckner Co. named Mark A. Oligschlaeger executive vice president/chief operations officer. He joins the insurance firm after having spent the past 12 years working for Leucadia National Corp.,...

6 Characteristics of the Best Agencies Today

Oct 4 2010 // Sales Focus, Employee Appreciation, Compensation and Planning All Key Element The best way to get to the top fast is to do the same things that those who are already there are doing. Essentially, management should practice...

E&O Coverage for Real Estate Agents – Don’t Sell a Home Without It

Sep 20 2010 // Liability Woes Include Misrepresentation, Structural Defects, Legal Errors and More Real estate errors and omissions (E&O) liability coverage is big business. Although the recent property debacle has focused attention...

How to Establish an Agency Growth Culture

Aug 18 2010 // Why is agency growth important? Agents and brokers are faced with a continued economic downturn combined with sustained soft market conditions; insurance companies continue to tier agents based on future growth;...

101 Sales & Marketing Ideas

Aug 16 2010 // From … how to research and obtain referrals, why it’s important to listen to clients, what to do with social media, where to advertise and what to say … to how to use a questionnaire, court records, a...

3 Keys to Establishing a Total Agency Growth Culture

Aug 16 2010 // Why is agency growth important? Agents and brokers are faced with a continued economic downturn combined with sustained soft market conditions; insurance companies continue to tier agents based on future growth;...