Latest Sales Headlines

All the headlines from our Sales Topic Page, ordered by recency.

Value Added Services Stand Out from the Pack

Nov 7 2005 // Most consumers buy on price and not value. True or False? The vast majority of insurance salespeople would tend to believe there is a lot of truth in the above statement–despite any well-programmed responses from...

Using a Marketing Approach to Recruiting Employees

Nov 7 2005 // This is the first in a series of articles offering “best practices” for the hiring process in the independent agency. More information is available at:, under Agency Management. The lifeblood of...

Using a Marketing Approach to Recruiting Employees

Nov 6 2005 // This is the first in a series of articles offering “best practices” for the hiring process in the independent agency. More information is available at:, under Agency Management. The lifeblood of...

Value Added Services Stand Out from the Pack

Nov 6 2005 // For most firms, the insurance consumer will not see any major value difference between agencies. Because products, price and service are roughly the same, sales people are forced to sell on rapport, relationships and sales...

Using a Marketing Approach to Recruiting Employees

Oct 17 2005 // The lifeblood of the independent insurance agency system is sales. You are the distribution system for insurance carriers and your long-term success is rooted in your ability to produce business. As a result, you probably...

Fourteen Punny Ways to Get Your Insurance Mailings Noticed

Oct 17 2005 // Insurance sales promotions aren’t for the bashful. Agents must relentlessly try fresh marketing approaches while simultaneously working to improve on any past successes. Meanwhile, there are new and exciting...

Five Ingredients for Sales Success

Oct 3 2005 // Five years from now, many of you will no longer be in the insurance business. It’s true. Major changes in the insurance field have triggered a dramatic weeding out of this country’s sales force. To succeed in...

Five Ingredients for Sales Success

Oct 3 2005 // Five years from now, many of you will no longer be in the insurance business. It’s true. Major changes in the insurance field have triggered a dramatic weeding out of this country’s sales force. To succeed in...

Oct 3 2005 // Seattle-based Physicians Insurance A Mutual Company has announced that Leslie Mallonee has been named senior vice president and chief information officer. Mallonee’s history in information technology includes his...

Writing Wineries Requires More Than Just a Tasting

Sep 19 2005 // To be successful, you must thoroughly drink in all the details. Insuring wineries may sound like a lucrative and growing business. All 50 states now produce wine, and the business has a total economic impact of $33...

Writing Wineries Requires More Than Just a Tasting

Sep 19 2005 // To be successful, you must thoroughly drink in all the details. Insuring wineries may sound like a lucrative and growing business. All 50 states now produce wine, and the business has a total economic impact of $33...

Writing Wineries Requires More Than Just a Tasting

Sep 19 2005 // To be successful, you must thoroughly drink in all the details. Insuring wineries may sound like a lucrative and growing business. All 50 states now produce wine, and the business has a total economic impact of $33...

Writing Wineries Requires More Than Just a Tasting

Sep 19 2005 // To be successful, you must thoroughly drink in all the details. Insuring wineries may sound like a lucrative and growing business. All 50 states now produce wine, and the business has a total economic impact of $33...

Sep 5 2005 // Linda Slaughter has been promoted from senior vice president of claims to COO at Concord, Calif.-based Athens Administrators, part of the Jenkins Athens Group. Slaughter joined Athens in its founding days and has been with...

Shortcomings of Current Premium Invoice Accounting

Sep 5 2005 // California Insurance Code requires P/C insurance agencies to receive premium funds in a fiduciary capacity. Producer agencies are allowed to transfer earned commissions upon receipt of premium payments. Due to the...

Sep 5 2005 // Barbara Zimmerman has joined IBA West as membership benefits vice president. She will be responsible for the research, development and management of IBA West Service Corporation programs and management of Membership...

Where to Find Inexperienced Agency Producers

Sep 5 2005 // Believe it or not, every four-year graduate doesn’t want to jump from academics into insurance sales. Usually the student has to be sold on our industry. Is it wiser to grow by hiring a veteran agent or is it better...

Strategies to Tap into Profitable, New Business Accounts

Sep 5 2005 // Developing new business is an integral part of every insurance agent’s regimen. There are endless ways to go about looking for new business, however, successful agents know how to focus their efforts to engage in the...

Where to Find Inexperienced Agency Producers

Sep 5 2005 // Is it wiser to grow by hiring a veteran agent or is it better to hire someone without any insurance sales experience? Agency executives constantly debate this important issue. Big dollars are at risk. So which opinion is...

Strategies to Tap into Profitable, New Business Accounts

Sep 5 2005 // Developing new business is an integral part of every insurance agent’s regimen. There are endless ways to go about looking for new business, however, successful agents know how to focus their efforts to engage in the...