Latest Small Business Headlines

All the headlines from our Small Business Topic Page, ordered by recency.

R.I. Governor Proposes Plan for Better Health System By 2010

Oct 4 2005 // Saying that affordable health care should be within the reach for all Rhode Islanders, Governor Donald L. Carcieri this week laid out a series of five initiatives to improve the state’s system of care by the eyar...

Law Installed as President of Zurich Small Business

Sep 12 2005 // Zurich, one of the nation’s largest property/casualty insurance companies, announced that Richard J. Law Jr., 46, has joined its North American operations as president of Zurich Small Business. He will work from the...

Small Business Units Deliver Bread n’ Butter for Peak Performing Agencies

Sep 5 2005 // In the movie “City Slickers,” Billy Crystal’s character is taught he must understand “one thing” that will make his life complete. Along the way he meets a grey-haired cowboy who appears to...

Small Business Units Deliver Bread n’ Butter for Peak Performing Agencies

Sep 5 2005 // In the movie “City Slickers,” Billy Crystal’s character is taught he must understand “one thing” that will make his life complete. Along the way he meets a grey-haired cowboy who appears to... Small Businesses Change Pay Practices to Meet Healthcare Costs

Aug 23 2005 // New results released this week by in its Small Business Basic Medical Coverage Survey show that nearly 90 percent of small businesses are paying more to provide basic medical insurance to their employees in 2005...

Who’s Afraid of a Little Competition?

Aug 22 2005 // Ah, the traditional signs of summer-salt air, suntan lotion and that pungent smell without which no vacation trip is complete-the fumes of expensive gasoline. Although skyrocketing gas prices consume much of the...

TDI Announces Small Business Health Insurance Fairs

Jul 25 2005 // In an effort to help small business owners get the latest information on health insurance options, the Texas Department of Insurance is sponsoring health insurance fairs in seven cities across the state. Health insurance...

Who’s Afraid of a Little Competition?

Jul 18 2005 // Ah, the traditional signs of summer-salt air, suntan lotion and that pungent smell without which no vacation trip is complete-the fumes of expensive gasoline. Although skyrocketing gas prices consume much of the...


Jul 18 2005 // Gov. John Lynch signed into law a bill that promises to dramatically change the way health insurance companies set rates for small businesses in New Hampshire. The law takes effect Jan. 1, 2006. Under it, insurers can no...

Who’s Afraid of a Little Competition?

Jul 18 2005 // Five or fewer insurers control at least three-quarters of the small-group insurance market. This lack of competition contributes to double-digit premium increases for many small businesses and forces an increase in the...

N.H. Gov. Lynch Signs Big Changes for Small Group Health into Law

Jul 7 2005 // Surrounded by supporters, Gov. John Lynch this week signed into law a bill that promises to dramatically change the way health insurance companies set rates for small businesses in New Hampshire. Lynch said he was...

Small Business Owners Face Gaps, Confusion Over Insurance Problem

Jul 4 2005 // Many U.S. small business owners face a major gap in their insurance coverage or do not fully understand coverage they have, a new national survey conducted by Trusted Choice finds. Trusted Choice agencies are insurance and...

Who’s Afraid of a Little Competition?

Jul 4 2005 // Five or fewer insurers control at least three-quarters of the small-group insurance market. This lack of competition contributes to double-digit premium increases for many small businesses and forces an increase in the...

Who’s Afraid of a Little Competition?

Jul 4 2005 // Ah, the traditional signs of summer-salt air, suntan lotion and that pungent smell without which no vacation trip is complete-the fumes of expensive gasoline. Although skyrocketing gas prices consume much of the...

Small Business Owners Face Gaps, Confusion Over Insurance Problem

Jul 4 2005 // Many U.S. small business owners face a major gap in their insurance coverage or do not fully understand coverage they have, a new national survey conducted by Trusted Choice finds. Trusted Choice agencies are insurance and...

Who’s Afraid of a Little Competition?

Jul 4 2005 // Ah, the traditional signs of summer-salt air, suntan lotion and that pungent smell without which no vacation trip is complete-the fumes of expensive gasoline. Although skyrocketing gas prices consume much of the...

Avoiding A Victim Mentality: How to Protect Yourself from Spam and Viruses

Jun 6 2005 // Small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) are bigger targets for spam and viruses than they think–and the insurance industry is more at risk than most. For an act to be deemed malicious or damaging, there has to be a...

Could Washington Be Listening to Small Business?

Jun 6 2005 // Many of the greatest problems small businesses face are government-related, particularly something they call ‘unreasonable government regulation.’ There probably are few American small business owners who could...

Avoiding A Victim Mentality: How to Protect Your Agency from Spam and Viruses

Jun 6 2005 // Small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) are bigger targets for spam and viruses than they think-and the insurance industry is more at risk than most. For an act to be deemed malicious or damaging, there has to be a...

Avoiding A Victim Mentality: How to Protect Your Agency from Spam and Viruses

Jun 6 2005 // Small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) are bigger targets for spam and viruses than they think-and the insurance industry is more at risk than most. For an act to be deemed malicious or damaging, there has to be a...