Latest South Carolina Headlines

All the headlines from our South Carolina Topic Page, ordered by recency.

Fla., Miss., S.C. Top Five States in Flood Insurance Growth

Jul 18 2006 // Florida, Mississippi and South Carolina now rank as three of the top five states in the nation in flood insurance policy growth according to data released by the National Flood Insurance Program and FloodSmart. In order,...

S.C. DoI Monitoring Florida Select Insurance Co.’s Activities

Jul 5 2006 // The Department of Insurance has announced it is closely monitoring the activities in South Carolina of Florida Select Insurance Co. activities in the state after Florida placed the company into receivership June...

S.C. Workers’ Comp Case Could be Reopened

Jun 29 2006 // A judge in Columbia, S.C. deciding whether to approve a nearly 33 percent increase in a workers’ compensation rates may be asked to reopen a case after opponents of the increase learned the Insurance Department...

S.C. Governor Sanford vetoes hike in minimum liability limits

Jun 19 2006 // South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford has vetoed a measure that would have raised the minimum liability limits for auto insurance policies. The governor said he vetoed the bill because he believes it would increase automobile...

Alberto Moves Into Southern Georgia

Jun 13 2006 // After Tropical Storm Alberto moved inland this afternoon south of Tallahassee, Fla., with 50 mph winds and heavy rain it moved across Florida and is now buffeting southeastern Georgia with heavy rain. According to the...

Increased Liability Limits Result in S.C. Controversy

Jun 9 2006 // South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford’s veto of legislation that would increase bodily injury liability limits from $15,000 to $25,000 for one person, and from $30,000 to $50,000 for all persons injured in an auto...

S.C. Governor Vetoes Auto Insurance Proposal

Jun 8 2006 // South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford has vetoed several bills, including one that raises the minimum liability insurance requirement on cars. The governor said he vetoed the bill because he believes it would increase...

Thousands in S.C. Drive With Suspended Licenses

Jun 7 2006 // About 5 percent of South Carolina’s drivers, more than 156,000, have suspended or revoked licenses, according to South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles records. But officials say many of those people continue to...

South Carolina, Tennessee and Kansas Governors Sign Medical Criteria Bills

Jun 5 2006 // South Carolina, Tennessee and Kansas have joined a growing number of states that have enacted laws that require plaintiffs to meet specific medical criteria in order to bring or pursue an asbestos- or silica-related...

PCI Opposes S.C. Auto Liability Limits Bill; Urges Governor’s Veto

Jun 1 2006 // The Property Casualty Insurers Association of America is asking Gov. Mark Sanford to veto South Carolina legislation that would force thousands of drivers to pay more for automobile insurance by increasing the minimum...

AIA Urges S.C. House to Vote ‘No’ on Auto Legislation

May 26 2006 // The American Insurance Association has warned South Carolina drivers that higher auto insurance premiums could result if the South Carolina Legislature approves a bill raising the minimum required auto insurance limits. A...

Insurers Fight Push to Increase S.C. Auto Financial Responsibility Law

May 26 2006 // The Property Casualty Insurers Association of America is urging South Carolina legislators to oppose legislation (HB 4622) that would increase insurance premiums for many consumers and put more uninsured motorists on the...

S.C. Weekend Storms Damage Estimated at $10M

May 26 2006 // A series of violent storms that swept through South Carolina last weekend caused at least $10 million damage, according to the South Carolina Insurance News Service. A survey by the news service, an industry group, shows...

South Carolina Car Theft Rate Continues to Rise

May 12 2006 // The number of vehicles stolen in South Carolina has risen for the seventh year in a row. According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau’s (NICB) annual report on auto theft rates, Hot Spots, there were nearly...

Director Kitzman encourages S.C. competition; expected policy cutbacks never occurred

Apr 17 2006 // What has happened with auto insurance rates in South Carolina should be the ‘gold standard’ for what can be accomplished with other types of insurance,” Elanor Kitzman, South Carolina Director of...

News Currents

Apr 17 2006 // AG McMaster appeals to S.C. Big ‘I’ members to help fight fraud Law enforcement has its hands full, AG asks agents to help provide evidence An appeal for independent insurance agencies to help law enforcement...

Help fight South Carolina’s fraud

Apr 17 2006 // MCMASTER APPEALS TO BIG ‘I’ Members visit legislators Joint, several liability repealed

S.C. Legislature Passes ‘Watered Down’ Workers’ Comp Bill to Senate

Apr 10 2006 // The American Insurance Association is calling H. 4427, passed by the South Carolina Legislature, a “watered down” version of workers’ compensation reform and “reform in name only;” while the...

Gov. Sanford Says S.C. Must Heed Katrina Wake-Up Call

Mar 29 2006 // After the thousands of deaths and billions of dollars in damage from last year’s record hurricane season, emergency planners must “imagine the unimaginable” in preparing for a storms, South Carolina Gov....

S.C. Encourages More Competition, Wants More Carriers

Mar 24 2006 // “What has happened with auto insurance rates in South Carolina should be the ‘gold standard’ for what can be accomplished with other types of insurance,” Elanor Kitzman, South Carolina Director of...