Latest Tech Headlines

All the headlines from our Tech Topic Page, ordered by recency.

Burand’s State of P/C Insurance Industry Part 2: How to Pick Winners as More Carriers Consolidate or Waste Away

Jul 9 2017 // Editor’s Note: This is the second of two articles by Burand based on his most recent 50-page whitepaper, State of the P&C Insurance Industry 2017. The whitepaper is available from Insurance Journal’s...

Q&A: How Driverless Car Technology Could Impact New York and Other States

Jul 6 2017 // Powered by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo in May signed a budget bill into law allowing self-driving and self-parking cars to be tested for one year on New York public highways. Prior to this law going...

Haines Family Acquires Marias Technology from Buckeye Insurance

Jul 5 2017 // The Haines family has acquired Covington, Ohio-based insurance technology services provider, Marias Technology, from Buckeye State Mutual Insurance Co. The acquisition was effective June 30, 2017. Members of the Haines...

Chubb Launches New MasterPackage Policy for Tech Firms in UK, Ireland

Jul 5 2017 // Chubb has announced the launch of an expanded MasterPackage solution for technology companies domiciled in the UK and Ireland. The company described it as a comprehensive first and third party policy catering specifically...

Fearless Brokers on Disruption by Insurtech: ‘Bring It On’

Jul 5 2017 // Executives of retail and wholesale property/casualty brokers, who have heard predictions about disintermediation for years, are not worried about the latest wrinkle in the stories of their demise—the rise of insurtech...

Global Shipping Still Reeling from Cyber Attack; Insurers Warn of Coverage Gaps

Jun 30 2017 // Global shipping is still feeling the effects of a cyber attack that hit A.P. Moller-Maersk two days ago, showing the scale of the damage a computer virus can unleash on the technology dependent and inter-connected...

SUNZ in Florida Promotes Bolinder to COO, Appoints Distefano Chief Technology Officer

Jun 30 2017 // SUNZ Insurance Company, a large deductible workers’ compensation carrier, has promoted Karen Bolinder from director of Financial Operations to chief operating officer. In her new position, Bolinder will be...

Auto Insurance Market to Shrink by 70% by 2050: KPMG

Jun 29 2017 // Autonomous vehicle technology, a rise in on-demand transportation and a shifting of liability to manufacturers will shrink the auto insurance sector by more than 70 percent or $137 billion by 2050, according to updated...

Massachusetts’ Knight-Dik Insurance: 100 Years, Four Generations

Jun 28 2017 // When Thomas Babb launched his insurance agency – Thomas Babb Insurance Agency – in an 11-story building in downtown Worcester, Mass., in 1917, he also launched a legacy that would span a century of growth and four...

Southeast Michigan a Leader in Smart Road Technology

Jun 27 2017 // Southeast Michigan is becoming a leader in developing “connected” roads and traffic signals that will “talk” directly to the next generation of cars. The features are the building blocks that will...

Powered by Homegrown Insurtech, HCI to Expand Flood Insurance Sales to 9 States

Jun 26 2017 // As Congress tries to figure out how to change the federal flood insurance program to encourage more private insurer involvement, one insurer isn’t waiting to wade deeper into the private flood insurance business....

Insurtech Startup Buys MGA in California with Product for Agents in Mind

Jun 22 2017 // Insurtech startup Bridger has purchased Pleasanton, Calif.-based SCJ Insurance Services in a step toward launching what the firm contends will be “simpler, cheaper, and easier-to-manage automotive...

UK Plans $1B-Plus Investment in Driverless & Electric Vehicle Technology

Jun 22 2017 // The UK government plans to invest more than 800 million pounds ($1 billion) in new driverless and zero-emission vehicle technology as it seeks to boost its economy while leaving the European Union. Investment in research...

Why Drivers Fear Driverless Cars

Jun 22 2017 // Davy Andrews is so adept at technology that he’s become the de facto IT troubleshooter in his office. But there’s one bit of tech he won’t touch: self-driving cars. “I wouldn’t want to be the...

7 Tips for Start-ups Partnering with Incumbent Insurers: Trōv Founder Walchek

Jun 20 2017 // Trōv is a tech start-up that’s introducing the world to a new way to insure their things: on-demand for any duration, entirely from a smartphone. We’ve had to reinvent the insurance value-chain — from...

The Wedge: CRM or Organic Growth Technology?

Jun 19 2017 // Why off-the-shelf CRM technology might not get you what you really want – growth! Imagine this conversation with another agency owner: “Charlie, what are you guys using as a pipeline tool?” “Well...

High Agency Valuations Not Going Away, MarshBerry Exec Tells Conference

Jun 19 2017 // Valuations of insurance agencies are as high as they have ever been, and there does not appear to be any lessening of interest among suitors, according to an industry mergers and acquisitions (M&A) consultant. John...

Minding Your Business: Agency of the Future

Jun 19 2017 // Yogi Berra once said: “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.” Ignoring that wisdom, what will the insurance agency business model look like in 10 years or 20 years? Right now there...

Tech Targets Construction Risk Management

Jun 19 2017 // Water sensors that detect leaks before a lot of damage is done, wearables that track workers’ whereabouts and video cameras that monitor sites — the building industry is gradually adopting these and other...

The Promise of Insurtech

Jun 19 2017 // Disruptive technology is poised to shake up our industry. Following tectonic plate shifts in publishing, finance, investing, telecommunications, recorded music, information technology, retail, and even ride hailing...