Latest Uk Headlines

All the headlines from our Uk Topic Page, ordered by recency.

U.K. Gov’t. Extends Airline Coverage

Jan 22 2002 // After a series of meetings with airlines and the insurance industry, Britain’s Treasury Department has agreed to extend the emergency insurance program for the country’s air carriers and service providers until...

U.K. Insurers to Pay $216 Million Levy

Jan 8 2002 // The U.K.’s Financial Services Administration (FSA) will ask Britain’s general insurers to pay a levy of 0.66 percent of their premium income in order to raise £150 million ($216 million) to pay the claims...

U.K. Court Rules Against Asbestos Victims

Dec 12 2001 // The U.K.’s Court of Appeal overruled a lower court decision that allowed workers suffering from asbestos related diseases to seek damages in cases where they had worked for more than one employer, who may have caused...

FSA Moves to Strengthen Enforcement of U.K. Insurance Regulations

Dec 4 2001 // Britain’s Financial Service Authority (FSA), which officially took on broad new regulatory powers over the insurance industry on Dec.1, plans to increase its surveillance, not only by requiring enhanced and more...

Weiss Ratings Study Sees Negative Repercussions from Proposals

Nov 14 2001 // The four proposals for terrorism insurance currently under consideration will have negative repercussions for taxpayers, consumers, or both, according to Weiss Ratings Inc. Weiss analyzed plans proposed by the Bush...

Prudential U.K. Confirms $1.2 Billion Deal with Winterthur, 2,100 Job Losses Expected

Nov 5 2001 // Prudential U.K. confirmed reports which first appeared last week that it has reached an agreement to sell its general insurance business to Switzerland’s Winterthur, the insurance arm of Credit Suisse/First Boston,...

Report Prudential U.K. To Sell Non-Life Business to Winterthur

Nov 1 2001 // According to a report in London’s Financial Times Switzerland’s Winterthur, the insurance arm of Credit Suisse First Boston, has reached an agreement to acquire the general insurance business of Prudential U.K....

RMS Upgrades Website, Releases New U.K.

Oct 11 2001 // Risk Management Solutions of Newark, CA announced the introduction of its newly upgraded website containing complete information on its publications, updates on catastrophe events, including a full report on the WTC...

Hollywood and The Insurance Industry

Sep 17 2001 // Once upon a time in a country far, far away, a few visionaries (and yes, a few con artists) laid the foundations of the multi-billion dollar motion picture industry. It required taking considerable risks, and still does....

Hollywood and the Insurance Industry

Sep 10 2001 // Once upon a time in a country far, far away, a few visionaries (and, yes, a few con artists) laid the foundations of the multi-billion- dollar motion picture industry. It required taking considerable risks then, and it...

Outrage in U.K. Over Claims Direct Share Sale

Sep 3 2001 // By applying the old merchants’ rule, “buy it for a nickel, sell it for a dime,” a bit too opportunistically, Colin Poole and Anthony Sullman, the original founders of the U.K.’s Claims Direct, have...

AXA Appoints Dennis Holt as New U.K. CEO

Aug 17 2001 // AXA’s U.K. operations will finally have a new CEO when Dennis Holt, currently the head of retail banking for Lloyds TSB, takes over as Group Chief Executive on September 1st. Holt’s selection ends a search for...

U.K. Insurers Await Levy on Independent, as RSA Picks Up More Pieces

Jun 28 2001 // Britain’s Royal & Sun Alliance is in advanced talks with PricewaterhouseCoopers, the liquidators for Independent Insurance, to acquire more parts of Michael Bright’s failed company. RSA has already agreed...

Terrorism from Newly Empowered Pressure Groups Poses a Threat

Jun 18 2001 // Firebombs, booby-trapped letters and packages, kidnappings, assaults and extortion—as these violent acts continue to proliferate, insurers have stepped up to offer financial protection. Handling threats from terrorist...

Terrorism from Newly Empowered Pressure Groups Poses a Threat

Jun 11 2001 // Firebombs, booby-trapped letters and packages, kidnappings, assaults and extortion—as these violent acts continue to proliferate, insurers have stepped up to offer financial protection. Handling threats from terrorist...

U.K. Study Highlights Home Hazards

Jun 7 2001 // A survey by the U.K. ‘s Department of Trade and Industry highlights the number of serious, and often fatal, accidents which occur in British homes each year, many of them from trivial and unsuspected causes, which...

U.K. Commercial Premiums Will Continue to Rise

Jun 7 2001 // Delegates at the annual meeting of the U.K.’s Association of Insurance and Risk Managers in Birmingham were told by insurance industry representatives that commercial insurance rates would continue to rise, with...

The Changing Face of the London Insurance Market: Lloyd’s Admits ‘Foreign’ Brokers-Ins-sure Takes Ov

Jun 4 2001 // The London insurance market achieved two significant milestones recently with the admission to Lloyd’s membership of three non-U.K.-based brokers, and the launch of Ins-sure Services, Ltd., which will assume the...

Further Increases Seen in U.K. Auto Rates

May 25 2001 // According to a survey conducted by Datamonitor, a U.K-based consulting firm, automobile premiums in the U.K. and Ireland, which have already risen by around 20 percent in the last year, are set to increase further. The...

Lloyd’s Admits ‘Foreign’ Brokers, Ins-sure Services Launched

May 21 2001 // The London insurance market achieved two significant milestones recently with the admission to Lloyd’s membership of three non-U.K.-based brokers, and the launch of Ins-sure Services Ltd., which will assume the...