Articles by Adam Gorlick

Former AIG Exec’s Estate Makes Largest Donation to Mass. Art Museum

The Clark Art Institute in Williamstown, Mass., long known as a home for French and American paintings, is making room for a $90 million British invasion thanks to a donation from the foundation of Sir Edwin Manton. Works by Renoir, …

Insurers Blocked in Deposing Abuse Victims in Western Mass.

A Superior Court judge in Springfield, Mass. has for now blocked more than 100 people who say they were molested by priests from having to tell lawyers about the abuse they say they endured. Judge John Agostini ruled Thursday that …

Committee to Congress: Americans Want Universal Health Coverage

The federal government should guarantee that all Americans have basic health insurance coverage, says a committee set up by Congress to find out what people want when it comes to health care. “Assuring health care is a shared social responsibility,” …

Some in Mass. Worry Over How to Pay for Compulsory Health Coverage

Linda Thompson barely gets by on her $200-a-week job. The 47-year-old elder care worker is able to cover the rent and fuel costs for her Pelham apartment, gas up the van that gets her to clients in Boston and buy …

Transit Chief in Mass. Placed on Leave as Insurance Probe Continues

The director of one of Masachusetts’ largest regional transit authorities has been placed on paid administrative leave as federal agents investigate his handling of contracts and bids, including ones for insurance. Gary Shepard, whose leadership role at the Pioneer Valley …