Articles by Adam Jourdan

Chinese Tech Firms Seek to Shake Up State-Run Health Sector with AI and Big Data

In the eastern Chinese city of Hangzhou, an ambulance speeds through traffic on a wave of green lights, helped along by an artificial intelligence (AI) system and big data. The system, which involves sending information to a centralized computer linked …

China’s Central Bank to Assume Bigger Role in Oversight of Financial System

China’s central bank will take on a bigger role in macro-prudential management and in averting systemic risk in the financial system, President Xi Jinping said at a once-in-five-years government work conference that ended on Saturday. Financial security is a vital …

Chinese Forced into Massive Debt to Pay for Vital Healthcare

As China’s medical bills rise steeply, outpacing government insurance provision, patients and their families are increasingly turning to loans to pay for healthcare, adding to the country’s growing burden of consumer debt. While public health insurance reaches nearly all of …

Many Chinese Patients Forced to Buy Hospital Appointment Tickets from Scalpers

As day breaks, hundreds of patients wait to see doctors in a queue that snakes around the Peking Union hospital in Beijing. Many will wait in vain – “scalpers” like Yu Wei have already illegally bought and sold appointment tickets …

China Weighs Easing Rules on Animal Testing of Cosmetics

China is considering a rule change that would allow the sale of some cosmetics without requiring them to be tested on animals, opening up a potential route into the Chinese market for international firms opposed to the practice. Under the …