Articles by Adam Tanner

AIG CEO Benmosche Open to Staying at Helm Past 2012

Robert Benmosche, who has revived the fortunes of bailed-out insurer American International Group , said Tuesday he might consider staying at the helm past 2012 if his health permitted. “I will stay into 2012 and then the board and I …

AIG Busy Investing Its Cash, May Bid on Bonds

Bailed-out insurer American International Group is working hard to invest cash it had set aside for a failed deal to buy assets from the Federal Reserve, Chief Executive Bob Benmosche said in an interview Tuesday. But AIG is still looking …

Blunt-Talking AIG CEO Benmosche’s True Passion Is Wine

AIG’s new CEO, Robert Benmosche, has sparked just about as many headlines as one executive can in the past few weeks — and all while on holiday at his villa in Croatia looking over the Adriatic. He has been unusually …

AIG CEO Benmosche Regrets Criticizing New York AG Cuomo

Robert Benmosche, the new CEO of American International Group Inc., said he regrets tough comments he made about New York’s attorney general, saying he was trying to bolster a demoralized AIG work force. “You can characterize me as a goon …

Reuters: Interview with New AIG CEO Benmosche in Croatia

Wearing flip-flops, khaki shorts and a green polo shirt, the new chief executive of bailed-out insurer American International Group Inc. says he’s getting a lot of work done from his massive villa overlooking the Adriatic. “People criticize me for being …

New AIG CEO Benmosche Reaches Out to Ex-CEO Greenberg

AIG to Hank: All is forgiven, we need your help! That is the message from Robert Benmosche, the new CEO of American International Group Inc., to Maurice “Hank” Greenberg — the man who built the company into what was the …