Articles by Alan Bjerga

Republican Farm Bill Sows Bipartisan Discontent

Farm legislation usually has enough incentives to satisfy everyone across the partisan divide in Congress. Not this year. The Republican version set for a House vote on Friday contains so many unpalatable provisions that lawmakers from both parties are racing …

Most Produce Farmers Hit by Recent Hurricanes Not Covered by Federal Crop Insurance

In the U.S, government-backed insurance plans help compensate farmers for losses after natural disasters. Unfortunately for the produce growers that were ravaged by recent hurricanes, a lot of the nation’s vegetable and fruit crops aren’t covered. Hurricanes Irma and Harvey, …

Insurer Comings-and-Goings Show U.S. Crop Insurance a Field for Specialists

The U.S. crop insurance market has been abandoned by some of its largest companies as lower agricultural prices crimp revenue, and uncertainty about federal aid clouds the business’s future. Cargill Inc., the largest privately held company in the U.S., last …

Despite Costly Bird Flu, Chicken Farmers Reject Vaccine

Determined to avoid a repeat of the nation’s worst-ever avian-influenza outbreak, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is stockpiling up to 500 million doses of a new vaccine — but many in the $48 billion poultry industry don’t want it. While …

It’s 2026, There’s a Food Security Crisis- How Does World Respond?

The year is 2026. Flooding, worsened by climate change, has devastated Bangladesh and driven millions of hungry refugees to its border with India. Worried about unrest and disease, India asks other nations for help. The U.S. and China respond — …

Senate Joins House in Passing Farm, Crop Insurance Bill; President Says He Will Sign

The Senate passed and sent to President Barack Obama a measure that sets U.S. agricultural policy for five years, ending the toughest legislative battle on renewal of the farm bill in almost two decades with cuts to crop subsidies and …

Farm Bill Keeps Lawmakers’ Own Crop Insurance Payouts Secret

Crop insurers successfully lobbied to keep several proposals out of the farm bill set to pass the U.S. Congress today — such as a requirement that would have forced farmer-lawmakers to disclose benefits they receive. Senate Clears Farm, Crop Insurance …

House Passes Farm, Crop Insurance, Food Stamps Bill

The U.S. House passed and sent the Senate a much-delayed bill to set agricultural policy for five years, as a coalition of rural Republicans and urban Democrats overcame objections about farm subsidies and food-stamp cuts. The Republican-led House voted 251-166 …

Bipartisan Farm Bill Saves Food Stamps, Crop Insurance

Editor’s Note: The House of Representatives passed the bill this morning. For the update, read here. Deep cuts in U.S. food-stamp spending sought by House Republicans were averted in a tentative agreement on a much-delayed agriculture bill, according to a …

House, Senate Negotiators Fail to Reach Agreement on Crop Insurance Bill

House and Senate negotiators adjourned talks on a new agricultural bill until after a congressional recess, increasing the chances of a lapse in programs that could double the price of milk next year. “I’m disappointed we don’t have an agreement …