Articles by Alan Fram

GOP Opposes Weakening Liability Shield for Police Officers

The Senate’s top Republican on Tuesday linked Democrats’ efforts to make it easier to sue police officers to problems many law enforcement agencies are having recruiting and retaining personnel, drawing a hard line on the thorniest divide between bargainers seeking …

Congressional Budget Office Warns of ‘Potentially Disruptive’ Move to ‘Medicare for All’

Congressional budget experts said this week that moving to a government-run health care system like “Medicare for All” could be complicated and potentially disruptive for Americans. The report from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office was a high-level look at the …

Senators Weigh Bipartisan Effort to Save Health Insurer Subsidies

A bipartisan Senate effort to continue federal payments to insurers and avert a costly rattling of health insurance markets faces a dicey future. The uncertainty shows that last week’s wreck of the Republican drive to repeal the Affordable Care Act …

Q&A: As Obama Health Law Survives, Republicans Divided Over Next Move

Having lost their latest war against President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul, Republicans must decide how to wage battles that could fan the issue for the 2016 elections. Last month’s Supreme Court decision upholding the statute’s federal subsidies, which help …

White House: Irene’s Federal Cost $1.5 billion

The White House estimated this week that Hurricane Irene will cost federal taxpayers $1.5 billion in disaster relief, further ballooning a government account that was already the focus of fresh partisan friction between President Barack Obama and Congress. The preliminary …