Articles by Alan L. Shulman

Alan Shulman, CPCU, is the publisher of Agency Ideas® sales and marketing newsletter (free basic subscription at He is also the author of “500 Sales Ideas for Commercial Lines Producers” among many other P&C sales resources. Email: Website:

How to Compete for Personal Lines with the Direct Writers

Let’s face facts. It’s unlikely that any individual independent agency will ever “beat” the direct writers. They have massive marketing budgets, a strong online presence, great name recognition, and enjoy a reputation for being low in cost. Still, you can …

Dramatize Your Agency’s Flood Insurance Promotions

Use ‘Flooded Photos’ to Creatively Market Flood Policies No matter what we mere humans do, nature does whatever she wants, whenever she wants. All we can do is pick up the pieces and rebuild from the devastation that she brings. …

Be a Casual Specialist Instead of a ‘Sell Everything’ Generalist

Six Informal Ways to Target Commercial Lines There are still plenty of generalist insurance agencies around. These overly polite offices consist of accommodating professionals who earn their living by generously quoting virtually every person and business that inquires about protection. …

Is It Time to Rename Your Agency?

Name Your Agency After What It Does Instead of Who Owns It What is in a name? If you ask Shakespeare’s Juliet, she’ll tell you “That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” But, …

Attend and Grow Your Commercial Lines House Accounts

Some House Accounts Are More Equal Than Others Commercial lines house accounts are traditionally profitable for the average agency. By their nature, these small premium insureds have no assigned producer, hence no commission is paid on them. Furthermore, they are …

How the Young Salesperson Beat the Veteran

The Sales Story of How I Bought My Cool New Car I just acquired a shiny new car. I bought it from a relatively young salesperson instead of from the veteran who sold me my last one. This column points …

Create and Promote Commercial ‘Coverages of the Quarter’

Formalize the Cross-Selling of Business Insurance Restaurants have specials, while stores, catalogs, and online marketers offer featured products. These time-tested retail sales methods are effective for selling to consumers. So, why can’t agencies use a similar approach to market undersold …

Client Retention Requires a Plan

Never Take a New Insured’s Business for Granted Client retention is a bellwether of a professional firm’s success. It indicates whether buyers value what the seller offers or if they simply buy once or twice for reasons of expediency. In …

Don’t Blindly Rush Into Digital Insurance Marketing

To Paraphrase Bambi’s Mother: Do It Right or Don’t Do It At All Listen to the pundits. You know, those consultants, vendors, and social marketing poster agents who can foretell the future. It’s going to happen. Every insurance transaction in …

Monoline Policies and the Art of Cross-Selling

Why Cross-Selling Depends on the Initial Sale Everyone in insurance sales knows the value of cross-selling additional protection to existing insureds. This highly desirable action generates the easiest new commissions of all, while aiding an agency’s retention ratio. That’s because, …