Articles by Alan L. Shulman

Alan Shulman, CPCU, is the publisher of Agency Ideas® sales and marketing newsletter (free basic subscription at He is also the author of “500 Sales Ideas for Commercial Lines Producers” among many other P&C sales resources. Email: Website:

Simplified Generational Marketing for Small Agencies

Targeting the Needs of the Past, Present and Future Virtually every insurance marketing expert proclaims that to sell policies to each new generation, you must approach them differently than their predecessors. And of course, they’re right. Unfortunately, too few agencies …

Recycle a Retiree to Evangelize Your Agency

Old Folks Are Finally Good for Something Aging is a fatal disease that is venerated in some cultures and dissed by others. In ours, it is clearly the latter. Too many post-baby boomers believe that honoring one’s elders is a …

You Have Nothing to Sell But Fear Itself

Promoting Fear and Insurance in Troubled Times What do P/C producers really sell? Is it insurance policies, protection, or peace of mind? The answer is none of the above. What is actually sold is “fear reduction.” Insurance policies are simply …

Creative Social Networking for Insurance Agencies

Don’t Expect Many Friends With Boring Posts Social media is the cover term for the hottest marketing communication tools of today. They include such popular Web 2.0 networking sites as Facebook and Twitter. Both offer exciting possibilities and are used …

5 Harsh Marketing Warnings for Today’s Tough Times

The economic crisis is over! Well, not really. It’s just that the present plight has lasted so long, it’s no longer a crisis, it’s the status quo. And as such, it’s time to revisit your agency’s marketing budget and invest …

10 Tips for Contemporary Insurance Business Cards

Nostalgia flash: Remember fax machines? Scanners, PDFs and e-mails have pretty much done them in. How about all those agency brochures you stored in your closet? Most have been supplanted by Web sites. Yet, the traditional business card is still …

Civility, Golf and Thank You Notes in the Age of the Internet

Business Manners Have Real Dollar Value Is civility in business a relic of the last century? Are buyers and sellers more self-centered than ever? Is every commercial relationship adversarial? You can accept these views as permanent conditions in a troubled …

5 Harsh Marketing Warnings for Today’s Tough Times

It’s Time to Start Marketing Again The economic crisis is over! Well, not really. It’s just that the present plight has lasted so long, it’s no longer a crisis, it’s the status quo. And as such, it’s time to revisit …

Take Advantage of Bad Times by Hiring a Marketing Major

Enhance Your Survival by Finding Light Within the Darkness The economic landscape is mired in darkness. Bankruptcies and foreclosures have risen to frightening levels, while the stock market languishes in despair. The high rate of unemployment has a dreadful impact …

Benefit by Experimenting With a Second Agency Brand

Enjoy the Freedom of Marketing Experimentation Property/casualty agencies can learn something valuable from successful car dealers. And no, it has nothing to do with waxing and buffing. It’s something even shinier, the wisdom to experiment. Dominant dealers are renown for …