Articles by Alan Levin

Drone’s Collision With Army Helicopter Over New York Probed

Federal investigators have opened their first probe of a mid-air collision between a civilian drone and a traditional aircraft. An Army UH-60 helicopter was flying east of Staten Island on Sept. 21 when it collided with a small, consumer Phantom …

Family Says Tesla Car Did Not Kill Their Son But Regulator Says Tesla Shares Blame

Federal accident investigators are poised to find that Tesla Inc.’s auto-driving system should share blame for a fatal 2016 crash in which a Model S sedan drove itself into the side of a truck. The investigative staff of U.S. National …

Hobbyist Drones Banned from Harvey Rescue Area

Aviation regulators imposed a prohibition on hobbyist drones and other civilian aircraft flying in the area affected by Tropical Storm Harvey after concerns were raised about potential interference of rescue efforts. The Federal Aviation Administration issued the new restrictions Tuesday …

Trump Administration Drops Rule to Address Truck Driver, Train Engineer Fatigue

The Trump administration is halting a year-old effort to seek better ways to diagnose truckers and railroad workers who have sleep apnea, a health condition linked to deadly accidents. Two agencies in the Department of Transportation announced Friday that they …

New York Rail Design Cited for Boosting Death Toll in 2015 Crash

The design of the New York region’s Metro-North Railroad power supply is among the reasons a 2015 accident between a train and a vehicle was so deadly, U.S. investigators are poised to conclude. The National Transportation Safety Board is preparing …

Truck Speeding Fix Among Safety Rules Halted by Trump Anti-Regulation Order

Years of pleas from parents whose son was killed by a speeding tractor-trailer, buy-in from some truckers and the promise of fewer highway deaths convinced U.S. officials in September to propose requiring speed-limiting devices on all large rigs. All it …

Report Offers Details But No Finding of Cause of Tesla Crash

The Tesla Model S accident that last year sparked a debate about the car company’s partially autonomous driving tools resulted in a cloud of white dust as the sedan plowed underneath a tractor trailer, a witness told investigators. “Just a …

U.S. Court Voids Recreational Drone User Registry

The government’s authority to oversee burgeoning recreational drone use was dealt a setback when a federal appeals court barred the Federal Aviation Administration from forcing hobbyists to register the millions of unmanned aircraft taking flight. While Friday’s decision by the …

Dummies Taking Hits for Drone Safety

Hank sat impassively on a Virginia Tech athletic field, ready to take it on the chin for the future of drone commerce. About 30 yards away, an eight-rotor unmanned copter hovered, buzzing like a swarm of bees. The 21-pound drone …

U.S. Drone Rules Face Further Delay Over Security, Deregulation Issues

A long-awaited framework for allowing drone flights over people — a key step in the growth of the industry — has been put on hold because of security concerns, prompting fears that the standards will get caught up in the …