Articles by Alan Levin and Ryan Beene

Investigation Concludes Tesla Not at Fault in Self-Driving Car Crash

The push to bring self-driving cars to American roads got a significant boost on Thursday when the nation’s chief auto safety regulator essentially cleared Tesla Motors Inc.’s Autopilot system of fault in a fatal 2016 crash. The U.S. National Highway …

U.S. Investigators Blame Autopilot in Facebook’s Big Drone Crash

The wing on Facebook Inc.’s experimental high-altitude drone broke last summer in Arizona after the massive aircraft hit an updraft and its autopilot overcompensated seconds before touchdown on its maiden flight, a U.S. investigation has concluded. The end section of …

U.S. Sees Mandate on Talking Vehicles Cutting Road Crashes, Deaths

U.S. automobile regulators want passenger cars and light trucks to wirelessly stream data about their movements and monitor other vehicles so they don’t crash into each other. All new light-duty vehicles would be required within four years to be equipped …

Report Criticizes FAA Safety Oversight of Drones as Lax

U.S. aviation regulators approved commercial drone applications so quickly in recent years that they missed safety violations and took few enforcement actions, a government watchdog report concluded. The Federal Aviation Administration over a two-year span granted more than 5,500 exemptions …

Smartphone Makers Reject Obama Call for Restrictions to Curb Distracted Driving

U.S. highway safety officials called on smartphone makers to add features that would keep motorists from using functions linked to a surge in deaths due to distracted driving, a proposal that drew immediate opposition from the electronics industry. The proposed …

Safety Advocates Frustrated that Accident-Prevention Technologies Remain Optional

Computerized sensors that warn drivers they’re about to rear-end another vehicle or prevent other types of accidents are available on models made by every major auto manufacturer. The problem, according to a U.S. safety agency and accident-prevention advocates, is that …

Federal Safety Board: Pilots Ignored Procedures in Fatal 2015 Ohio Crash

The pilots of a charter flight that crashed last year in Akron, Ohio, killing seven employees of a Florida real estate development company, ignored multiple routine procedures and their company was lax in its oversight, an investigation has found. U.S. …

Corporate Pilots Often Neglect Required Safety Checks

Corporate pilots routinely take off without performing required safety checks, a study of thousands of flights by a trade group has found. Prompted by the 2014 crash of a corporate jet that killed billionaire Lewis Katz, which occurred after pilots …

Would-Be Drone Pilots Flock to Take First U.S. Licensing Test

Thousands of would-be drone pilots are racing to get licensed under new U.S. regulations that have opened an aerial stampede. More than 3,300 have signed up to take the test on Monday, the first day it’s available, and the U.S. …

Mobile Apps Help Lower Fatal Private Plane Crashes

Fatalities in crashes of small private planes have fallen to the lowest levels in decades as industry and government work to address an area of aviation that has lagged behind jetliners in dramatic safety improvements. While aviation crash analysts caution …