Articles by Alan Levin

Law Enforcement, Private Firms Look to Evolving Drone Defense Industry for Protection

The drone intruder was roaming around the Rose Bowl Stadium as 94,000 fans cheered, oblivious to the threat. But scientists testing a new security device at the game knew: they detected its radio signals and seized control of the gatecrasher. …

FAA Open to Discussing Turning Over Air Traffic Safety to Nonprofit

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration is reviewing a House Republican plan to spin off the nation’s air- traffic control system to a nonprofit corporation and hasn’t rejected the idea. FAA Administrator Michael Huerta, speaking Tuesday at the Singapore Airshow, said …

U.S. Again Warns Airlines Against Carrying Lithium Battery Cargo

U.S. aviation safety officials are raising new warnings about the dangers of carrying bulk shipments of lithium-based batteries on commercial flights. The Federal Aviation Administration, which regulates the aviation industry, on Tuesday sent a notice to airlines urging them to …

U.S. Safety Officials Push Self-Braking Technology for Cars, Trains, Trucks

Safety officials want to see more technology used to reduce accidents on U.S. roads, airways and railroads. In its annual “Most Wanted” list, the National Transportation Safety Board is urging government regulators and industry to move more quickly to adopt …

Expect Urban Deliveries by Drones within Few Years: Google

Product delivery-by-drone in urban areas may be possible within a few years if the U.S. government and the aviation industry agree to work cooperatively on the new technology, the chief of Google Inc.’s drone cargo project said Monday. The swift …

Latest Death Linked to Takata Air Bag Exposes Recall System Flaw

From 2010 to 2012, Honda Motor Co. said it made multiple attempts to notify the owner of a 2001 Accord that the car’s air bag was faulty and needed replacing. Last July, with the car sold to another person and …

FAA Task Force Recommends Requiring Registration for Most Drones

Owners of all but the smallest toy drones will have to register them with the U.S. government before the end of the year if the Obama administration adopts proposals issued by a task force it appointed. Registration — designed to …

Russian Air Crash Bomb Theories Highlight Insider Threat to Aviation Security

The possibility that Islamic terrorists smuggled a bomb onto a Russian jet flying home from Egypt highlights a new area of worry for aviation security: the insider threat. Instead of focusing on a small cadre of al-Qaeda forces trying to …

Update: Investigators Expected to Quickly Unravel Mystery of Russian Plane Crash

Investigators probing the crash of an Airbus Group SE jetliner in Egypt will focus on how a plane built to withstand extreme turbulence and equipped with devices meant to prevent flight maneuvers that might break it apart could have been …

A Wary Drone Industry Awaits Details of Registry

Some drone industry representatives are reacting cautiously to plans by the Obama administration to combat a growing safety threat by requiring buyers to register their drones with the government. The U.S. Transportation Department is creating a task force of public …