Articles by Alan Levin

Obama Administration Considers Drone Registry

The Obama administration is taking the first steps to require that buyers of drones register the unmanned aircraft with the government to combat a growing safety threat, according to a person familiar with the proposal. The U.S. Transportation Department will …

FAA Hopes to Send Message with $1.9 Million Penalty Against Drone Photographer

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration is proposing the largest fine to date against a drone operator as the agency cracks down on the booming use of unmanned aircraft in congested skies over populated areas. The agency said Tuesday it was …

Plane-Drone Encounters to Top 1,000 This Year: FAA

Pilot encounters with drones are on pace to at least quadruple to more than 1,000 this year, highlighting a growing threat to U.S. aviation by unmanned aircraft. There were 650 cases reported to the Federal Aviation Administration through Aug. 9 …

U.S. Safety Board Focuses on Driver Fatigue in Tracy Morgan Crash

A Wal-Mart Stores Inc. driver who struck a limo van carrying comic Tracy Morgan last year had been awake for 28 hours and worked almost 14 hours at the time of the accident, U.S. investigators found. The National Transportation Safety …

Increase in Drones Near Airports Prompts Calls for Tighter Regulation

A significant increase in close encounters between passenger aircraft and drones is prompting demands from U.S. lawmakers for tighter regulation and enforcement to avoid a fatal collision. Pilots on four airliners spotted an unmanned craft on Sunday as they approached …

Tech Firms Collaborating to Make Drone Air Traffic Safe

Google Inc., the company that brought order to the Internet, has set its sights on doing the same for the flocks of commercial drones expected to someday clog the skies. The search-engine pioneer is joining some of the biggest companies …

Senator ‘Shocked’ by Highway Safety Agency ‘Incompetence’

The U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration hasn’t been able to spot emerging safety hazards because of “blatant incompetent management,” a senator said Tuesday. NHTSA, charged with ensuring safety on the nation’s roadways, gives too much discretion to carmakers and …

Google Drone Prototype Crashes

A prototype of the massive solar-powered drone Google Inc. plans to build as a platform for delivering Internet service from the sky was destroyed in a crash at a New Mexico test site. The unmanned Solara 50 fell to the …

Muted Public Reaction Could Speed Up Commercial Drones

The U.S. government’s first attempt to set widespread rules for the use of civilian drones by businesses is drawing less reaction from the public than expected, a development that may help speed implementation of the proposal. The Federal Aviation Administration’s …

NTSB: Pilots in Fatal Katz Crash Ignored Safety Check on 99% of Trips

Investigators of the private-jet crash that killed billionaire Lewis Katz discovered that the sports mogul’s personal pilots almost never performed the required pre-flight safety checks when shuttling their boss around the country. There were only two occasions out of the …